Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 895, sales

Chapter 895, sales

"Learning we can don't get it first, but tuition we teach, 10 million per month, a year, one more than one o'clock? Let's teach for three years, the embroidered Dragonfly, do you see it?" Old Sun first smiled A little way.

Zhang Embroidered and said: "You can, if you recognize, we have no opinions here, but I hope that you can think clearly, 'tuition' is not refundable."

"Don't retreat, don't retreat!" The old grandson nodded.

Zhang Embroidered eyes stared at the drums, and he was reluctant to look at the white fragrant, smiled and said, "Liu Jing, you will pay it with them to pay for the Finance Department, and there are so many people are scattered, gathering here Well, it is like a besieged village committee. "

Liu Jing blinked: "Embroidered sister, after payment,?"

Zhang Embroidered, I would like to go upstairs, I heard Liu Jing's words, stop: "After paying, you will take our 'classmates', turn it in the fishing village."

Liu Jing is a bit helplessly asked: "After turning over the village?"

Zhang Embroidered and said: "After the turn, I will arrange a living place, tell her, breakfast, lunch, dinner, where to eat. Then ... give her a point to live, and can't be honest."

"She is not happy to work?" Liu Jing asked.

Zhang Embroidered said: "Do not want to work, it is not to serve from the school management, there is a right to retreat." Finished to the old age and others: "There is nothing in your family, you can stay in the fish head village, then you can leave. ! "

After that, I took the office to the office.

Zhang embroidered is also very busy all day, and there are all things outside the village, and there are all things in the fishing village companies and subsidiaries.

The white fragrant looked at the Zhangxiu, whispering, whispering: "The people in the fish are so arrogant?"

The old grandson on the side, hurriedly laughed and said: "My big lady is, you will say two words."

Then pulled her down and started.

According to the old man's hell, she must stay in the fishing village.


When Tang Long heard this news, he was almost like Zhang embroidered. The whole person was all, and the fish head village had to start a school office. It is Zhang Embroidered, and the eight characters have not yet, this is " Student 'sent?

A year's tuition fee is 2 billion, saying that it is not to say that our 'embroidered book' style is more and more like Tang Long, there is a pattern, there is a card.

"The white family of medicine, and Bai Xiangkun in the city, white positive father, there is a connection between China?" Tang Long suddenly thought of, asked in autumn.

The autumn is hesitant, and there is no expression: "It seems a bit of a relationship."

The surname is white, the top five generations, even the root.

Maybe it is afraid that Tang Long misady, the autumn will add another sentence: "There is no connection between the drugs and the city of Bai Xiangkun."

No one is in the dark, no one knows!

"OK, I know!"

Tang Long nodded, after leaving the fish head village, went to the 'Baolong Bureau Array Factory'.


Qian Gong Ying has waited for him in the general manager office.

Tang Longdao: "What is the problem?"

Qian Gong Ying said: "Not our side, is the side of Zhao Chengfang City, the black widow woman sent the news, saying our 'simple array' sales fell sharply."

Tang Long fripped his eyebrow: "Sales big decline? How can it be sold in a big drop? Last delivery, isn't it still good?"

Baolong Bureau's method factory, basically equivalent to the biggest cash milk in Tang Long's hand, all other industries are calculated together, 'squeeze' but it.

The Branch of the France, I gave it a month to Zhao City in a week, basically didn't have any problems.

The sales volume of the 'simple array' of Zhao Chengfang will basically remain unchanged.

Qian Gong Ying shook his head: "What is the reason, there is no detailed description, people who come back only tell me, now the 'simple array of the city of Zhao Chengfang,' sales, if you have time, it is best to go to ' Zhao Chengfang City 'is a trip. "

Tang Long frowned, this time, go to Zhao City mode? Looks like it is not!

"The factory is on this side, the output is first reduced?" Qian Gong Ying tried to ask.

Tang Long wants to think, shook his head and say: "No, production as usual!"

The problem of 'Zhao Chengfang City', temporarily impact, the Baolong Bureau's array factory, even if it is fully produced, it can not be put into pressure, and Tang Long can afford.

After all, he will take the labor costs, other, raw materials can be collected by themselves, and the engraving teachers are also cultivated by the fishing village.

So selling is not good, there is no need to reduce production!

Back to the fish head, Tang Long always feels like something to happen.

According to the sales data model developed by the peony, Zhao Chengfang City has, Baolong Bureau's simple array method can sell at least two years!

This is only half a year, the sales data model is wrong? Or is there any reason?

The fish head is required to run a university, and Zhang Embroidered. Tang Long has already considered it, can people can calculate it? White family, Bai Zongtang is so powerful?

"Available people still too little!" Tang Long suddenly speaking his words.

"Autumn, you go to the enchanty, Du Mei Li, Qingxi, Well, there is a mountain to find it, just say something!"


Autumn is not nonsense and turned around.

"Yute Village, Baolong Bureau, cultivation center!" Tang Long sat on the chair, frowned, his mind was thinking, these three places, it is light.

Affiliate is the most important thing is' cultivation center 'and' fish head village.

'Cultivating the center' is fundamental, 'fish head village' is the foundation!

But the 'Baolong Bureau' is now the money tree in the hand of Tang Long, this is not in this shake money, and it will have a constant wealth, and it will enter the Tang Dynasty.

Don't say support to build 'fish head villages' and 'cultivation center', it is to create a 'fish head village city', not there is no possibility.

If you look at the layout of Tanglong, you want to kill Tang Long's finances, then you will pinch 'throat'.

'Fish head village' and 'cultivation center', Tang Long is not too worrying, even if he is not there, no one can easily shake two places.

Eight hundred gold unicorn big array, plus the gradual improved 'Yuki Lin's ", and' 100,000 murder beasts', don't say solid gold soup, basically the shell is hard enough, and no one can easily attack.

"It seems that robot technology does not have to put down!" Tang Long's eyes flashed, and he beloved.

Thunder Kirin Robot Manufacturing Company has a technology, in fact, it can be fully achieved, producing a large number of robots needed by Tang Long, is ... Some things, or to control in their hands.

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