Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 897 Several Small Motor

"Tang Big, have you ever thought about it, if you 'big open hills', it is easy to leave a hidden danger, and it is a deep hidden danger!" The mountain is not laughing, it is very precise. Tang Long.

Tang Long stressed, helplessly said: "Do you want to do?"

Du Mei Li, on the side, said: "Do a college!"

Tang Long is a little bit, because the 'to run the school', last night, Zhang embroidered with himself, today, some people talk to himself, have already 'Understanding', calculate the fish head village to run school, and people They have been sent to school. Now Du Mei Li also put forward to 'run school', is it so amazing?

Du Mei Li said: "It is better to directly run the school from all walks of life. From the head cultivation, there is a qualified absorption, no, the academic has become, it can also become the elite in each company. We are not lacking now The department is just a lack of people. "

The demon rose todded, and the evil laughed: "This is a magazine, teaching, wants to cultivate the truth, want to start the business, want to make money."

The mountains are flashing, laughing: "We can also sequentially, separate, and rich people with more tuition fees, poor students to reduce the miscellaneous fees."

I paused, I looked at Tang Long and said: "We have so much money, and it should be contributed to the society. Even if the talents cultivated, we don't need it, or you can return society."

"Do school?" Tang Long repeated three words.

The green bun is not expressive: "I support!"

This is not to discuss with embroidery, because the first person of the school ', is Zhang Embroidery, but her means that the college of the Office, now listening to their mean, this is to do The ticket is large, not only to teach ordinary knowledge, and the comprehension can teach.

Tang Long grabbed his head and whispered: "Can this?"

The mountains have smiled and said: "Can you do it, try it, don't say anything, no more money, no, how much it doesn't spend anyway!"

Tang Long smiled and wondered, even if it didn't matter to fish, there was no loss.

"That do it!"

After the break, Tang Long went to the village committee.

"village head!"

Just saw Liu Jing, Ye Fugui, led the white fragrant rolling in the village. Zhang embroidered to give Liu Jing to arrange a job, can't be mixed, etc., the question is how Liu Jing knows what work for her!

"Are you a villager?" White fragrant glasses looked at Tang Long, for Tang Long to be unresolved, although he is a village head, but looks also young.

Tang Long first nodded by Liu Jing, and then he saw the white fragrant scent: " Let's take lunch, you can do the environmental hygiene in the village! "

After finishing, walk towards the village committee!

White fragrant glance beads, asked Liu Jing: "What is the environmental hygiene in the village?"

Liu Jing, smiled, barely hit smile, one was said: "The environmental health worker in the village is the management environment."

"Management environment?" White fragrance is a little accident, it is difficult to give yourself a matter?

Side, Ye Fuqi couldn't help but laugh: "Environmental administrator is cleaner, sweeping the street, managing the village."

"Sweeping the street? Cleaner? He, he actually made me cleaner?" White Xiang Xiang was angry, almost didn't blow it on the spot.

"Small voice!" Liu Jing hurriedly pulled her: "You have to be clear, you can get sin in the fish head, but there are two people who don't work, one is embroidered, one is Tang Long Village, if They let you glow, then no one dares to stay you, you can only leave the fish head! "

White fragrant eyes, calling: "I didn't sin?"

Liu Jing is laughing: "Huang Xiaotian, is the 'Dog King' in the village, in the heterogeneous circle, is also a few leadings, and it is a dog of the village."

White fragrant is almost unachable: "Because I have a dog, he will send me to sweep the street? When cleaner?"

Liu Jing blinked, smiled and said: "Obviously, you have to don't want, you can't do it, you can't let you do anything else!"

Leave the fish head village?

Miss this lady came to school, the old ancestors in the family must let himself stay in the fish head village, saying what is going to gather here, and tuition fees taught a few billions, old Sun Lin At the time, I almost didn't give yourself, and he took the Donghe Town, where he was stationed outside the fish head, where he got?

Don't say that you can't go, even if you can go, you have been caught in the fishing village.

"I am mad!"

White fragrant eyes flashed, and didn't know what to show in his mouth.

"Liu Jing sister!"

Ren Yingying and Zhang Xueer were stepping on a electric scooter and stopped next to a few people.

"You don't have to be in class today?" Liu Jing asked with a smile.

Ren Yingying said: "Hey, escape, don't tell Tanglong's stinky guy, or if you should find a reason to marry me."

The head is worth a white fragrant, curiosity: "Who is this sister?"

"She is ... The people who come to the fish in the fish," Liu Jing didn't know how to explain. Say it is a person, it is not necessarily, it is not your own, the embroidered book has been allowed, and it is necessary to stay in the fish head in the fish head.

"Pharmaceutical white family?" Ren Yingying said: "The big pharmacy!"

White fragrant is curious: "Do you know that Pharmaceutical?"

Ren Yingying grabbed his eye beads, laughing and said: "Understanding, why don't you know, Longhu Hui Pharmacy, North Dragon South Medicine!"

White fragrant is a little very chest, the medicine is quite famous, even the teenage girl knows.

"She is Ren Yingying!" Liu Jing smiled and said.

Ren Yingying, I saw people talking about people, seeing ghosts who gods, thirteen years old on the shore of Jinsha River, and taught Yun Niang's handle, and there are more eyes.

"White sister, have dinner, do you want to eat together? I invite customers!" Ren Ying smiled and smiled, and Zhang Xueer in the side knew her, knowing her is in the ghost idea.

"The gas is full, and there is still a mood!" White fragrance said with his mouth and said.

"Who is getting angry?" Ren Yingying blinked his eyes and put it well.

"Not your dog village ... Your village head is to punish me because I am jealousy, let me go to sweep the street!" Said the white calm call.

Ren Yingying's eyes turned, followed: "Tang Long is too much, how can Miss White to clean the street when cleaning?"

On the side, Liu Jing and Ye Fugui looked at each other. He did not shake his head, and he wore it.

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