Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 811 Chapter Haohe Tire Village

"Uncle, are you a fish head?"

Ye Fugui and the brilliance of the smashing, and there is no matter if it is dry, and the reason is, if you can't do it.

I don't have a good heart, and they don't dare to pick up and return to the short time.

The old man is gone, and the family can arrange things, no one dares to discount.

"The earth-growing fish head villager!" The sudden smile took a little bit.

"Is it?"

Ye Fugui took the nine-five respective nine-five, pumped it, handed it to the uncle of the car.

"Hey, the smoke is not bad."

The head of the head is holding the brass big cigarette bowl, there is no high cooling, and it is directly hidden to the ear.

Ye Fei expensive made the old man to be amused, smiled and shakes: "What is good, one is a good smoke, special, one hundred, estimated to catch you a month's salary!"

I didn't look down on the old man, but I said that the facts, a old man who watched the parking lot, earn a hundred and eighty dollars a day, and it is really not expensive to deliver the smoke.

"Young man, people must be pragmatic, don't be so fool, money, enough to spend enough, there is nothing too much."

Cut a uncle's education.

Ye Fugui called the old man to smoked, sitting around the old man, asking: "Have you always seen the red dust? Oh, according to your age, you should get married soon? Now you have a lot of money, it is Buy a house, you have to buy a car, no money, what to give you a daughter-in-law? "

"Children have their own children and Sun Fu, others are giving, it is not as good as they earn."

Slightly paused, and the head of the child smiled and said: "Let's talk, let's get married here, the village is given."

Ye Fu is still reaches, curious: "How much is it?"

When the car smile, he raised his hand, and it was more than the head of the head.


Ye Fugui tried to ask.

When the head of the shots, smiled and shook his head.

Ye Fu is a bit surprised: "50,000? Then the welfare treatment in your village is quite good, the wedding village is also given money, 50,000 dollars are for you, not a small number."

"five million!"

The car smiled and said three words.

Ye Fuyi listened to the old man, the first sentence floated in the mind, it is absolutely impossible.

The villager married, 5 million in the village? How can this, which village is so rich all over the world. There is a ten pair of eight pairs a year, then don't get tens of millions?

"Old people, are you joking with me?" Ye Fugui smiled and shook his head and said, "I heard that the fish head village is a little asset, you have to say that the village is married, I will give 50,000 yuan for 50,000 yuan, but you It is five million, and it is not a bit of boiling. "

The smile smile, "I mean to blow this thing with you, the villagers marriage, the village committee will use the fund, and the newcomers will be used for daily spending, giving birth to children, the first child give 500 Wan, the second child gives 5 million, the third platform is 10 million, the more birth, the more you give. "

I paused, and smiled and said: "So this thing, it is really not too important to us, enough to eat enough, there is no place to put it. Just say that I am lying in half. The coffin is in the coffin, and it is still tens of millions, what is the use?

The village, the village, the village wearing, what need to go directly to the village committee, before the cover, buy the car, now it is now, the house village is covered, there is a shared car in the car, when you want to go out Open, stop there when you come back, there is a special person to maintain.

You talk about it, we have to do so much money, still do it? "

Ye Fuzhen heard a face, stunned, did not dare to ask: "Do you have tens of millions?"

The smile of the smile, took the mobile phone, opened the phone, opened the change: "Young people say what Bao is still interesting, four or five thousand dollars a day!"

Looking at the balance of the change, Ye Fugui is dumbfounded.

The legged old head of the fishing spot in the fishing area, the balance of mobile phone change is more than 6 million? Is there a 45,000 yuan in light interest?

This is said to go out, who is a letter!

"The sample, I didn't lie to you?" The car smashed.

Ye Feiqi bites his tongue, swallowed Tongyao: "Uncle, what you mean is that the people in the fish is like you are so rich?"

"That is not necessarily, but the per capita will be eight million or have, the capital of the capital used, every year, there is a work, the salary is hit on the card, so I don't have much money for us. "

After paid, the head of the head and smiled: "Like me, old bachelor, no children, don't have this money, don't take it, don't go, take a lot of balances every day, online Taobao points, It also can't spend a few dollars, to the last money or have to go back to the fund. "

When listening to the old man, Ye Feigui was very shocked, couldn't help but ask: "How many people in the grandfather, fish Tadun Village?"

"Five or six hundred people!" The uncleptive cockroaches, smiled, and smiled.

Five or six hundred people? One million per capita, then add together ... If you have five or six billion?

You know, this is not in the company's account, but in the pocket of each villager!

"Don't eat money in the fishing village?"

When the head smiled, he said: "There is a big waitatrium, breakfast, lunch, dinner, you can brush your face, how much eat it, dozens of dishes, don't bring a heavy sample, of course, you want yourself It can also be done at home. I have just got a 'home-choice market in the village last year. What is the dish, give money, I will have voluntary, but in general, the villagers will take the dishes, they will give a thousand, anyway, one I can't do it a few times in the year. "

Ye Fu has a mouthful of mouth, but also squatting: "What about the clothes?"

The smile of the smile: "It is also a self-selected, there is a clothing store in the village, its own brand, but you need to brush your own salary or work, you can also place an order online, look back to the clothing factory, you want to choose what style What kind of style, two sets per month, including top clothes, pants, shoes, and hats. "

The car is not used, the self-service parking lot planned last year, there are more than 300 'big unicorn' electric cars, the villagers of the fishing village can brush the face casually open, the previous car, or handle it, do not donate to fish Head village, collective recovery.

The village will not drive, a few cars also account for the place, not that necessary.

"In addition to food and clothing, fish head villages have their own hospitals, their kindergartens, their malls, their own ..."

Basically, you can achieve a dragon service in the fish head village, what is it?

"Yes, the fishing village airport is being built. If you go out, you don't have to go to the city to catch the plane, and the fish head has its own private aircraft."

Ye Fuqi feels like not awake, a small village in a poor mountain hill, is it so horing?

"Young guy, do you have an object? I will watch your face, the future will be a rich people, just in the village is suitable for your small girl, give you a match?" Head, uncle, smiled.

Ye Fugui: "..."

I have a young master in Beijing, Ye's family, the old man wants to introduce myself in the village? This ... is there?

But I don't know how, Ye Fu is actually agreed to the ghost: "Okay, don't you have a long dide?"

He said that he was uncle, and he said: "What is good to see, the girl in the fish, the aqueous water, come, I will give you a video ..."

Didn't wait for Ye Fugui to stop, the head of the car has taken the phone to dial the video call.

"Xiao Jing, what? Are you? At home? That's right, you come to park this side, uncle gives you a young man, you see it is not ... Child, hurry up, don't provoke me angry. "

Ye Fugui looked at the screen, the Qing Dynasty girl didn't actually jumped up, and if I refused, I didn't speak.

"Oh, what? Small looks, wait for her, come over, can you talk to you when you come, talk to your eyes!" When you are, you will say it.

Demolition of ten temples, do not break a pile.

It is absolutely a good thing to give people to the bridge.

Uncle of the car should not see anyone, will be bloated, staring at Ye Fugui is complete because of his face, Tianzheng Fangyuan is full, absolutely a rich people, especially after forty years old.

"Do you do it?"

Xiaojing stepped on the foot of the electric scooter to go out, and the mother of the hi-chicken feeding chicken asked.

"The head of the turns is to introduce me to an object, let me go to the parking lot to see it, don't go to him, I am not angry, I am not folded," Xiao Jing said.

Introduce the object?

Mother is happy to laugh: "Go, let's go, you introduce uncle, specify how bad!"

Xiao Jing is only red face.

On this side of the parking lot, Ye Fugui and Curiens chatted with the fish head. Now the tourists who come to the fish in the mouth are more than the previous rules. In the case of using a large number of 'intelligent control' systems, many things don't have to use them. In the past, the smart machine gave things.


When the head of the squad, the girl who stepped on the electric scooter and smiled, gave Li Fugui.

In the famous gorgeous brother in Beijing, Li Fugui, what kind of girl did not see it, at this time, there is a bit restraint.

"Uncle, you will be tossing, you still have to ask me to run, I will advance to the third phase of the refining!" Xiao Jing walked, blame, the face is pink pink.

"Ha ha!"

When the head is uncle, holding the big cigarette bag, smiling: "Uncle can still pit? Do you see this guy, can you see your eyes?"

Xiao Jing looked at Ye Fugui's eyes and hurriedly moved his eyes, shy and shy: "How can you have this!"

I didn't look at my eyes, and I called her a girl's family.

"Haha, I am not embarrassed!"

When the head of the car, the uncle smiled at Ye Fugui: "This, you take Xiao Jing to the village tea house or milk tea shop, understand each other."

Ye Fugui has some heart, but it is said: "I am leaving, who gives you a parking lot?"

"Reassure, there will be someone to pick your class, um, if you don't worry, if you ask, whoever asks, let me say the fake of the uncle."

After saying, waving.

Ye Fugui and Xiao Jing left the parking lot and walked toward the business district in the village.

"My name is Liu Jingjing, what about you?"

"Ye Fugui!"

"Where is it?"

"Beijing people!"

"How come we come to our fish head?" Liu Jingjing took his hand, and he looked at him curious.

As soon as I go, two young people are really familiar.

Go to the fishing village business district, just wanted to take the white cafe in the white cafe, and it was unfortunately to hit Zhang Embroidered.

See Ye Fugui and Liu Jingjing, Zhang Embroidered.

"Embroidered!" Liu Jingjing red face, some embarrassed. She is a small generation in the village, usually with Zhang embroidered, but it is absolutely not strange.

Zhang Embroidered nodded, looked at them asked: "Ye Gongzi, Lao Liu is not letting you go to the parking lot to help, how are you here?"

Ye Fugui just wanted to open, on the side, Liu Jingjing red face, gave him the first to explain: "Embroidered sister, we have come to drink a cup of coffee, turn the uncle to him."

Drink coffee? Shreding uncle gives please holiday?

Zhang Embroidered, although it was a bit not impressed, but did not ask what: "Well, then you go, um, by familiar with Ye Gongzi, familiar with our village!"


Liu Jingjing should have a sound, and when Zhang Embroidery is leaving, the red face shot and said to Ye Fugui whispered: "Oh, scared me."

"Are you afraid of her?"

"I am afraid, who is not afraid of people in the village ..." The two said this and walked into the café.

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