TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 13 - Dosing Using Demon Beasts

The technique that Ay developed was called the soul core opening art. This art uses the soul which encompasses the body to focus on the dantan and infuse it with soul energy. Danny himself will be using his improved meditation technique which was more suited to him and began to breath slowly the soul energy around him began to gather and then Ay focused the energy that entered the EGL to the lower dantan and the slowly covered it once the entire dantan was covered in about 50units of soul force it began to swallow the energy then Ay began to slowly as unit after unit. This may sound easy but to manipulate soul force to this degree is like when Nei Lei beat shen yue in the library.

Several hours past and finally the last unit of soul force entered his earth core. Ay then began to restore the core of EGL to 99 soul force and then finally Danny opened his eyes. He was shocked to final that there was soul energy still gathered around his entire body. Once he stood up the soul energy began to attach to his skin once 5 minutes passed thin layer of soul armor formed around him and it was very clear so not many people would notice it.

"Wow Danny the soul armed is actually made from 198 units of soul force, it looks like as long as any dantan is open then the total number of soul force stored in the body will be the quantity used to form the soul armor. Danny this means that copper level beasts can't one shot you, copper rank 3 and lower."

"Interesting I also feel my body feels somewhat lighter. Maybe it's due to the meditation technique. Ay can you transmit the spear clans spear arts for me to practice and also please add the danger zones being demon beasts silver and up as well as the most common demon beast seen in the areas of the maps we "brought" from Glory city..." As he was going to continue Ay interrupted," You also want the recorded attacks and weaknesses of these creatures and I will add to that you should go search for thin-green bamboo and get the tendons of a copper lvl beast to make a bow. While you get those things and hunt demon beasts, I will make a technique that can help you in archery. Danny before you go to hunt demon beast power up your body with beasts below the copper rank so that your body can grow at a gradual rate without alerting the seals."

"All right Ay from this moment when I walk out of here I will begin hunting, it's time for others to be pray this time around." As Danny said this he walked towards the entrance of the tree. He began to inspect his surroundings, seeing that nothing was there he walked toward where he ate last night he looked for the tree he hung the animal skin on. He felt annoyed that he had to skin them using a freaking treasure that can insta kill an ancestor realm cultivator. He was sure if his grandfather from his mom's side saw him he would give him a beating. Then he dug up the ground directly under the tree branch(that held the animal skin) and pulled out his food. He went to the stream cleaned his food and ate them clean then he ran as quietly as a 4 year old can and went to fight demon beast.


One month later, a youth who looked like he was five holding a spear in his hands and was fighting a bear type demon beast that was about to enter the copper rank. The beast swung its powerful claw toward the boy. The boy dodged by rolling to the side. The ground he was on shook, when he looked back to where he was standing he found a small hole about 5 inches deep into the ground.

" Thank god this one is slow it will be easy kill."

"" Just don't get careless Danny we don't want what happen last time you fought this beast to occur. If it wasn't for your armor you would have died in one hit. ""

'Ay your worrying for nothing, last time is last time I have improved significantly sense then and I broke through the beginner stages of the spear art. I am also as strong as this beast almost at the bronze rank number one. When have I ever steered you wrong?'

""Do you really want me to answer that? No I don't think you do. Don't for get that when we just started your stupid ȧss ran into a freakin wolf den which I warned you about earlier. Your idiotic act almost got us killed and..... WATCH OUT ROLL 3 OCLOCK NOW!""

'Thanks for that Ay see with us together there is nothing we can't do' Danny thought as he dodged the attack and aimed his spear toward the bears right knee.

""You are gonna give me a heart attack one day. I might just pass on before you."Ay said feeling aggrieved.

'Ay don't be like that your a soul so you won't ever die from a heart attack.'

""Aargh! Stupid bear you better kill this fool before I do or else I'm gonna.." Ay began cursing Danny like crazy while rooting for the bear but too bad Danny managed to hit the knee of the bear several time at the same spot. He was lucky that although Ay was throwing a fit, she would warn him directly when a hit was coming in.

Although Danny would have loved to not get hit he seem to have no where to run as he dodged into a corner of a mountain wall.(think of the steep side of a mountain that mountain climbers love to climb) The bear roared and through its paw with the full weight of its body. Since he couldn't run he decided to aim for the bears mouth and trade blows. Ay rolled her eyes at his antics because she knew he wouldn't get hurt in the slightest and that he led himself into a corner just to experience this situation like how it was written in the novels he read. The main mc's life and death battle so he wanted to experience such a feeling. Yet as the spear went through the bears mouth and out the other end, Danny was sent flying. He got up sight then said, " being too strong is so troublesome.

" What was that little brat you think your so strong for playing around with this weakling how about you fight a silver rank beast head on." Ay yelled at Danny.

"Come on Ay let me have this we had a rough month after this I can finally kill a copper rank and break through. Then we can go toward the ruins Nei Lei discovered and copy all the manuals you did say that we are around 12 years behind the main plot so there should be many thing still undiscovered."

" Let you have crap we aren't on vacation we are freaking living in a dam tree in the meddle of no where. You wanna know what's the worst part it will soon be the cold season in about three months what are you gonna do about that. So can we please get going and preparing for the shit storm heading your way." Ay yelled back again at Danny making him speechless. 'I'm the one out here fighting and living one hell of a life and on top of that I'm still being owned by a woman. One day I will spank you all night long.' Danny grumbled in his thoughts then went towards the bear. He then skinned it using the treasured dagger after which he began to drink its blood after slashing its neck. He began to activate DDD Body evolution. This was the name Danny thought of as he was pondering for a long time for the special body refining method he and Ay made a month ago. The three Ds stand for Danny devouring demon body evolution. Ay thought this was the stupidest thing she heard in her life, and called the skill Demon refining body. She also offered a better name demon essence absorbing technique.

Yet the hard headed Danny said he wants his name in the technique. After drinking the blood he ate the flesh, finally the bones leaving nothing. He then went into a near by cave he found earlier and sat cross legged and activated his meditation breathing art. The second flaw he found was that he need a lot of energy to transform and also absorb into his body. To speed this up he uses the meditation skill and Ay uses soul power to ȧssist the refining of the beast.

Finally after 6 hours Danny opens his eyes and has a smile at his face he finally broke even, his strength has improved once again and he can finally go and kill copper rank beasts. This was the start of a long journey for our little four year old. Danny then got up saw it was dark, before leaving he asked Ay the progress of the strath skill she was modifying from the shadow division and she said soon it will be ready. Danny then entered his mind scape and began to look at the map. It look much more detailed from before at least the area around his temporary base did. He discovered that the map updated automatically where ever he went. It would become clearer and also show the type of demon beasts he encountered in an area. He was so thankful for this skill. The best soul support skill anyone can have.

Danny then exited his mindscape swiftly rand toward his home not bothering with any demon beasts as they were much stronger and more of them at night. When he got there he directly went to the bed he made from the beast skin and went to sleep. His speed, power, control have improved significantly from a month ago. From this point Danny's rise is destined although it will be a tough one.

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