Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 881 The valuation of the top ten in the world

"Tire Village Company?" Zhang embroidered slightly.

I didn't shook my head, but asked: "I don't know how much Zhang Keperta's valuation is in the eye of us?"

"One hundred billion!" Zhang Yi smiled and reported a number.

Other people's people, they have four more valuations, not high, and it is absolutely low.

Zhang Embroids shook his head directly, said: "Turn triple in the valuation of 400 billion, perhaps we can be a bit interest."

The valuation of 400 billion is a baseline, turn three times more? 120 billion? Is there a price of fish in the fish?

What didn't think of the investment banking manager is that the investment bureau's Zhang Yi smiled: "Well, the money is not a problem, the key to see how many shares are willing to make the fish head village."


Zhang embroidered smiled and looked at each other and whispered two words.

The audience is stunned!

120 million US dollars? Is there a top ten companies that have the highest global market?

Zhang Yi frowned, smiled and said: "Embroidered a book, this is a bit too much!"

Zhang embroidered laughed, calmly said: "The price is bid, sit still, in our hearts, the valuation of the fish Tad Village is this price!"

"Can we still have a price?" Zhang Yi asked.


Zhang embroidered nodded with a smile: "But we don't accept it!"

The exterior is your qualifications, rights, but fish Tad Village companies will not sell.

Also, Zhang Embroidery has never said to sell the shares of 'fishing village companies'.

Subsidiars and parent companies are completely two different concepts!

"Since Zhang Kezhi said the 'shares of' fishing Village company 'shares, just through opportunities, say a problem out, our fishing village is ready to return to Ten's original shares in the investment office. I don't know if Zhang Kee can talk? "

Reposes the shares of fish head village companies?

Zhang Yi did a smile, and the heart said that it can be talked about it, the problem is that he has no permissions.

Half jokes: "" According to the valuation of 10,000 billion US dollars? "

If it is based on this valuation, the percent of the investment bureau has a shares of teni, the market value is equivalent to 1,2 billion US dollars.

When I invest in investment at the time of investment, this is only two billion, and this is a few more time, it is more than a few times.

Zhang embroidered a little frown, said calm: "It's not not! As long as the investment bureau is willing, the price is good!"

The wind is rough, and it is shocked by major investors in the field.

One thousand two billion US dollars, 10% of Herit Village Company, this price of fishing Village is also willing to repurchase shares?

Crazy, it is really crazy!

Zhang Yi knew the interior, smiled and shakes: "The embroidered man should not be difficult for me, and I can't do the Lord like the shares of the fishing village."

This is no longer price, strategic investment!

Wolong Cultivation Center, Baolong Bureau Factory and Yutou Village Company have not directly related, although the future 'cultivation center' medicinal materials will supply to the fish head village, but the cooperation object is different, the Wolong Culture Center has three major The fund's investment share, accounting for 30%, and the remaining 70% is held by Tang Long.

And Baolong Bureau's Factory, in addition to the shares of PM small drugs, Tang Long occupies 90%, is the absolute control shareholder.

The reason is that the mother carrier of the fishing village company is not completely a fishing village, with a percent of the shares floating outside.

Yute is a fishtoucun, and the fish Toucun company is Yute Village, and the fishing village company is controlled by the fishing village. But the fish head village can't represent fishing villages, and it is very probably the meaning. Hirou Village did not refer to the right to make, orders, but the fish in the village can indeed mean things, order, and fish.

'Yumou Village is the master,' fishing village company 'is a tool.

Now the core assets of the fishing village, such as Shuanghe Town 'No. 3 ore pit, is entirely the three major funds of Yute Village.

And like the 'Snake Valley', 'Ghostwang Cave', 'Black Scorpion', etc., does not belong to the property of the fishing village company, is a industry that belongs to the fishing village, and also controls the three funds of the fish Tad Village.

However, fishing village travel companies, such as various shops in the village, fishing village international hotel, fishtoucun restaurant, etc., is an asset that belongs to Fishou Village.

Hirtou Village Film and Television has a 'black scorpion' IP, but the 'black scorpion' itself is not the property of fishing village, and has not driven the right of 'black scales'.

The investment bureau is not happy?

There is no way, the biggest shareholders in the fish head are Tang Long and Zhang Embroidery, and the Investment Agency.

In addition to the investment bureau, the fishing village can also say that there is also two people in Tang Long and Zhang Embroidered, because they hold the shares of the Yutou Village, which have a lot of shares. The three major funds of Yute Village are only 20%.

Instead, it is better to prevent the current Tang Long, Zhang Embroidered and others, it is better to prevent, the future, wait for thirty years, 50 years, Tang Long Zhang embroidered the child, after the takeover, what is the fishing village? Attitude, what attitude will be of Yutou Village companies, no one can say it.

"If you don't speak it, you still say that the fish head village clothing company and the fishing hotel group quota!"

Zhang Embroidered and smiled and took the topic back.

Slightly paused, continued: "This is the official cooperation between fish Toucun companies, and the cooperation is the beginning, and it is also a test water. As for the financing quota, it is true for us. Not so important, the reason why it is necessary to attract capital, mainly in order to launch the two companies. "

"Beginning from the 'fish head village clothing', the buyer has four sets of total, 300 million US dollars, two percent of the company's shares, and of course only one subscription!"

Wang Shangming raised his hand: "Sorry, can we communicate with the company's headquarters?"

Zhang Embroidered nodded: "Yes, everyone is also tired, rest for fifteen minutes, then officially started!"

After the license, the investment manager got up and called back to ask if he participated in the financing of the two companies.

"I heard that the recent fishing village has made a lot of projects? Why do you seem to have the figure of the fishing village company?" Zhang Yi came to Zhang Embroidery and discussed the road. As for the Tang Long sitting behind, Zhang Yi also knows more direct, but the problem is that this kid does not seem to have nonsense with you.

Zhang Embroids know that Zhang Yi asked about the 'Baolong Bureau's Factory' and 'Drug Cultivation Center'.

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