Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 839 Sales Explosion Table

The 'Baolong Fault Bay' temporarily only seven 'light array' for sale.

Price: Twelve Currency.

Quantity: 7,000 sets.

But acceptance, as well as the algoric services such as the array, beast, large array engraving.

Tang Long knows that there will be a market in his hand, but it has not been thought that the market response will be so strong. The store just opened for more than ten minutes, and sold out two or three thousand sets.

Even the Square speech "advertising promotion is not used!

When I responded again, there were thousands of sets left, they were bought by people.

The store is less than twenty minutes, is there a sale?

Tang Long and Zhang Jiaojiao, black widow and others are optimistic about each other, and finally Tang Long first smile: "Well, business is not bad!"

Zhang Jiaojiao is full of eyes, please say: "Where is the business is good, according to this situation, then let's don't have to lose money!"

After all, the store is selling rent every day!

"If you have any customers, I don't want to use our 'light array." Black widow said.

Tang Long thought, smiled and said: "Use, full payment, preferred delivery in scheduled order, right, limit the number, each one is scheduled to be a hundred sets, um, and after the store retail price adjustment to the store Eighteen Currency, but booking, the price is still twelve. "

After paid, continue: "For a predetermined customer, if you don't want to buy, you can refund it."


No one thought that the medley business would be so hot, all over the sky, the number of books is scheduled to buy, have broken through 30,000 sets.

30,000 sets, with 'Baolong engraving factory' now size, give the East Hai Dragon Palace 20,000 sets, you have to pay the month to deliver the month, now Zhao Chengfang City, the predetermined amount of this day, the factory It has to produce a month. Tomorrow, there are people who booked, the time, the time, the fastest to go to the next month.

"Let's have to expand the production capacity of the 'Baolong Bureau', there is no propaganda, and I will sell 7,000 sets, and I have a predetermined amount of 30,000 sets. After the visibility is sent out, how big is the order?"

Seven models of light array, the best selling is 'small hidden array'.

"I really have to go back to make capacity!" Tang Long glanced, smiled and nodded, after all, this business is really doing, it seems to earn hundreds of billions a year, and it seems like play.

The premise is that the light-type mailing method of the Baolong Bureau can maintain the current sales!

This kind of light-type array 'is popular is inexpensive, only more than a dozen Currency, nothing big money for ordinary exhausting.

Similarly, if the quantity is too high, it is necessary to queue a few months, will someone spend the money?

There is not much money, in case less than a few months, what should I do if this'?

Credit this thing, 'Baolong Bureau' is basically no, the people outside, spend a few hundred generations of coins, may wait for a month, but will never wait a year.

So don't look at tens of thousands of sets today, I haven't set it tomorrow, and I will sell it, and I don't have physical sales, so that this is very bad.

"I stayed, you go back, arrange people as soon as possible to send a batch array, the scheduled order can not be dragged too long."

Soon these key things, everyone wants to understand, black widows face the Dragon.

Tang Long did not oppose it, nodded: "Well, give you a surveilla for a house city, in renting the house, I will go!"

"Don't you do it in the store? You can live in the back!" The black widow does not matter.

Tang Long shook his head, smiled and said: "The life experience is not good, let's make money, not guilty."

"You first wait, I insert a mouth, what ... Tang Long, don't you want to stay in the city city?" Zhang Jiaojia asked.

Tang Long looked at her and smiled and said: "You also saw it, this is quite a lot, the black widow is not willing to come over, so ... you have to leave!"

It's coming, I can make you run easily.

Zhang Jiaojiao, the boss, she wants to refuse this request, she is coming over with the lively, but I don't want to live in Zhao Chengfang City.

"Can I go back with you? That, I will sleep in bed at night." Zhang Jiaojiao gave himself an excuse.

Tang Long stalls, smiled and said: "This is obviously not good, after all ... money is spent, obedient, it is actually very good!"

Zhang Jiaojiao: "..."

The upper 18th floor of the mall is the apartment, there are separate array, and there is a 'gathering in the room, and the cultivation is also convenient.

One hundred and twenty square meters of apartment suite, renting 3,000 yuan per month.

Zhao City Crescent City, one-year temporary residence certificate, eighteen hundred tokens,

Daily expenses ......

Zhao Town Square, the city looks like a very good business to do, but it is really spending money like water, just rent a year off every three or four million, not counting anything else.


The next day, the tactical deployment of a predetermined number of light Baolong Board dropped to just about thousands of sets, a lot of people come in, a predetermined number of a lot of people, but a predetermined amount from dozens of sets per person, down to one or two .

A month later, in order to deliver a predetermined matrix method, the boss who knows that time will not run away with the money, even the pressure of cross God subscribers, also ran were refunded.

"This line does not seem too!"

At noon, the black widow frown against Tang Long said: "else so be it, we only accept the full amount of subscribers in a month, orders for more than a month before delivery, scheduled to accept, but the delivery of the first fifteen days, must be paid for this reservation through the network, we put the Crescent City intelligent network also introduced regulatory come in, so that might make consumers feel more at ease a little! "

Zhao Town Square, the city has the network, but in order to use the LAN Square, the city's contact with the outside world can not.

Can recharge, this area did not know how to do is Crescent City, Crescent City and outside the network must be able to contact directly, but do not let the Square, the city's people are free to use.

Would like to contact the outside world, there are two ways, first, to pay.

According to Crescent City managers say, the need for network adapters, this service for a fee, according to traffic charges, and the price is not cheap.

1G flow three hundred tokens!

Black right?

That specified ah, who told people all across the Crescent City the final say, you do not like to use!

But in the Square, the city's local area network, whether it is communication, or do anything else, are all free coverage, feel free to use the public network.

It has an internal local area network, can do a lot of things on the APP can operate on the phone.

For example, 'online shopping' ah,

Suppose, for example, a predetermined regulatory services, businesses can monitor the Crescent City, if you book product, is to take the 'network' mall model, but in the end you did not give businesses provide products, you can apply for a refund, the money will be made when the Square City supervision network returned to you, it means to pay out treasure.

Booking section does not directly call the business!

But this service is 'charge', and it is necessary to pay 1.5% of the cost of transaction volume.

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