Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 876 skyrocketing housing prices

"You don't think, is this very bad?" Ye Lai looked at Tang Long and couldn't help but ask.

Tang Long shrugged and smiled.

Slightly paused and continued: "The big difference between wild fish and farming, the biggest difference is that the fish in the dumps also did not feed those growth rate of fading. So, from the taste, difference not very big."

"Can you label it directly?" Ye Baimi said.

Tang Long smiled and said: "This is not already labeled very clearly, dish name: wild fish head soup."

Ye Lai feels helpless and funny, not wild, you marked wild, this is not easy to make people misunderstood.

"I don't think this is not good!" Mu Xiaoxia, who is sitting next to helps Ye Lily speak.

Tang Long wants to think, get up, walk towards the opposite table.

Smile: "I am sorry, you, this fish soup is indeed used by the trenches, but I am a little curious. How do you taste it, its taste and wild fish are different? Woolen cloth?"

"This is also used, the wild fish is tasteful, farmed fish, can you?" "" "" ""

Tang Long smiled and said: "It can be the same, because the fish of the fish farm in the son, all about scientific forage feeding, the taste is better than wild fish, and there is no difference. "

"Who are you?"

"The boss of this fishtail, now the fish head soup gives you back, even this table, I can pay for you." Tang Long said with a smile, turned to the waiter smiled and said: "Go with Li Li Let me talk, the menu is replaced, and the signature vegetable 'wild fish head soup is labeled on the' Ditchfish fisheries farming fish, not absolute wild 'words. "

Someone is laughing and ridiculing: "Is there any fishing soup of our table?"

"Yes, you decided not to go to the fish head hall in the future, you can do it free." Tang Long smiled very highly.

"The small sale of our fish head hall, integrity management, the letter, let us come, let us not come, just we are too busy every day, now the passenger traffic is ten times, I am the happiest , There is no place to eat a meal after the province! "

Tang Long said that he is not polite.

The fish head is not missing guests, and even if there is no guest, the passenger traffic is not as big as it is now, and the fish in the ditch is enough, and it is not necessary to rely on other fish farms.

"Does the business do it?" Some people couldn't help but refute.

Tang Long haha ​​laughed: "Business does not do this, but the picture is different, people are in order to make money, we are not."

"Who is dissatisfied with us, even for my own boss, I can get together, I pay, and I only have one requirement, please don't come again next time. '. Tang Long laughs.

Many people gave a lot of pleasure, she shook their heads, this self-proclaimed young man, how to listen to him, is like being a self-verse.

Li Li hurriedly came over and smiled helpless to Tang Long: "My good boss, you have to eat your meal, let me handle it!"

How can I solve this in a catering service industry?

"Sorry, this fish head is indeed using a fish made of two to three years, and the taste is not different from the wild fish. If you feel that you can't accept our dishes, and the price of the dishes, we can Help everyone changed to 'fish head soup', looking back in the price of ordinary fish head soup. "

Li Li came over, and the three words were calm down.

As far as the service is concerned, there is no big problem in the fish head village. If there is a problem with the dishes, or you can eat it, you can replace it.

But there are too many people, an average of one waiter wants to stare at seven tables.

The 'fish head hall' per capita consumption is about 100 yuan, and the price is a bit high, but the consumption can only be moderate. After all, what is the current consumption patterns and currency interest rates have been rising.

"Tang Boss, have you found a big problem with you."

After Tang Long sat back, Mu Xiaoxia blinked his eyes and said with him.

"what is the problem?"

Mu Xiaoxia said that four words were very simple: "arrogant!"

Tang Long is crying, and asked, "Is this obvious?"

"What is it is obvious." Ye Lai also laughed.

The fish is really not fake, but it is like them, I don't want to eat, I will not eat, give you free, slowly, please don't come back next time, it is really unhappy, dry Yeah, I don't want someone to mention it.

It is like the entire Taoyuan County, you are like a hotel.

It is really uncomfortable, with this kind of thing, Tang boss is still able to do it! Is this not arrogant?

Tang Long haha ​​smiled, not angry: "The pattern is different!"

Ye Lai and Mu Xiaoxia are all different, the shit is different, that is, arrogant, no one, think that you have two money, you can do whatever you want.

Li Li handled things, came over, smiled and asked: "The boss, what else does it still need?"

For things that have just happened, only words don't mention.

"No, enough, have you eaten lunch? Do you want to sit down?" Tang Long smiled.

Li Li smiled and shook his head: "This line is all things, our staff will come to two o'clock." After the Ye Lai, Mu Xiaoxia and others and goodbye, turned and left.

"Look at people, look at you, the style of doing things is simply the other." Mu Xiaoxia said.

Tang Long smiled and didn't say anything. Can this be the same, it is a boss, Li Li is a operator. It is not the same as the actual thing that two people are responsible.

"How is the taste of the fish head hall?"

"This is nothing to pick!" For the dishes of my fish, Mu Xiaoxia and Ye Lai is more identified. If it is not good, it is impossible to have such a big name in Taoyuan County.

"This year, the person who came to Taoyuan county in the field, up to 250,000, the number of influx in the year, rushed to Taoyuan County, especially the counties around the county, some people were counted, percentage Eighty people think that La Taoyuan County is more prosperous than going to the city! "Mu Xiaoxia thought of a data, and then looked at the full of diners, it was no wonder not shortage.

Not only the people who come to Taoyuan county workers, not only a lot of business, but only half a year this year, Taoyuan County resident population is more than growing over the year, and the floating population is ten times last year.

In the case of the county in Taoyuan County, the population will also be ten million, but now, it has been up to millions. These have not counted the person who comes to travel!

"It has increased so much!" Tang Long is not too clear.

Mu Xiaoxia helplessly said: "No, when the big time, Taoyuan County house price is a thousand eight hundred yuan per square meter, last year's price to four thousand, do you know how much this year?"

"Five thousand?" Tang Long tried to ask.

"Five thousand? Small look at Taoyuan County's potential is not, now the room rate of Taoyuan County has average 788, Taoyuan Guzhen 10,000, Hedong Town is 10,000!" Mu Xiaoxumao.

Tang Long was surprised: "Is it so expensive in Hedong Town? Is it high?"

Mu Xiaoxia smiled and smiled and smiled. Tang Long: "This is not all the blessings of Tang boss, 'fish head village is the engine of the entire Taoyuan County, and Herong Town is also closest to the fish head."

Tang Long smiled and said: "The house price of River East Town is not 10,000?"

This is higher than the housing prices in the city!

"High? Even if this price is also can't grab it, many developers have no way to get the land, especially the land!"

Mu Xiaoxia took the smile and said: "The whole Taoyuan County has seven five-star resort. Do you know how many people in Heidong? Four!"

Tang Long smiled: "Because of the four five-star resort, all the housing prices of Hedong Town have been thrown?"

"Yes, nor!"

Mu Xiaoxia shook his head: "The reason why Herong Town has so many luxury resorts, which are great factors depend on the 'fish head village. People who come to the fish, ten people are all rushing fish. The head is coming, so He Dong Town has become the will of tourists.

In addition, Hedong Town has the top enterprise, factory, farm, and basic Taoyuan County in Taoyuan County, Haoyuan County, is gathered in Hedong District.

Accurately, it is the surrounding of the fish head, which has also caused more people, and the popularity condensed, and even Yu Peutuan County. "

Slightly paused, continue: "Many people are expected to wait for this year, or when next year, Hedong Town is definitely more than the 'Taoyuan Town'!"

Taoyuan ancient town in the west, Hedong Town is east, and the middle is laid in Taoyuan County, just forming a pattern of three-point line.

At the beginning, I chose to build the river along the town, and the river is built into Asia and even the world's first ancient town project. In addition to the Riverside town of Taoyuan jade veins, the place is big enough, and the reason is that it is from Hedong Town, or fish. The head village is far enough.

This will greatly disperse the tourists who come to Taoyuan County to achieve 'interests maximization'.

In essence, Taoyuan Guzhen project is Tang Long's plan, although it is now, it is very clear that its use.

Taoyuan ancient town invests hundreds of billions, but did not expect to directly fry the house price of the river in the town.

Average price is 10,000, who can buy such a expensive house?

However, if the local residents don't have to buy a house, first, the local residents have a house, and the demolition is also given to the house. The land can also be separated from the money. Basically, there are houses, and will not worry for the housing, regardless of whether it is 'Taoyuan Ancient Town', or Hedong Townhouse, basically all the population is buying.

There is also a need to invest in, such as Donghe Town, such as the plant, industrial park, laboratory, farm, water plant, etc. Their salary level is not bad.

So very much driven the local price market!

The most important thing is that there are half of the land in Heidong Town, all in 'Wolong Industry', and this company, every year from life and evolutionary group, Dan Long animal husbandry, Qinglong agriculture, Wolong cultivation Central, etc. These 'own companies' companies can rent for hundreds of millions of times.

At that year, 'Wollong Industrial' Holds the land worth 3 billion in Donghe Town, now, twice, should it be worth it?

The key is that the 'Wolong Industrial' This seems to be a giant, I want to invest in Heidong Town, and the office is located in the fishing village, and the office staff is full of ten, including Tang Long. In this boss, there are at least four or five long-term do not go to work, and people who come over and call the business every day ... I will be three children!

Among them, there is still a poor household in the fish head, come over to clean the health, people who work all day long!

Want to get a lot of commercial land in Heidong Town, whether it is building a hotel, or building a factory, or building a residential area, a large extent, to find a 'Wolong Industry'.

This is a problem!

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