Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 812, processing business

Ren Ling said that he said: "Listen to my Master, the martial arts in the truth, have continued to buy hundreds of tons of Taoyuan jade from the county? If we take Taoyuan jade to engrave the pattern, Tang Dragon, you said that it would be higher? "

Her idea is that selling the original stone, there should be no more money to sell jade.

Tang Long smiled slightly, smiled and said: "It will definitely be higher!"

Ren Lingli blinks: "If this thing is used as a business? Let's buy a batch of machines, cultivate a batch of engraving teachers, specially engraving the beasts needed by the comprehension, what is the picture, can be customized It is also possible to sell finished products. "


Tang Long is very affirmative.

I can make money, Ren Yingying is interested, full of light asking: "The repair is a big demand for these things."

Tang Long want to say: "It should be quite big!"

"What is the money?"

The money in repairing the world is not good? Of course, I will make it!

"You don't say, this is really a business." Tang Long laughed, the martial art of repairing the truth was to buy Taoyuan jade back, some of them used to make a jade, a part of the refiner, most of them used to arrange Array.

"Let me ask!"

Tang Long took the phone and turned out the number of Yan Qingyuan.

"Tang Dragon Brother?"

After Yan Qingyuan turned on, he deliberately smiled and smiled.

Tang Long looked at the two eyes and looked at himself. He smiled: "Brother, brother, brother, can you don't add my name?"

"Gigle, it can be, but others don't know if I am calling you!"

"Staying is just!"

Tang Long didn't have a pale play with her, and the legendary legendary said: "You don't need the beast of Taoyuan jade, you don't need Taoyuan jade carvings. Well, you can provide a picture, we can also help engrave the carvings or lines here. The class, the price is fair, and the quality is guaranteed. "

Yan Qing is rejuvenated, and he asked for a while: "Are you going to open a magic?"

Tang Long Hai cry, poor-mouth and said: "! This is not to catch up hand tight, we need to find a few more money to make a living right, all things can not be helped."


Yan Qingyuan laughed: "You poor Fudge who?!"

A little pause the next, then went on: "On the tactical deployment of things in this regard, in the comprehension does have a good market, ah, for example, I would also hope that more than a few strong master matrix method, you buy several sets of matrix method. What can provide tactical deployment? is disposable, can be recycled or used more than once? "

"There are so many said?" Tang Long wrinkled brow, he is actually against the law only know some basic things, be a smattering of knowledge, understanding is not very deep.

Yan Qingyuan funny, said: "It must Yeah, you have to do to make a living in this area, you do not understand these things?"

Tang Long immediately change the tone, careless, said:. "Understand ah, how do not know, what we have here, a one-time, many of the, also accept customized service"

There's no momentum this thing can not counsels.

"The price of it?"

Yan Qingyuan asked with a smile.

Tang Long a turn eyes, he smiled and said: "The price is good to discuss ah, er, that you think about what he wants matrix method, the basis of the matrix method, we have here, senior tactical deployment aspects of our being only 'processing 'service."

He Yan Qingyuan itself to make the call, just want to ask to engage in this matter there is no market, it seems that the market is vast specify no doubt.

"General matrix method, to a hundred million and advanced a little complex, a set of tens of millions would then regressed some, the price is more expensive. If it is to build a martial resident 'big fuss', and that anyway ...... you want to engage in this, indeed quite the 'Money' is. "Yan Qingyuan seems to guess the meaning of Raymond Tong, he said with a smile.

Tang Long smiled and said: "? The fellow beside you, ah, friends, girlfriends getting better, there is this need no brother just opened shop here, points to football business ah!"

Ren Yingying in the side to reveal the eyes, here are character not even got off of it, he went to a good, first cow to blow out.

"OK, so I asked later, to give you a message!"


Tang Long hung up the phone, did not speak with any Lingling Ren Yingying Jieliang children, small hands and gave Shao medicine played in the past.

"I come back so soon?" Shao small medicine some wonder, because Tanron front foot just made a phone call to yourself.


Tang Long smiled and said: "Ask you something, that, if we want to carry out the sale of the array, the gang of the beast, the picture of the graph, how do you think, can you do?"

: "..."

Helpless and asked: "This is a small money, you can also see it?"

"Small money?" Tang Long touched his nose, smiled and said: "A few big doors bought back hundreds of tons of Taoyuan jade, can't always be in order, right? I am thinking, they buy original stone to go back to themselves Why can't we give them a convenience? Small money will become a lot of money '. "

After paid, continue to laugh and say: "Let's also have engraving machines, 3D printers, buy several machines, get a processing plant in the ancient town of Taoyuan, then cultivate the point of engraving, the money, it Do not fragrant? "

The high-profile beasts, the array can't get, that ordinary no problem.

Ready-made Taoyuan jade, engrave Taoyuan jade into jade, and processing into a beast, it is not too big to do. These ordinary people can do it!

"You can do it!" Yami medicine thought about it, laughed: "Let you say this, it is really a good idea, but what are you calling me?"

Tang Long smiled: "You are a master, ordinary array drawings, what is the beast model, I am no one here, good people do it, help us design design?"

"Yes, profit I take 30%, what is wrong with you?"

Tang Longdao: "Do you have a little more, or do you want to give you two rounds? After all, investment should also have a lot of money, but also manage, what is going on, it is trouble."

,: "30% is not happy? Then I have to 40%, if you feel that you can find someone else, it's really!"

Tang Dynasty, considering the point: "Yes, 30% of the school, when can I provide?"

"Look at my mood!" The little medicine smiled and hanged.

"Give you the cow!" Tang Long couldn't help but whispered.

Looking up at Ren Ling Ling Ren Ying Ying Jie, laughing: "This is!"

"I have an idea of ​​my sister, so we have to take 40%!" Ren Yingying glanced.

Tang Long turned over the eyes, Ren Lingli didn't say goodness: "It is what I have mentioned, what is the relationship with you?"

"Sister, we are a sister!" Ren Yingying took a look at the Lingling.

Ren Lingli didn't have a good breath, laughing: "Is it now a mother? Isn't you just yet my stinking?"

"Oh, you see you still revenge!" Ren Yingying muttered his mouth.

Tang Don and Renling Ling are boring enough.

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