Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 853, Qilin New Products

'Sharp' KTV place is not bad, um, the decoration is also good, others don't say, it is spent on the decoration above, it should not fall, in Taoyuan County, even if it is not the best. It should be counted as a number of two.

No need, don't you waste people from others?

Tang Long came from Taoyuan Yu, sitting in the car and hesitated, holding mobile phones to Meng Fan.

"Dragon brother!"

Meng Fan is born hard, it seems to be separated from Tang Long, and it is close to the past.

Tang Long squatted slightly, smiled and asked: "Is this still gone?"

"Woke up!"

Meng Fan stunned with Zhang Qian and good, so, I don't know how to face Tang Long, saying that it is embarrassed, it is difficult to love, it is a bit uncomfortable.

As for why it is good, she can't say it.

Break up with Zhang Qian, saying that it is because of vinegar, there is this reason, but more seems to be. She doesn't know what she wants now.

"Talk to you, the sharp KTV of the New Town Square, don't you know?" Tang Long didn't think much, smiled and asked.

Meng Fan is spoken: "Know!"

She doesn't understand why Tang Long wants to call himself to say sharp KTV.

"Yes, now sharp KTV is closed, I want to ask you to don't want to take over and operate." Tang Long said.

Chen Xiaoming, Xiaowu, what they beaten, Meng Fan is still not known.

"I'm sure." Meng Fan booked his eyes, please say: "Long Ge, can you determine?"

Tang Long smiled and nodded: "Can, this afternoon, you call a few people in the past, handover, I estimate that there is a sharp KTV."

"You don't go?"

Tang Long smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't go, you said that I will take over KTV, if someone is difficult for you, report my name."


Hanging up the phone, Tang Long took the car toward the fish head.


"Let's take your hand?"

Sakura stunned, looking at Meng Fan: "Don't you dream?"

Meng Fan is angry and funny and laughs: "I do a fart dream, Tang Long told me." She is also half-skewers in her heart, not completely believe, but Tang Long took the initiative to call himself, no need to hold it This is a joke.

Call Zhang Qian, with the Sakura, Meng Fan fired to the New Town Square.

The handover is very smooth, all things are ready, and even as long as Meng Fan is not against it, the original sharp KTV staff can leave continuing work, and they can open the account tonight.

That is to say, Meng Fan is ignited to change the sign, then replace the signboard, if you want, the sharp KTV's signboard does not have to change.

Old people don't know that sharp KTV changed the boss.

Meng Fan, Zhang Qian, Sakura, Iupanland, Yao Yao, one totaled, and finally decided to stop the sharp KTV first, then the signboard outside, replace the 'watermelon bar', the next watermelon bar, two branches A new city, one of the old city.

Whether it is the new city or the old city, 'Watermelon Bar' is the biggest!

Original Zhang Qian thought about putting the 'Girl Pub' here. Later, everyone felt is not suitable, whether it is decoration style, or a venue, it is not suitable.

Until at noon, Meng Fan was heard of Chen Xiaoming, Xiaowu, who was hitting a sharp KTV last night.

At the same time, it is shocked, and there is a more deep understanding of the strength of Tang Long.


Qilin Motor Group.

After a thousand and five billion targeted fundraising, after the year, the super automobile factory, the power tram laboratory two major projects simultaneously.

I don't know how many people are amazing, and the company's share price has also risen all the way, there is less than 20 billion from last year, and now the market value has been as high as 12 million.

As the owner of the Kirin Motor Group, the value is naturally the boat!

In the past, Tang Long reputation was not obvious, but now, now, with the shares of Qilin Motors, Tang Long's price has exceeded 60 billion, enough to squeeze into the top ten richest people.

Specifically ranked, in fact, there is no bird, because the Tang boss has a specific amount, few people can be clear!

In addition to the listing of Qilin Motors, other companies are not listed.

The previous year, the investment bureau gave the valuation of 'Yute Village Company' to be two hundred billion, and the Haoxou is two billion, successfully entering the shares of Yutou Village.

This year, the investment community rumored, the valuation of the fish, at least 400 billion. The key to valuments are useless. If you can't buy any other shares in Yutou Village.

"Temperature, I heard that you have sold all the shares of the New Energy of the Church. Is it true?"

"The new energy valuation of the sacred church is up to $ 22 billion, and it is worth money than the Qilin Motor Company. Can you tell the reason why you can sell the New Energy Group for sale?"

"The shares of Wen, the new energy of the sacred Energy, how much is you sold?"

"Leaving the new energy source of the sacred church, I am in charge of the unicorn car company, do you have a direct relationship with your sale of shares?"

Many journalists have made a warm spring.

This is the new product conference on Kirin Motor Company. Today, the warm spring is the CEO of the Qilin Motor Group. It is necessary to host a chamber of the conference. It is also after she takes over the Qilin Motor Company.

For reporters' questions, warm spring is not angry, side by Jiang Xiuzhi, Dong Ying, etc., and the guards of Dragon's Special Security Company.

"Don't worry about it, about what you want to know, if I sell the shares of the Shengtang New Energy Group Company, how much is sold, why should I take the Qilin Motor Company, I will put on a meeting, I will Make a solution one by one, now please let everyone, the conference will start now! "

Warm Spring smile, followed by the reporters to the conference on the scene of the conference.

This "unicorn new product conference" not only invited a large number of media reporters at home and abroad, but also all network live broadcast.

"How is prepared?" Warm spring face calm, there is no nervous.

Jiang Xiu Chi nodded: "All personnel are in place, the equipment is in place, there is no problem!"

"Is it always come?" Warm spring came from the head.

Dongying hurriedly said: "The general is all here!"


Warm spring nodded, smile and whispered: "So big bursts, how much is a little nervous."

Jiang Xiuzhi and Dongying looked at each other, and smiled and said: "This is really not seen!"

Today, this conference is called 'Kirin New Press. In addition to the products of Kirin Motors, there is also the products of Qilin Technology. Originally, the two are not a matter, but they are unicen, belonging to Tang Long Tang. The industry of the boss is unquestionable.

Putting two conferences together, and it is also the biennium, which is coming out this year. The attention is relatively high.

Therefore, in addition to the provincial incident, in addition to the provincial incident, Yan Jiaoyang also wants the "Kirin Technological Company '" the heat of Qilin Motors!

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