Taoyuan Soldier King

The ninth hundred and forty-one chapter

Listening to Tang Long's words, Zhang Embroidered and other people smiled, it seems that everyone knows that this is the same as Tang Long.

"It is on the one hand, how can I do it well, I can say it again."

Tang Long looked at them, smiled and said: "Three years, ten universities, 100,000 teachers and students, as long as they will be willing, this should be difficult. The problem is, whether these ten universities, 100,000 teachers can be Heavy, can you become a permanent movement of our future talents? "


Zhang Embroids listened to Tang Long's words, thinking about it, seeing others without talking, but simply returning to two words.

"?" Tang Long smiled.

Zhang Embroidery nodded: "Yes, money!"

Can light money? Some things, can not be available!

Of course, as long as the money is enough, we will be able to smash it, don't hesitate to squat, it seems that there is nothing.

"How to?"

Tang Long smiled.

Zhang Embroid said: "The top 100 colleges and universities in China strive for cooperation. In the Donghe Town, you will have a division of schools. What short board. "

Tang Long looked at her, just walked in a while: "This investment is not small!"

"Nothing, let's have money!"

When I said this, I was very confident.

Tang Long smiled and shrugged and asked: "Do we really have money?"


Zhang Embroidered nodded, as if he didn't take the problem of 'money'.


Tang Long nod, what can he say? If you pay money, you will pay money, money, what is something?

"The network in our Donghe Town is not too good!" Zhang Embroids smiled and said.

The internet? Signal?

Tang Long said: "To contact Telecom Company?"

Zhang embroidered smiled and shook his head. "

Well, get a few satellites? Do yourself?

I haven't waited for Tang Long to talk, and the sound of the sound said: "Outer space exploration technology is also our short board, such as satellite technology, we can't do it, so we must first get a 'satellite exploration company' First, I will get my satellite launch technology. The provincial claims are in the hands of people, and we have no more than room! "

Well, ok, the satellite thing is not engaged, it is staring on the satellite launch technology, is it still a satellite?

"Do we have so many things that don't work?" Tang Long did not ask.

The people around them are in the same sound: "Yes!"

Let Tang Long can't help but stunned. He said that this group of women don't think? This is another way to engage in college, but also engage in technology parks, now I want to launch satellite.

"It's a bit chaotic, listen to me, let's take three steps!" The Xia Xiaodao blinked and said with the opening.

Everyone, including Tang Long, look at her, I want to hear what three steps she said.

: "The first step, established the 'Donghe Technology Enterprise Alliance', this is the foundation of the technology of the Donghe Town.

In the second step, the establishment of the University of Donghe Town's University City 'Development Fund, take place, cover schools, go all over the country, no, excavation, find teachers, and improve the talent base.

In the third step, the establishment of the 'Donghe Star Company', first use the power of other companies at home and abroad, launch a few satellites, provide a stable network signal, then open its own 'Star R & D company', layout satellite manufacturing, launch, etc. Technologies, technical reserves for future 'Star Exploration'. "

Tang Long grabbed his head, this group of women want to do something, it is really a burden, even he can't help but admire.

"Do it!" Tang Long nodded and said.

The peony medicine looked at Tang Long blinking, laughing and said: "These are all!"

"I don't work?" Tang Long stunned, stunned: "These things are not what you mentioned, how can I get me?"


: "It is not a fake we mentioned, but we all have your own things. Now you are the idle people in the whole fish, you don't do anyone?"

Tang Long smiles: "How do I idle, cultivate the center ..."

Zhang Embroids interrupted Tang Long and said: "The cultivation center, I am going to stare yourself, and I have already talked with the Chief of Sakura, I feel that she is still trustworthy."

Tang Long is a little bit, spring cherry? Take a big ?

The eyes flashed and asked: "Is it what you find, or what she is looking for?"

Zhang Embroidered calm said: "I am looking for her!"

"How do you know what spring cherry?" Tang Long did not understand. Sakura is closed at the cultivation center, only a few talents know, and Chuari is only a thing of the victory.

Zhang Embroidered: "I have dressed!"

"Demonstration is calculated?" Tang Long stayed.

Zhang Embroids calmly: "Yes, I will be in the identity of the disciple, I will pay it into the 'Kunlun Deficiency', 'Pixing Tianzong', and the 'Jiuguan Gate'."

Tang Long grabbed his head: "So?"

"Some people have taken the bridge!" Zhang Embroidered is extremely flat, but Tang Long can listen, the two months he went out, it seems to have a lot of things in her and fish.

Without waiting for Tang Long to talk, Zhang Embroidered continued to smile and said: "In these paramenters, I like the" Milk Autumn Change "This thing."

"Qianqiu easy to change?"

Tang Long Yi, looked at her asking: "In the middle of Yi Xue, within a thousand autumn, everything is omnipotent, do nothing, do you learn the" Qianqiu easy to change "?"


Zhang Embroidered nodded and said calm: "After learning, I am in order to get the first to the fish head, it is 'Enlightenment, use spring cherry, Liquid wood, increase Fu Lu.'."

Life, this thing Tang Longxin does not believe. During the surgery, how to say, some things Tang Longxin, but some things do not believe.

This should be told from others, Tang Long does not believe, but these things are going out from Zhang Embroidery, then they can't believe.

Just let Tang Long didn't think of it, Zhang Embroidered actually learned 'easy to', knowing this is something that is contaminated.

If he is, Tang Long definitely will not let Zhang embroidered this thing, even if it is better, it doesn't touch it, but it is already late.

Sighs in your heart!

Didn't ask the spring cherry, but asked, "Qianqiu is easy to learn?"

Zhang Embroidered hesitated, only said: "Five-Year!"

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