Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 893 Chapter Ye Jia Shaofess

In the morning, the luxury team stopped outside the fish head.

Up to 100 people,

However, it is also considered a rule, and the car does not have forced to open in the fish head, but directly stopped to the parking lot, walking.

"Here is the fish head village? Look at it is not very good!"

A 189th year old, but still tied two ponytails, the big eyes looked around, softly muttered.

Middle-aged people beside the side, smiling: "Miss, don't say it!"

The girl called Miss, took the lollipop from his mouth, and said that he didn't want to say: "Where do I say, is it really not very?"

"Ha ha!"

The middle-aged person helplessly smiled, soft: "Perhaps the environment here is not good, but the ancestor said, the world is in this, the world is only this place, no two."

The girl blinked and laughed and said: "Maybe Zeng Grandpa is old and confused, but maybe it is ok!"

"Hey." The middle-aged person helpless again.

In the morning, the fish head village is full of thriving, although the environment has become too much better than before, it can be changed for the fish head villagers.

Cut vegetables to feed chicken, want to do it, don't want to do it.

Many villagers have raised chicken ducks, although they don't have to call them to go to the field, but they must have no livestock at home, always feel uncomfortable.

The old yellow is in the village. At this time, the old yellow, which is a fishing village 'dogwh, and the number of younger brother is as big as white.

They are all homes in other villagers. There are local dogs, and there are pet dogs, but no matter where they come, as long as they enter the fish head, they have to mix with it.

"You a dog, stare at me?"

The girl walked to the village and saw the rhubarm that was lazy to the ground, stopped his footsteps, and he asked.

It is not afraid of life on his head, it is not afraid.

Suddenly opened: "I look at you, I am looking for it."

This point of speaking is not tight, the girl and the middle-aged man around you are shocked. Can a dog actually speak?

I used to heard that the animals could be refined, and they would speak as people, and they didn't expect to meet today.

"You, are you fine?"

The old yellow turned over the eyes, and the head is towed to the side, not to make a care.

"Hey, talk to you, didn't hear it?"

Huang Xiaotian got up, shaking the hair on the body, turning his head and leisurely walked in the village.

You are old, you must take care of you with a few days.

"You see it!"

Middle-aged people hurriedly smiled: "The lady is angry, we can't always see the dogs."


The girl took the mouth and walked in the village.

"What is the length of the village?"

Looking at the big group of people in front of him, the humor villagers smiled and pointed out that the village committee said, "Go to the village committee asked, the village head is not here, but every day, the village book will go to the village committee Office. "

Village support? Village Committee?

With a curiosity, this group came to the village committee.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, this time, the village committee is nothing, usually at 9 o'clock in the morning, nine nights, no urgent fishing villages will not work overtime.

"Who are you looking for?"

Liu Jing also just arrived, today she duty, so I came over.

"Your village head, or the village branch?" The girl shouted with a lollipop and got Liu Jing asked.

"The village is not!"

Liu Jing shook his head, slight smile, what is the way to come, she is also a little curious.

The girl frowned and took the lollipop from his mouth and said, "What about your village book?"

"The village book is not!"

Liu Jing squinted, smiling and continued to shook his head.

The girl stayed and said with her breath: "Then you don't say it, isn't it the village committee?"

"It is the village committee!" Liu Jing nodded.

The girl said: "It is a fishing village committee, why isn't there anyone?"

Liu Jing is a fun, smiling and saying: "Now time is early, no time to work, if you have anything, you can tell me."

"Didn't go to work?" The girl said, and said that the little mouth was very unhappy: "It is useful to tell you, when will they go to work?"

Liu Jing is not angry, I looked at the watch on the wrist, the watch was gave to her, what Patek Philippe limited to customity, I heard that it is very expensive, how much she didn't spend, mainly The mind, you are sending yourself, this is a key point.

"About 9 o'clock!"

The girl thought that the other party was showing himself, said: "A piece of break, this lady is not rare."

Liu Jing stunned, helplessly shook his head and smiled: "You have a strong liver fire, long-term, it is easy to accumulate dark, do not be very bright, don't see anything, don't get angry, usually Mentality, help for life! "

"What?" The girl stared at his eyes: "Are you taught me?"

Liu Jing shrugged, smiled and didn't have more, and I wanted to go upstairs. At this time, the girl didn't just put it: "You stand, what do you mean when you just do it, do I am jealous?"

Liu Jing helplessly said: "I don't mean this ..."

"Hey, you mean this!"

The girl is very dissatisfied: "The table of your wrist is not true, there is a few pieces of the country, there is a special custom, according to what I know, only the Ye family of Beijing Ye's young master, still There is an idle quota, are you from Ye's husband? If not, it is fake, although the appearance of the appearance is very realistic, there is no identity information, it is a A goods, doing it is real, that is also fake! "

Liu Jing smiled and looked at the watch watch. It didn't matter. "There is no relationship between true and false, anyway, others sent me, I like it."

"Hey, others send you block fake, you are still so selfish, but it is good to say that I am strong in liver? I see you is a silly girl, big silly girl!" The girl drums his mouth.

Today, I just went back to the city. I don't have to follow, so Ye Fugui is also in the village. Some of the mornings in the morning, Liu Jing saw that he slept in fragrance, so did not call him when he came out.

When I came over, I just saw a large group of black people at the entrance of the neighborhood committee, I thought what is going on, and the fire will run.

"What do you want to do?"

Run over, suddenly smashing this scorpion, shocked people.

The girl glanced at him and shocked the lollipop that had just contracted into the mouth.

"Ye Fugui?"

Ye Fugui looked at each other, slightly stunned, surprised: "White fragrant? How can you here?"

The girl called Bai Xiangxiang, and it was surprised to say: "I still want to ask why you are here? She is not your girlfriend?"

Pointing to Liu Jing, an incredible expression.

Ye Fugui smiled: "Yes, my present girlfriend, the future wife."

White fragrant: "..." Walni mother, how can it be so smart, this country's earth girl is really Mrs. Ye Jiao?

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