Taoyuan Soldier King

Seventh 87th chapter aunt

When I took a shower in the bathroom, I took a call from Fuyang.

"Sun, come and save me, I was trapped in 'bursting red wine'."

Yan Jiaoyang frowned, looked at time, did not say good words: "You don't look at it now, then Xiao Yan is still at home, I don't go out with you."

The other party said: "I really didn't joking with you. I have been playing with you, you have to save me, tonight, I have to be killed by people. Oh, really!"

Listening to the other party crying, Yan Jiaoyang face is a bit hateful: "What is going on?"

"Oh, there is also a sentence in a phone call, we can still lie to you so many years, come on, come on, I am dead, burst into red bar!"

Yan Jiao Yang took a hanging mobile phone and a helpless look.

Mutter: "Is there a small number of yourself in the year?"

The woman who called Yao Xiaohong, Yan Jiaoyang's friend, can't say how much better, can't say more, and I have met for decades, like this kind of friend, I really don't have much.

This Yao Xiaohong is also a number of characters in Beijing, can play, can, ghosts, can make people to get her, that is very powerful than monkeys.

Tang Long came out of the bathroom, and found that Yu Jiayang actually wore clothes and asked: "What is going on, still going out so late?"

Yan Jiao Yang looked at Tang Long and said: "There is a friend who has a little thing, told me to see it. Well, are you a rest, or go with me?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "This is said, wait for me for a while!"

Turned to the room, wore the clothes just taken away again, packed up, said: "Let's go!"

Yan Xiaoyuan was probably from the house, opened the door, opened the door, and the small head explored, looking at the two people: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't do something, you are always standing at home." Yan Jiaoyang panel finished his face, leading the lead.

Tang Long smiled and said: "I keep her, I can't do anything, have you slept early!"

Qi Xiaoyou, unhappy, took the small head to go back.

Go downstairs,

Drive from the community, Tang Long sat on the co-drive, looked at her asked: "What did you come out?"

Yan Jiaoyang shook his head and said, "I don't know if I have a friend, I said that I was in the bureau, I was sleepy in the bar, told me to save her in the past."

The settlement is sleepy in the bar?

Tang Long couldn't help but ask: "What is the friend of your friend?"

A "aunt", put the face of Yan Jiao Yang, I went back to God for a long time, turned to Tang Long, followed the cat's cat, scream: "Tang Long, Do you want to find death in the evening? "

Tang Longgan two: "That, I am curious, like you of your age, friends often go to the bar to mix? Is it a bit abnormal!"

Yan Jiaoyang is in full swing, and he said: "What happened to my woman this age, my woman in this age can you go to the bar?"

"It can be, it is a bit ... , don't coordinate!" Tang Long smiled.

Yan Jiao Yang hated: "I want to bite you, the old lady is a woman, is it very old?"

"You said!" Tang Long smiled and asked.

: "..." The plate is cold and said: "It's very angry, you shut up, don't leave me from now."

Tang Long shrugged, perhaps this is the real , just not very well known to people.

Thirty-year-old woman if it is a blooming flower, what is the 40-year-old woman?

It's not a woman who said that forty years old, I have no charm. I can only say that a woman who has been forty-year-old. Only some of the women still have charm, such as Yan Jiaoyang, such as hook Yun Niang, but nine The person is not so attractive.

Tang Long means that the friend of Fu Jiayang is forty years old, can you fight in the bar?

"Do you know that the latest guidance of the United Nations, people aged 18 to forty-eight, are a young man." Yan Jiaoyang is so halfful, suddenly biting the teeth.


Tang Long can't help but laugh.

I nodded: "To the right, you are right, you are still a young little girl, I didn't put the door on my mouth, I didn't do it wrong, I don't do it, ask the girl forgive."


. She doesn't know why she is so big, anyway, it is very hot, very angry, what happened to this age, why do you call it to my aunt?? She wrote in her eyes, she almost cried.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Become a comprehension, let the skin become more tight, can not say back to youth, but keep the face in the age of 30, live to a one or two hundred years old, in the repair world is often Some things. "

Yan Jiaoyang, turned his eye: "Really?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Lie you do it, this thing, the repair world is basically not very concerned, because the 80-year-old woman is sometimes long with the 20-year-old little girl, you have to surprise Table, that can make the strength on the cultivation, maybe you can also be like a 30-year-old young woman. "

Yan Jiaoyang flashed, Tang Long's words seem to have opened a new door.

"Is it difficult?"

Tang Long shakes his head and said: "It is not difficult, when the refining period is seven, you can change the skin. If you break through the refining period, you can fix it, and with the cultivation, you can even return to the old child, um, It is very easy, and there is anything to benefit Yan Dan, beauty Dan, and can take it in Yan Dan. "

The reason why this is said, Tang Long is thinking that Yan Jiaoyang's root is good, and Huigen is also good. If you really enlighten it, maybe on the road of repair, you can achieve some achievements.

"True to be in Yan Dan?" Yan Jiao Yang came to interested, almost no woman didn't love beauty, this is not too big to follow the age.

Tang Long laughed: "There is, but the price of Yan Dan is very expensive, um, it is not very rare."

"How expensive?"

Yan Jiaoyang is asked if he is unable to ask.

It is very funny.

Tang Long said with the mouth: "If there is two hundred million, then it is enough to need thirty to grass!"

"The kind of youth is the kind forever?" Yan Jiaoyang surprised.

$ 6 billion? Can you make people feel old?

Say this, is someone believes?

Tang Long played a yawn, smiled and said: "Almost, but this, ordinary people eat it is a beauty effect, but the monks can eat in the refining period, and eat, the better, the more you eat The better, it belongs to the normal oral medication, youthful forever is only one of the effects! "

"Is this magical?"

"Hey, the magical thing in repairing the world is more!"

Yan Jiao Yang frowned, muttered: "How do I feel like deliberately lure me?"

Tang Long shrugged his shoulders and smiled at: "Is it obvious?"

: "..."

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