Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 866 with eight hundred tons of gold cloth big array

"Who do you learn?"

Tang Long suddenly thought of a very surprised thing, cultivating the center design drawings, the cumbersome of the array used, is not ordinary people can do.

Even if the peak medicine is a demon, the problem is that the disciples of the real world are not, that is, the masters of the truth of the truth are not necessarily to build such a complex and cumbersome array.

In addition to knowing the most basic thing of 'array', it also requires a huge high-level array knowledge reserve.

The details of the array of array, the wonderful, and the secular person can understand.

The peony medicine blinked: "Is this important?"

Tang Long slightly, shook his head and said, "Not very important, I am a bit curious, so I want to ask!"

"People must be responsible for themselves, give you a chance to choose, I can't ask?"

Tang Long told her to be amused, smiled and shake his head: "If you don't ask?"


, "I have already asked." I have already asked. "I have paused, continue:" In fact, there is nothing, my mother is the "Nine Palace", my father is ... countless."


Tang Long stayed, interrupting the little medicine.


The three words were repeated once in the small pills.

Tang Long grabbed his head and said with a smile: "You are a small medicine, shouldn't you name the name?"

"My little name is a peony. When I was young, many people didn't know what my surname, so I registered it as a little medicine on the ID card. My big name is Yi peony!"

"A spoonful of medicine?" Tang Long couldn't help but laugh.


"I don't laugh, I'm not laughing, I'm doing countless?" Tang Long shook his head and asked.

'Easy' This name, he heard that the rumors let the famous names of all the sentiments, known as the three hundred years, know the three hundred years, Bagu Tun, in the sky, array, divination, easy number They have a very high accomplishment, but in the end, I don't know why, I have been chased by all, and the deaths are very bad. It is also classified as a few contraindications in modern times. From death, they will talk to this person.

"Do you want to ask, why is I die?" Asked with a small medicine full of face.

Non-count death, soon, it is a dozen years before, it is estimated at time, and the age of heroes should be similar.

Tang Long laughed two: "You don't have to tell me!"

The small face screamed with a small face, saying: "You ask, I tried to integrate the array and Western juncture knowledge, and finally walked into the magic ... In fact, he stole the Western 'big teaching' 'Sheng The book ', I also got the River Tu Luo book of the' Nine Palace ', it is enough to be embarrassed, so, no one dares to compare him, so he is dead! "

Easy is the master master, the same teacher, this is unquestionable, as for how to die, Tang Long does not know, just heard his name.

"Is your mother died?" Tang Long hesitated and couldn't help but ask.

The peony is called: "Your mother is dead!"

Tang Long touched the Pakistan, and the heart said that it is still a good job.

The peony medicine also realized that he had a problem, spit his tongue, saying: "My mother is teaching in the capital, living well, there is nothing."

Tang Long took a smile and asked: "Then you will grow in the holiday, why don't you go home?"

"She doesn't like me too much!" When the young medicine said, I couldn't help but knead his mouth, and the red eyes said: "If it is because of me, maybe I will not die. Western Dazhao and Jiugong The person of the door is to take the same time in my life, otherwise, how can they be easily caught! "

Tang Long sighed, his mouth is also enough, asking what these doing, now it is good, but I didn't expect that Pamato medicine would be an easy daughter, it is no wonder that she will have such a high in front. Reception.

Tiger farewell female, this is not surprising.

The peony medicine is added to the army camp. Whether it is a western extraction, or the Eastern contest world, you want to move her.

After all, although the secular forces are different, it is not no strength.

What's important to have a small person's own level is not low!

"Looking back, I will go back to see my mother." The little medicine board said with his face.

Tang Long laughed two times, he said he went to see your mother? It seems that the two seem to have an leg.

"Do you think, how many?"

The little medicine looked up and stared at Tang Long.

Tang Long laughed, nodded and said: "It seems to be a bit!"

"Hey, you are a hilarious wolf, the best thing of the old lady gives you, and you will not be responsible."

Tang Long was stunned.


Tang Long stood up and walked two steps and turned into a bent and went back.

Said to say: "What, small medicine, after you don't know if you are a famous door, since it is so powerful in the array, can you help me?"

The peak of the peak, and said that it is helpless and helplessly say: "Do you want me to help the fish in the fish?"


When it was built in its own fish, Tang Long was joined in the array.

"Yes, but you have to promise me a condition!" Said the little medicine board.

Tang Long blinks: "What conditions?"

The peaks of the peaks turned their eyes and said: "No matter what conditions, you can't refute, okay, I will help you, don't ... I will not talk!"

Tang Long is crying: "In case, it is necessary to promise in violation of my willingness and morality."


face, the eyes are somewhat proud: "Design array can be a cost-effective thing, will be able to fight, I am not afraid, let you promise me, is it so difficult?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Is this difficult?"

"Yes, it is to force you to promise me, and you have unconditionally promised, you can not respond!" ! "

"Well, but ..."

Peony has interrupted him, and the plate is saying: "No, promise is to agree, do not agree that it is not promised, the gentleman, you can't change it!"

Tang Long stared at her, read it for a while, and smiled and raised his hand: "Hell your palm of vows!"


The little medicine raised his hand and took it with him.

Happy: "Is there a lot of gold in your hand? In this way, we are in the range of fish head, including the village, hill mountains cover in, get a 'golden big array', I have long thought of, Golden University Not only can we win a fortune, but the defensive strength is even more lever.

Every orientation is placed in one ton of gold, with a total of 800 tons, properly, and the super food will tell you! "

Tang Longyi, smiling: "800 tons of gold? Both?"

The peaks were blinking in Tang Long, laughing and said: "Yeah, you have to do so much gold, what do you stay?"


"Waiting?" : "Oh, don't be reluctant, you can't bear the wolf, you can't catch the wolf, this, have you heard it?"

Tang Long looked at her asked: "" Golden Big Array "is really what you said?"

"I designed, can you be poor?" Peter medicine patted his chest.

Eight hundred tons of gold is not a small number, worth hundreds of billion, if ... built a 'gold medal' can protect the fish head village, and it is not reluctant.

The cultivation center has two hundred tons of gold enough, and it is not necessary to use it.

"Well, you have made a picture!"

Tang Long bite his teeth.

The young medicine is light, and I am glad to laugh and say: "I have already gotten it, but we need to hit Yugu Niang's sister to help!"

"What is the busy?" Tang Long asked.

: "Yu Niang sister is a sculptor, eight hundred tons of gold, used to lay a quencher, a big pile of gold, we have to seal them to a place, first can't let them have Loss, there is also a picture of jade engraving, as well as fine things, except for Yu Niang, others don't worry. "

With eight hundred tons of gold, the gold big array ', the gold medal is the main star, there are many parallelisms, which can attack defense, the most important thing is that when not, it is also conducive to Feng Shui Can make a fortune.

"Use eight hundred tons of gold, melting into eight hundred gold unicorn, one just heavy one ton, sitting, there is weight, both eyes use the best water sky blue material to engrave the eye ..."

The mold can be found to hook Yun Niang, an estimate of this exquisite thing to find someone else, not too rest assured.

Jin Qilin, a ton of gold, melting ... 800?

Hui Yuxi received a phone call from Tang Long, slightly stunned, curious: "Is it very urgent?"

Tang Long nodded and said: "Since you want to do it, then you will be, the better, the gold will be delivered after a few days. After the gold is here, you will directly smelt water into the 'Golden Qilin'."

"Also, eight hundred gold unicorn's eyes, need to use 'Need Taoyuan Yu', jade eye beads should also engrave the array!"

From Tang Long and Peak Medicine, it is determined that after the construction of the 'Golden Array' in the fish head, the two begins to move.

Eight hundred gold unicorn is just the materials used to arrange the array of law, and where these Jin Qilin are placed, it is necessary to draw a drawing according to the topographic entities of the fish.

However, the time has been a year, and the 'Golden Big Array' starts to arrange, at least after the year, and the eight hundred tons of gold in the Dragon Dragon Palace, and the Tianpai, etc. have not yet been in place. Jin Qilin has not poured it.

When Zhang Embroidered, Yangwu, Mountain, etc.

'Golden Big Array' just referred to, its full name is 'Ruiyuan ', name, Tarious, remember the name of 'gold unicorn big array.

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