Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 877 Exit Heroes

Suddenly killing a unicorn technology, so many people are more surprised, this legendary 'Tang Dynasty boss', what do you want to do?

East hammer, west ax, but also a mobile phone, but also a small appliance, and want to engage in the Internet, the stall is so big, can you engage in the famous temple?

After the conference, the three main smart products of Kirin Technology, except for the 'Kirin Virtual Reality Magic, the predetermined amount of Qilin mobile phone and the Qilin watch is climbing.

"Head, the predetermined amount of Qilin mobile phones has exceeded 100,000 units, and the predetermined amount of Qilin watch has exceeded 30,000 units!"

Yan Jiaoyang looked at the time on the wrist, and the launch of the official website was pre-sold until two hours.

It is not very bad to record, but it is not very bad.

"Kirin watch predetermined number is locked in 100,000 units, turn on the countdown program!"

"The unicorn mobile phone is booked in batches, and it is changed to 10,000 units per hour."

"What about other products?"

Yan Jiaoyun thought about it: "Other products are temporarily unchanged."

The unicorn was just over, the two companies in Kirin Motors and Kirin Technology got a hot top strip, especially Qilin Technology.

Kirin Technology is the first debut in the field of public, and it is biased to the beginning, and put it out of the stage where you want to break the sky.

From the intelligent terminal, people are indispensable mobile phones, and then to their home appliances, the points covered, they can not be said, but the face, the existence of the industry.

Good products are not good, don't say, just this kind of power, this momentum, you can't do it! I have to fight ten!

In addition to others already, outside the play, Kirin Technology is more difficult to expensive, and have also taken out the pattern that others have not played.

For example: private intelligence, Qilinyuan universe.

Private intelligence, it is more like playing the game, the experience of this game, is the big data that is closely related to everyone, and has cultivated mature, 'private intelligence' is only cultivated. .

The concept of the Yuan Universe is still very vague, but in the future, it should be a tight air entrance, a big direction.

As for the unicorn, the launch will have not ended, the stock price will be closed, more than 10 billion fund sealing boards, although the replacement rate is very high all day, the shipments are great, but they have not been able to play the sealing funds.

Within one day, the market value of Qilin cars has risen by thousands of billions!

With the end of Qilin Conference, Tang Long this name is also hot.

Tang boss, why?

Previously about the lace news of Tang Long and Bai peony, I was once again dug. People have renewed, I said how did this person feel so familiar? He is not the village head of the fishing village?

The fishing village is not famous, but the 'beast' of the fishing village is famous!

'Black Scales' is known, the world's largest snake, and the first one appears in the human field of view, the '' that can be seen.

With the "black scales", they walked the world, they were well known by the world, and the fishing village also spread overseas.

And at this time, the fish head village is definitely not what 'poor' mountain gourd.

Soon, there is a knowledge of people to explode, more than 600 people in the 'fish head village, have more than 100 million per capita wealth.

What is this concept?

That is to say, the people in the fish, regardless of the old woman, even if it is born doll, as long as you have a good value!

If you have a fortunate to marry the fish head, congratulations, officially went into the column of 'Rich' and is a billionaire.

The fish head village, with a collective finger-catching company, but this company, village support and village head account for a big head, the two people control the shares, up to 70%, and 20% in the fish head The three major funds under the village, the remaining ten percent of the investment bureau.

The fish head has its own village committee, village. Village, village hospital, village school, village hotel, village airport, etc., there is basically in the fishing village.

According to the incomplete statistics, the fishing village has lived tens of thousands of people from the villages in the village, and the village has lived in the village, and the bustling, prosperous, and the mysterious.

"Tang Lao brother, you are on the news!"

The Andahara has played a call and tested with Tang Long Han. The connection between the two people is still intimate, and the long-term telephone is called.

And in these two years, the assets of 'Heroes' have also expanded several times. As the "Legend' of the 'Heroes'", it is a big red person in the capital circle.

There is even some people speak, as long as you can say movies, add the 'Hero Club', then you can count the bankruptcy under the name, people can also rise in Dongshan.

Many people want to join 'Heroes', but they must not enter!

Taking the 'Heroes' as the leading lead, members within the federation, but also acquired the listed apparel enterprises, Sunbird Clothing Group, and in this year, officially entered the apparel industry.

'Heroes' is a private organization, but the capital of the hero will not belong to private, belongs to 'Heroes', and heroes will have their own direct committee, members of the Round Table Member.

However, 'Heroes' has the president's own veto, in addition to the round table committee, replace the vectors of the 'Heroes', otherwise the president can veto the 99% of the ninety-nine things, disagree, that OK, Return!

So far, the leader of the hero will only have Lu Xiaomei alone, but she can determine the ninety-nine percent of the heroes.

But the words come back, 'Heroes' aim is to serve the members, while investing, just a' deputy industry of the hero will.

Original hero members, only less than 100 people, after the three years of development, the number of members has grown to more than 400 people.

The light is a changing fee, according to the most basic per person, more than one million calculations, more than 400 people can receive more than four billions!

And Qianhai called Tang Long today, just want to communicate the "hero will '".

"Tang brother, hero will be no longer than before, this year 'Sun Bird Clothing Company' stock, rising three times, the market value has been 100 billion."

And Taihai said here, a little paused, and the voice did not continue to talk.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Ange, Lu Xiaomei is my person, this everyone knows, what if you may wish to say, this is not sorry."

The Anda Sea dried two times, said: "This is the case, now there are many voices in 'Heroes', and the Heroes will be too huge. They need to weaken, and the profits of 'Heroes' will feel. It is necessary to return, after all, when I first acquired 'Sun Bird', everyone will spend money. "

Tang Long instantly understood the meaning of Andala, silenced, smiled: "Who thinks that the hero will be too huge, talk about let me listen!"

And the big sea frowned, in front of the interest, others must be standing on the side, after all, everyone is a businessman, the merchant is interesting, which is not very good.

"Tang brother ..."

Tang Long smiled: "No This thing I have made, if I haven't remembered, I took 20 billion? "

I paused, and smiled: "The hero will be used by the relationship between our brothers. It is a bond. No one wants to use it to make money. However, since some people come out, then don't have a lot of things, there is no trouble. mean.

So, I will retreat from the hero. If you want to take over, you can continue, the Sun Bird Clothing Company is actually the acquisition of the acquisition, you also know it with the old age.

Two choices, the first, replenish the money, acquire the shares of the Sunny Bird's clothing in my hand, the second, the second, you sell the shares in your hand, I will pick up this company Lu Xiaomei took care.

Everyone gathers well, just, you also re-engage in heroes, the province is too strong. alright? "

Andahama smiled and said: "Tang brother, not, in fact, this thing ..."

Tang Long smiled and said: "Ange, this thing is so fixed, for some small money, no pleasure is not worth it, let alone, I am not suitable to stay in the hero, of course, this Things will not affect our brothers' private exchanges. "

Hanging up the phone, Tang Long smiled and shake his head, more money, some people will red, even if there is no one, still still have trouble for a few years.

Just as he just said with Andas, Tang Long's current identity is really not suitable to stay in the hero.

Sun Zhenggong, Ouyang Teng and others, and Anda Haotong video phone, Andashe also told Tang Long's decision on 'Heroes' Club'.

When I heard Tang Long decided to quit the heroic meeting, some people were ugly. Some people were easy. After all, Tang Long stayed in the hero will, and the semester will change at all, and others want to share from the heroes. What benefits It is also very difficult.

"I think it should be acquired the shares of the 'Sun Bird Clothing' in Tang Long Hand!"

"Save? Then you pay the money, not what I said to be obedient, as long as the market has received Tang Long withdraws the sunbird clothing company, how is the share price of this company? How to get it, do you believe it? "

It is also clear that the stock price of Sun Bird Clothing Company has risen, in fact, not to benefit from performance improvement, which is completely the result of capital recognition.

Going back, everyone feels that there is nothing to do, who is going to pick up?

"There is still a lot of money in the hero, Tang Long quits the hero will, and the funds should also be withdrawn." Said the Andashe.

In the video conference room, everyone has fallen into a little silence. Take someone ! "

When the voice came out, the face and Sun Zhenghe et al. Have a few more difficulties, and this person, this person has earned a lot of money in the past few years. When he came in, he only put only 50 million funds, these I have been doubled and I have been doubled.

An Dawa silenced a little, directly kicking people, kicking out from the video conference room, indifferent: "No matter how Tang Long returns from the hero club, it is our friend. In this case, he can say Tang Long, behind It will also say we, come out, you can be idling, but that is the enemy, don't say we should talk more, at least there is at least back to refer to the mulberry, not to mention ... Tang Long is not he can talk about behind him. This person, black, hero will be in the name, the business is full of power, let him think out how to earn the money, how to spit it out! "

Killing decisions, there is no more heart.

Tang Long is to withdraw from the 'Heroes', but Tang Long is not bankrupt, it is double, not in the right to stay in the hero, as for the Tang Long's investment hero will money, what is the relationship with Tang Long worth? Does billions are not money?


There is so, no one is talking to the speech, too obvious, Tang Long retreats, step on Tang Long, and even a friend.

Without Tang Long shot, the light is next to the hyperbulus, you can make him inch in the domestic business circle, and then think about the day.

Three helpers, let alone this is still a group of business leaders elites.

"Do you want the sun to give the birds Lifestyle Group Tanron it!" Sun is doing began.


And Tai Sea laughed: "The old grandchildren, don't be too stitions, you are" send ', is it true? Tang Long is not bad. "

Sun Zhengqi smiled and smiled and not angry.

"The market value of sun bird costumes is now about 10 billion, and the shares of our hand controlled, the shares of 300 billion, Sun Bird Clothing Company, replaced the funds in Tang Long Heroes." And Dahai laughed .

"Well, friends, my old grandson has no opinion!"

Ouyang Teng turned to the eye, smiled: "I have no opinion!"

An Dahai nodded: "That thing is so fixed, after Tang Long withdrew from the hero, Lu Xiaomei will also take the leader of the Heroes."

Sun Zhengqi said: "The Xiaodai is also very hard in these two years. I can't let people be busy. I propose to take a billion in the name of the Legend, take a bonus, and the Round Table Committee, I am vying for a ticket! "

Reward Lu Xiaomei a hundred million, not what big money, but it is good with Tang Long, anyway, the money will be in the fund, is not a person, why not.

As long as Lu Xiaomei is leaving, then the 'hero will' is not what they have said.

"I also agree!" Ouyang Teng followed him.

Dai Xiaomei in this time, the hero will have its own headquarters, and the funds have also increased by more than 50%, rewarding her a hundred million, and there is really not much.

Although Lu Xiaomei led the basic wages of the hero, it is not about 10 million salary every year. It is not very high.

"Well, then reward the football team, thanks to her contribution and pay for the hero in the past few years!" And Dawang nodded.

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