Taoyuan Soldier King

The eighth hundred thirty-fourth chapter of the traffic drama increase

On May 1, Taoyuan County ushered in the peak of long holiday tourism.

The number of foreign tourists, the number of foreign tourists, the number of foreign tourists, the number of basic construction, Taoyuan County reception capacity, but in the face of such a high tourist value, almost instant County explosion table.

Almost all hotels, hotels, and even a daily rental room, the B & B is full of people.

As the 'stormy eye in Taoyuan County, the price of international hotels in the fish head village has arrived at 5,800 yuan a night. The inn also went to a thousand, and at least one and a half months ago, it was necessary. Otherwise, you can't grab the room at all.

Siotou Village, I have already issued a notice on the official website. I hope everyone will try to choose a day tour of Hirtou Village. I can live in Donghe Town or County, I will come to the fish head in the morning, play the ghost Wang Cave, visit the Valley Valley, At noon at the restaurant, or even the ditch, fishing, fishing in the afternoon, blowing the blow, in the evening, returning to Taoyuan County.

One day, you can basically play almost!

In May, the weather is still a little cold, but I can't go to the water, so the fishing village does not recommend a tent, and in the fishing village.

If you are playing in accordance with the Announcement of Hilaria, it will basically drop the 'accommodation' fee, which will be greatly reduced.

In the fish Tad Village, as long as you don't order those 'high price' dishes, basically in a matter of two hundred, you can eat abalone lobster, and mountains.

I want to be cheaper, I will have enough to eat, then you can choose 'buffet', the per capita 25 yuan, eat well, and give a bottle of 'Longshan Spring' and 'fish head village specially customized joint mineral water This customized version of the mineral water has only a fish head village, where there is no sale.

'Ghost Wangdong' tickets, three hundred, one meter or less children, only need to buy sixty dollars of children's tickets, military, student ticket half price, British family, veteran veteran, merits, etc. Free.

The 'Snake Valley' ticket, adjusted to 800, and entered a limited number every day, it is necessary to book a ticket in advance to enter.

"Wow, you see, there is a white fox, it is not afraid!"

In the village of the people, some people discovered the 'Bai Meijiao' on the Tang Dynasty wall, and many people took the camera to take a shot, more daring people, I want to put it from the wall from the wall. Come down and want to take a stone.

At this time, the fish in the street standing on the street will prevented it.

"When the rules of the fish head, didn't know? There are animals in the fishing village, enjoy the same treatment with the villagers, even if it is a mouse, you can't touch it, you can obey the people in the village, come over, you will, If you can't obey the rules, that is, a stone is put down, want to play, don't want to play! "


No, the fish head villager is never arrogant, it is this attitude.

There are still people who are not convinced, want to grasp, this time the security team of the fishing village will come over and warned.

The old man is actually playing, the rules, that is not, otherwise it will be light.

People's white fox squatting on the wall, sunny, you have to take the stone. The old cow is there, there is a graze, don't go to play two feet, is this not worth it?

For those who don't defend the rules, the fishing village is now absolutely unsuitable, saying, everyone says that it is delicious, I like to play, I don't like to play.

I don't want to be dry, that is satisfied!

The fish head village can visit, but the house of the fishing village is prohibited from entering. All animals in the village of the fish are prohibited.

"This year, it seems to be more than last year." Zhang Embroidered in the office, looking at tourists on the streets outside.

Tang Long nodded, hit a yawn: "Is it limited?"

He didn't have a village in these months. It is not on the site of the 'Baolong Branch Center'. On the site of the 'Baolong Board, he was carved in the factory installation equipment last night. Tang Long did not sleep all night. The day before yesterday, counts now he has not glared in three days and two nights.

"Limited, but it seems that it is not very obvious!" Zhang embroidered frowned and said.

Tang Long thought about it: "Let someone go to the mouth, set the card, and post the notice, say that the fish village tourists are burst, and there is no place to receive tourists."

Zhang embroidered frown, smiled and said: "Can this?"

Tang Long shrugged and smiled and smiled. Maintain public security! "

Zhang Embroids also understand this reason, pick up the phone, and called Du Mei Li, let her take a person to go to Donghe Town entrance to intercept.

"What should people do in the village?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "People are coming, what can do, try to ensure safety, supply drinking water, food, don't have any accidents."

Zhang embroidered sighed, muttered: "We are still in the village's infrastructure, how is it still not enough."

I didn't hear the sound, turned my head, I found that Tang Long was falling asleep on the office sofa.

"It's not that others stared, I don't have to make yourself so tired!"

Zhang Embroids muttered in his mouth, and it was unsatisfactory in his eyes. He came to take his clothes on Tang Long, hesitating, picking up the phone call Ying Cui to take a pillow.

When Tang Long woke up again, the time is already a sunset.

Today, the sunset is very beautiful.

Zhang embroidered did not know where to go, there is no shadow in the office.

Tang Long stood up, stretched out, took a mobile phone, there are several missed calls.

"What did you do?"

Make Gong Qianying.

Gong Qian Ying said: "There is no thing, everything goes well, the machine has been installed, the next is to enter the adjustment phase."

Tang Longsong did his mouth, and he took a few words, he hangs the phone.

Gong Qianying did the deputy general manager of Taoyuan Gu Town Development Group, and the employees of Tang Longzheng entered the company, and they were more harmonious. So after the year, Tang Long gave her to this side, temporarily responsible for the construction of Baolong Board.

Fang Zhen was originally wanted to come, but Liang Jingya was not willing to let go, personally played the phone, and almost turned his face with Tang Long.

There is no good way to this Tang Long, since it can be reused at Taoyuan Gu Town Development Group, will not be crowded, just stay there.

No need to worry, anyway is an opportunity!

The eyes should be a little longer, and now Tang Long has found that this Liang's book is also quite big, it is good, and it is also a place.

In addition to the Bao Dragon Bureau engraving factory, there is also a medicinal cultivation center that needs to be stare.

Fortunately, you have also contained in the hospital, otherwise it's a lot of things in Tang Long and Zhang Embroidery, or a lot of things.

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