
Chapter 5

Suddenly, the temperature inside the room blew up and a blazing infernal flame suddenly emerged beneath her, engulfing her entire body.

Even with the flame surrounding her, it appears it does not affect her. Kyou lowered her staff and suddenly, her staff absorbed the blazing flame. This event makes her staff glowed like a sun that emits destructive flares.

Her elegant gown fluttered and her eyes were full of viciousness. She was like a goddess of death and she's going to unleash all her power.

"Take this!" Kyou started by unleashing one of her destructive spells that can obliterate everything. Her staff released a gigantic ball of fire and it aimed directly at Holden.

Standing on the floor, Holden looked and stared at the incoming burning ball of fire with a perplexed look.

"It seems you made up your mind," Holden chuckled. "This kind of power is nothing to me!"

As he was getting ready to dodge the incoming spell, Holden felt that something was off. He looked below him found out that there was a thin fiber holding both of his feet.

"....." Holden stared at Fye far away with a serious face.

"Don't ever think that you can restrain me with this kind of trick." Holden sneered. This was a small matter to him.

"Diabolic Fervor!" Then, Holden released a demonic aura. It was a skill that greatly increase his overall strength to the limit. A sudden menacing dark aura appeared and enveloped his entire body.

The thin fiber holding his feet snapped unable to contain Holden's tremendous strength.

Holden instantly unsheathed his sword from his back and swung it diagonally. Then, Holden blinks his eyes and returned his sword to his back.

The way he executed it was beyond perfections. It was fast, clear, precise and full of power.

Suddenly, the ball of fire in front of him splits in half and dissolved like it never exists. Holden easily destroyed Kyou's dangerous spell like it was nothing to him. Holden was not just strong, he was too strong.

Even after all of these, Fye remained calm and undisturbed.

"Of course. That's why we will do what we can do." Fye laughed, they knew this will happened. It was all within their plan. They knew Holden will not fall on this simple tricks, that's why they used something real. That was to used Infernal Meteor Hell as a decoy.

Fye looked up in the air and muttered, 'It's up to you now, dear sister.' A figure of like a goddess was seen floating above.

Knowing Holden's action, Kyou was already floating in the air and recited the last sentence of her mantra spells. Different kinds of gigantic magic circles appeared above her. These magic circles contain tremendous amounts of magical power.

You can easily guess the power of spells by looking at the magic circles. Above Kyou, magic circles that have a diameter of two miles are radiating majestic lights.

"Diabolic Malediction! Diabolic Malice! Infernal Strike! Wrath of Babel!" It was the ancient fourfold casting technique!

Casting multiple high-tier mantra spells was only the true god mage can achieve. A mage that can only cast one mantra spell was considered an ordinary. Mages that can dual-cast were considered geniuses within their generations and usually appointed as Empire's Mage Magistrate. Triple casting was even harder, mages that can cast triple mantra spell at the same time were considered gods.

But fourfold casting was something beyond gods can do. Only those who ascended and broke the last barrier can achieve it.

Kyou poured out everything she had. These spells were her own. She painstakingly created them for hundreds of years.

Diabolic Malediction was their racial awakening power. Kyou studied and modified it that will suit her. It increases her magical power tenfold for a short time.

The Diabolic Malice was a forbidden curse spell that invoked thousands of forbidden curses to the target.

The mantra spell Infernal Strike produces a magical sword that depends on the will and magical power of the caster. Behind Kyou, there are millions of sword imbued with magical power. They danced as they waited for their master's command.

Wrath of Babel was Kyou's ultimate and most dangerous spell. This was her trump card. This spell was so dangerous that it can cause her death if she uses it constantly. Behind the millions of swords, a figure of a winged woman holding a staff hovered.
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It was a magnificent sight to encounter. It was majestic.

"Eat this Holden!" Kyou shouted as blood came out of her eyes and nose. Kyou waved her staff and directed her spells on Holden!

"Bastard!" Holden was enraged. He didn't expect to fall into their trap. 'Infernal Meteor Hell as a decoy? What a pain in the ass.' Holden's body trembled. Not because he was afraid, it's because he was thrilled. "Hahaha! Come! Let's see if you can defeat me! Let me witness your so-called ultimate power!"

Holden spread his arms wide and smiled, "Limit Off! Diabolic God! Berserk God! Hell!"

Holden also released everything he had. There was only darkness surrounding him. The entire area trembled due to the sudden released of his magical power.

"Haha! Sorry, but this place would be your resting place."

Suddenly, Holden heard a woman's laughed behind him. For Holden, this voice sounds like death.

Holden gulped a mouthful of saliva. Before he can turn his head towards the woman, he felt something hot towards his chest. 'What is this?'

He looked at his chest and what he saw terrified him. A tiny delicate hands were embracing him.

"What are you doing?!" Holden exclaimed. Her face turned ashen white.

He tried grabbing these tiny hands away but they never budged. "Are you out of your mind?!"

Holden was getting anxious. Millions of swords were flying towards him.

"As I said, this would be your resting place! Haha!"

The woman behind Holden was none other than Fye.

She looked up and saw Kyou's shocked face. "Sorry..." Fye said in a low voice.

This was not included in their plan. But she doesn't have any choice, this was the only way to defeat Holden.

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