Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 778 Cost

"In the seat, all are the core of Yute Village, before, now, the future is also, what we have to do is, stronger, constantly become stronger, thus breaking the obstacle, becoming the world, unmanned, no one can Dare to provoke! "

Tang Long said this time, there is not much excited, even not very excited, but there is a bit of sigh, but even helpless.

He did not want to receive the villagers of the fish head and embarked on this road.

Row in the sky,

Can you easily?

In the world of ordinary people, there is order, morality, legal constraint, which can be in the extraordinary world.

They are in the sky, with the sky, with the land, with people.

The same is not, with the sky, and the land, and people fight, for breakthrough, for extraordinary, ignorance, unceffect.

That is a no order, no morality, there is no legal law, the strong, is the dangerous world of the king.

"No matter if you are ready, we have to step through the world."

Tang Long said, after glanceing, after the one who sat down, he said with a very flat tone: "So, we have to start collecting resources, making the fish head village, preparing for our cultivation."

"The world is very big, beyond your imagination, look up and look at the day, full day star, boundless, the above is the area we want to conquer."

This paragraph makes everyone stunned, because they can't understand, how can I go to the top?

Tang Long did not explain anything, now it is too far away, and it is far from told that!

"The resources are mainly collecting gold, because of jade, we have a lot of 'Taoyuan jade', so it is not lacking. But gold, silver, bronze these resources, the desired gap is very big." When said here, Tang Long Laughing, "Fortunately, these resources can be bought by money in the world of ordinary people. And what are the things that the money can solve, is it right? "

"Ha ha!"

Little rich woman can't help but laugh.

Only, this time, the mountain can only be lying on the bed, even if there is no strength, just relative to the front time, the face is red androtes.

"Tang Lao Da said, the problem of money can solve, no problem, who is called a family!" The mountain coughed twice, only smiled and said.

Tang Long stalls, smirk and said: "The family has money is not fake, but the cultivation is more expensive, we will practice together, but also to take the purchase of gold, at least 100 billion, continue to go inside . "

Looking at the people of the meeting room shocked, Tang Long opened the virtual projection after the body, one is not a very large engineering picture, appearing above.

"This is the 'cultivation center', the main role is 'cultivating plants' herbs, planting herbs in this, the growth rate will be the ten times outside, the construction drawings are the youth of our genius, Miss the enemy girls Please applaud for her! "

After that, Tang Long took the lead in taking the lead.

The peony medicine was white, and she stood up, she sat down behind everyone.

Tang Long's eyes did not see it, and he didn't see it. That will be an invincible plus existence. "

Said here, Tang Long took the smile on his face, said: "In the Life and Evolution Group laboratory, it has been investigated super seeds. This kind of improved seeds, planting ten years, will produce a hundred years of herbs Medicinal effect. So, or you don't understand too much.

Simply explain, let's take a person to participate.

After cultivating super ginseng seeds, after ten years, it will have a 100-year-old ginseng, and in the world, the 10-year-old people are extremely expensive, and they can be encountered, even if they are in the world, repair the world, This type of 100-year medicinal material is extremely guilty.

And this' super-seeded, there is a comparative function, which is the self-evolution, a hundred-year-old plants, the ability to absorb the substance in the air, will increase ten times more than before, that is, from ordinary ginseng, When he ginsen, he will use ten years, and from the century ginseng, then to the millennium ginseng, it also takes only ten years.

In theory, this super seed, only 20 years, can grow into a "millennium" coming. In the place where the world, the trors such as the world, the trors, etc., like this 'millennium herbs', is also invaluable! "

Said here, Tang Long looked at everyone in the conference room: "There is a millennium herb, it can be considered a fragrant grass." Said that the 'cultivation center in the body refers to the finger, and this is: "This' cultivation center', The place where the cattle is in that it can increase herbs and grow up ten times. What is the concept, can everyone understand? "

"With the cultivation center, we can grow the millennium herbs within two years, and it is a bulk production. Is this meant?" Warm spring said.

Two years?

Everyone is shocked.

How can it be able to cultivate the 'millennium herb!

Tang Long nodded, a found: "Theory is right, or even three years we can cultivate the 'long-term godding'."

After all said, "But the theory is theory is theory, can not cultivate the 'thousands of years of gods in three years, can not cultivate the' millennium herbs in two years, we can't affirmed it before. Affairs is that it is a hundred years of medicinal root, and only hundreds of days, the medicinal power, which is enough, is enough for the medicinal power, and it is enough to practice this level. "

The finger is in the back 'cultivation center' points: "So this thing, we must build, even if it is a tight belt, you must build it!"

"Is the cost?" Zhang Embroidy looked at Tang Long asked.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Create a cultivation center with 'one thousand square meters of plantation, cost priority requires $ 5 billion. Among them, jade materials need six tons, gold materials need to be 20 tons, silver needs 50 tons, bronze It takes one hundred and sixty tons! "

Zhang embroidered: "..."

It is a high cost, which is simply in the inside. How much is the entire Snake Valley, how much is the entire fishing area, this seemingly area of ​​a 'cultivation center' is about $ 34 million?

However, as Tang Long said, in front of 'cultivation center' strong function, even if the price is higher, the tensioning belt should also be built, which is equal to 'core' buildings, it is really not good.

"Money is not a problem!" Zhang embroidered his teeth. Thirty hundred billion is indeed a huge number, but the bite is still able to make it!

Tang Long nodd: "I have already raised more than 100 billion, used to buy gold and other materials, jade is not lacking, in addition to these, some advanced equipment, some domestic can be purchased, some need a global scale to purchase , Some things ... You can't buy it with money. "

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