Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 845, sharp KTV

"Do you say that this girl is not playing?" Tang Long said in a hook.

Hook Yanyu smiled slightly, whispered: "Don't move, don't play, no, I have seen you is really moving."

"Next time!"

Tang Long mouth muttered, and then laughed.

Looking up, I said to Zhang Xueer and Zhou Ruo: "You are looking at it here, go to bed, go to bed!"


Zhang Xueer pulled Zhou Ruo ran.

Ren Yingying is 'gun head', no she is on the front, the two behind these are wall grass, can not dare to cross Tang Long.

Just in Tang Long wanted to pick up the Yuxian back to the room, the phone was ringing.


Bad people, Tang Long is naturally unhappy, let alone mobile phone or a strange number.

Xiaowu is ambiguous voice, from the mobile phone: "Dragon, Long Ge, come to wine."

Tang Long fripped his eyebrow, and asked: "Don't worry, slowly say, what is going on? Where are you?"

"In the new city sharp KTV!"

"What happened?"

At this time, the phone was taken by another person. The knife flesh is like a sound from the mobile phone: "You are the boss of these small bastards? They are in our trouble, not only playing, but also The venue, come over with one million, no money today, I will smash these **. "

Right KTV?

New City?

The key is that Tang Long has never heard of this place.

"If you have something to say, don't take a few children, isn't it a million? Ok, I will bring people in the past, but I will say it first, I didn't arrive, don't move them!"

"wait for you!"

When I finish, I will hang the phone.

Hook Youth Loun Tang Long and asked: "What is it?"

Tang Long grabbed his head and smiled and said, "Chen Xiaoming, you know, he has two little brothers under his hand, a small martial art, a small road, very good, doing things, there is a thing. Just give I called, saying that people are deducted in 'sharp KTV', I don't know if it is, I want to pick his hand! "

"Shari KTV?" Hui Yanyu frowned.

Tang Long looked at her asked: "Yes, it seems to be in the new city, have you heard?"

Hook Yellow Nice: "It seems to be invested outside, the scale is not small, there is also a number of counties in the county, and there are several bosses with Taoyuan Yushu Association, as if there is also a relationship."

Tang Longdao: "Even if you don't know Xiaowu, you should also know Chen Xiaoming, get it, don't guess it here, I have taken it out!"

"Is there money in the safe? Give me one million!"

Hook Yun Niang hesitated and said: "If I call some people go with you!"

Tang Long called her to be amused, smiled and asked: "Just me, still use people with people? Rest assured, I have a spectra in my heart, there is nothing big!"

Hook Yun Niang saw Tang Long, and did not say more, got up and gave him money.

"be careful!"

Listening to the Ou Hui Yanyu, Tang Long smiled and said in her ear: "Waiting for me back!"


Hook Yum Niang's face is red.

Tang Long put a million boxes, threw it on the car, and the money didn't cost, mainly people, he also wondered, this is what the era, and use this way to handle things.

On the road, Tang Long took the phone to call Xing Jun.


The phone is Mu Xiaumatra.

Tang Long smiled and asked: "How do you pick up your phone in the middle of the night? What about your Master?"

Mu Xiaoxia frowned, whispered: "You also know that it is in the middle of the night, my Master just squinted, staring at a case has been a few days, you have a lot of things."

The tone is called a hard gas, Tang Long does not know where to provoke her, anyway, it is not a good face for yourself.

"How many years can you judge?" Tang Long smiled.


Mu Xiaoxia stayed slightly, strangely said: "How much is it to see extortion, how, someone wants to extort you?"

Tang Long nod said: "Yes, someone wants me to bring one million to redemption!"

With one million to redemption?

Mu Xiaoxia is more wondering, this kid of Tang, it is itself is the land snake in Yute Village. He does not extort others, who will extort him?

Wrinkled and asked: "What is going on, don't cover it here, say it clearly!"

Tang Long smiled, helplessly said: "Xiaoxia police officer, I am a victim, how to listen to you, just like it."

Mu Xiaoxia snorted: "Hurry and say, what is going on?"

Tang Long smiled and said simple, said: "Now I am with one million to the new city sharp KTV!"

"Right KTV? That is Liu Lao's site!"

"Who is Liu Lao Tiger?" Tang Long asked Surperse.

Mu Xiaoxia frowned and said: "A very old blend of blends, he is a level with a strong year, just later settlement, retreat, it was invited to take out the town farm, name is the general manager of sharp KTV, act It's a hand! "

"So?" Tang Long smiled and asked: "Who is the big boss behind the sharp KTV?"


Tang Long face gradually converges, and asking: "Wushuai returns to Taoyuan County?"

"I have already come back, not only coming back, now Taoyuan County has a few more projects, and there is his figure, I heard that I have to enter the share of the owner's ancient city '!" Mu Xiaoxia paused, and continued: "You don't impress, I will rush it now, see what is going on."

"He is really awkward!" Tang Long muttered, smiled: "Xiaoxia police officer, in fact, you can't, this is also a solution!"

Mu Xiaoxia said to talk to him, you can solve a fart, in addition to the things that can be hit, you can do it, you can do it, I haven't said that I have huddled the phone.

Tang Long smiled and shook his head: "The temper is still not small!"

The eyes flashed, did not expect to return to the Western Sea? The last loss will lose a lot of money, and now it is back, I want to look back in the venue?

"The old boy, I will not tell me, really don't pay attention to it!" Tang Long muttered himself, his mouth came up.

Do you want to play?

Then play!

Tang Long never wants to make things, but it has never been afraid of things.

He said, Chen Xiaoming in Taoyuan County has a little reputation. Since Xiaowu hit the phone to his mobile phone, it is not more than two reasons. First, Chen Xiaoming's mobile phone did not get together. However, this kind of possibility is not big. The second reason is that Chen Xiaoming has passed, and things are not flattened, and it is impact to people.

Tang Dynasty is today's things, it seems to be a bigger possibility!

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