Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 81, fixed fundraising

Mountain city, Qilin Motor Company.

Although it is close to the evening, Jiang Xiuzhi did not have to get off work. I don't want to get off work in advance, but can't!

After the two years of publicity, Kirin Motors has been playing out, and sales have grown steadily.

There is no problem in the market. The stock price is not soaring, the market value has always been stable in about 100 billion, which seems to be a lot, and the new energy electric car company is much better than the foreign countries.

Don't say foreign top electric car companies, even those who are listed abroad in China, the market value is far behind the unicorn.

Although the stock price is not in the category of Jiang Xiuzhi, she is not willing.

Qilin cars, clearly all aspects are good, far from those who don't even have physical cars, can only provide PPT companies comparable, why is the stock price not rose?

"Got off work or not?"

Tang Long has played a call and asked with a smile.

Jiang Xiuzhi is smirking on the office chair, helping to say: "Big boss, don't you say that you want to come to the company to deal with things?"

Tang Long did agreed, but it was dragged in the first few days.

"Don't say this first!"

Jiang Xiuzhi smiled and asked: "Which one do you want to say?"

Tang Long took the smile and said: "Beginning next year, Kirin Motors will build a super factory on the basis of the original factory and increase production capacity."

Construction Super Auto Factory?

When Jiang Xiuzhi heard this, his eyes couldn't help but lit up, smiled and asked: "How much is prepared to invest?"

"Between 800 billion to 100 billion, the money is not a problem, mainly how many needs in the factory." Tang Long stopped and continued: "In addition to the super automobile factory, Qilin Motors will invest Factory production of batteries. "

"Investing in the factory to build a battery?"

Jiang Xiuzhi heard this news and couldn't help but grew up his eyes.

"Yes, set up a special" Kirin Energy Company '. "Tang Long affirmed nodded.

Drawar, Jiang Xiuzhi knows, the boss is what you want to do, not only to expand capacity, build a super automotive factory, but also set up your own energy company to produce power batteries.

"Where is the money come?" Jiang Xiuzhi asked.

Super Auto Factory is calculated according to a hundred billion investment, and it is also necessary to invest at least billion funds.

The Qilin Motor City value is only 100 billion, and it can't be taken in his hand.

"Add raising funds!"

Jiang Xiu Zhi Siye and asked: "Is it 100 billion to increase fundraising?"

Tang Long wants to say: "The increase of fundraising is 1,500 billion!"


Jiang Xiuzhi knows that since Tang Long tells himself, then it is basically determined that the money to increase the fundraising, it should be falling.

"Does the news are hidden?"

Tang Long smiled, asked: "Let's do what to steal chicken, do you want to hide?"

Jiang Xiuzhi eyes put the light, this news should be put out, the unicorn's share price is not like a rocket, it is rising?

Whether it is the news of a super automotive factory, or the unicorn must invest in new energy industries, develop the news of the production of power batteries, which are greatly stimulated for the market.

After the telephone number of Tang Long, Jiang Xiuzhi hesitated and gave a call to give Dong Yuguang.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, on the official website of Qilin Automobile, the announcement was released, the content was extremely simple, and the following:

In order to expand capacity, invest in R & D production of unicorn's own power batteries, will increase by 100 billion to 1,500 billion to build Super Auto Factory and Power Battery R & D and Production Center.


This news was blown up in the investment circle.

Is added one hundred million to 1,500 billion? You must know that the entire listed company 'Qilin Car' is only one thousand million, what does this represent?

Such a big increase in fundraising can be said to be rare worldwide.


When Zhang Yi saw Qilin Auto News, I couldn't help but sigh my breath and smirked. Perhaps it is today's own words to remind Tang Long, this is not a few hours, and the unicorn has a big movement.

Affected by this news, the estimation of Qilin cars does not know where it will rise!

In fact, the stock price of Kirin Motors has been constructed for a long time. It does not rise, it is a strangeness, and Tang Long itself is the actual controller of Qilin Motors, and the largest shareholder.

Just selling the energy source of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred car, there is no implication of fundraising to build its own battery factory. No one will believe!

"Qilin car?"

In the luxury club, Situ Dasheng, Xue Gongzi, pig head like Sun Jingcheng and others, is discussing this company.

Like Yan Qingyuan, Hao Handong, Mu drinking and others, not often mixed with these few people.

"Tang Long is not willing!" Xue Gongzi flashed, and smiled and laughed.

Sun Jingcheng is cold and said: "What can I don't want to be? It's not awkward to sell the new energy source of the sacred church." His appearance was very scared, but it was a skin injury, and there was nothing wrong.

Ok is a person who makes it up. The dog is also watching the owner. When Tang Long started, there is an inch, Yejia's things, after all ... not completely, it is a person, for this point and replenishment Will, isn't it stupid?

"As far as I know, Qilin Motor is not simple. There are a lot of investment agencies to pay attention to this company for some time, and they want to acquire unicolit stocks in the secondary market, basically impossible. "Situ Dasheng said.

"Tang Long is a controlling shareholder? Can we give him a point of pressure, let him let the unicorn car?"

Sun Jingcheng glanced and asked, for today's things, he certainly won't easily put it down, worry about nothing, or the Lord who did not remember.

Situ Dasheng shook his head, smiled and said: "It is very difficult!"

Today, I strongly force Tang Long to let the New Energy Group of the Church. It is the greatest concession, after all, Tang Long is not so bullied.

"It's not necessarily not, Tang Long this people look tough, but the soft ribs are also very much." Sun Jingcheng said that it is single, and he admits that he may not be the opponent of Tang Long, but the court, he feels that he is absolutely stronger than Tang Dragon, Tang Long is just a sail.

Situ is looking at Sun Jingcheng, and the mouth smiled. "Is there any magistrate?"

Sun Jingcheng put low sound: "Today, look at him with the woman named peacock, does it seem to be very general?"

Xue Gongzi turned over and ridiculed: "Your brain is not kicked? Whose woman is, you don't know?"

Sun Jingcheng smiles: "Emotion this thing, is it part of it? Let him use the positive, whoever, let him say that it is coming."

Situ Dasheng Eye is bright: "What do you mean, give the woman named peacock, use some American male calculatory '?"


"If you don't spend some money, please try the disciples of Xiaoyao?"

Sun Jingcheng flashed, and the yin and evil smiled and said that Xiaoyao is always famous for his handsome man, and the charm is more worldless.

Just in these turtle sons in the way to think about Tang Long, the power of the majority of the world in the world, through today's things, have been re-assessing the ability and threat of Tang Long.

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