TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 20 - Never Again!!

Danny decided to check the first place where the change took place. He felt that he new where the changes took place it was as if because it happened in his body it was telling him where he changed, all he had to do was get used to the change. He check his heart with his soul force, the thing that surprised him was that he could control his energy and finally move them around just like Ay did. He can now utilize several skills he wanted to use for a long time. He finally focused on his heart and he noticed that there was a type of power sealed and he felt if he activated it he will burst with power. Just when he was going to activate it and test his power up Ay immediately stopped him as he still only just bȧrėly satisfied the energy his body needs and he couldn't waste anything or he will go back into his hunger strike. Then Danny imagined himself dying from hunger, shook his head and dropped the thought of checking his abilities.

"Danny I also noticed 2 things in your body. The both are kind of bad news. The less bad news is that after you solve your body last seal your entire body go through a thorough transformation will need a massive amount of energy to break through realms. For example if a normal spiritualist needs 100 soul force to break through to copper realm then you will need at least 1000. Its good and bad news in a way. So my opinion is that you wait till you get the techniques from Nei Lei then I can complete the super cultivation skill of soul force and finally fuse it with your body skill. If everything works out like I plan then the things I need to help you upgrade are deep in the ruins. The second issue is that those old bastards will send some trouble your way as when we broke through those seals they have somehow been warned as I saw a dark yet transparent aura be released from your body every time a seal broke. So you need to train hard although I don't think they can easily invade this world, I still believe they can indirectly send a tribulation your way. So what are you gonna do."

"Dam old foggies always messing with me. I guess the only logical thing to do is go out and train. I'll keep devouring beasts until I reach a peak legend rank fighter, this coupled with my current abilities and fighting skills my increase my chances in this ruin. I can tell no one discovered it before and we are the first. Considering the first test was a soul refinement and I almost died I don't wanna take my chances. This cave is hidden and no one will find it so I'll comeback when I'm stronger. The second thing is I don't care what those powerful beings were trying to do I'm gonna kill what ever is thrown my way." After telling Ay his plan Danny began to search for valuables inside the cave, he found some soul stones of the highest quality but he couldn't cultivate his dantan so he couldn't use it. He then tried to absorb the energy in it but before it entered his body Ay stopped him.

"Danny these stones although will help satiate your body it will also be extra energy to strengthen the seal allowing it to repair itself. Don't let any pure soul force enter your meridians for the time being. Just train by devouring those beast if you remember there are many strong demons hidden. Also add this to your plans find a way to build a faction solely loyal to you this will enhance your strength in another way." As Ay said that Danny stopped trying to force the issue and decided to look around for another entrance. He approached the was that said "I Am The World" and began to inspect around it. He touched around but the entrance didn't appear. Ay suddenly told him that she found the entrance but she won't tell him about it until he reached legend rank. Ay gave a victory grin while Danny can only dwell on how shitty his luck is. He then put his effort to control the sub soul as he felt a small link to it. Once he wrapped his soul around it, the sub soul opened its eyes. It looked at Ay and then said," Hey beautiful how about I float over and keep you company. I even keep you warm while the main is doing his thing. From now on you belong to subDanny." After the subsoul said this he was met with a slap from Ay.

"Danny you dare talk crap like that don't think I don't know that you are in here and out there at the same time. So this is how a true subsoul is. At least you can keep me company while focusing on getting stronger and we can research stronger skill quicker." Ay brated then began talking to subDanny while Danny himself who was aware of the convo was leaving the cave slowly as he didn't want to awaken the wolf if it was back.

He then appeared next to the wolf nest as he looked around until he saw the black gold rank Moon Wolf. It was severely injured and had lost a leg. While the gold rank Moon Wolf was also injured and had a large scar on its back. Seeing this Danny decided to activate his new innate abilities and test them out. Leaving his heart out of it he first activated a black membrane under his skin and suddenly his body was covered in black scales (which he decided to call Black Dragon Armor. Thanks to his soul armor he his aura was restrained and the beasts didn't feel the spike in his energy. The second thing he noticed was that his eyes had been golden color this whole time. Ay didn't mention it so he tried and focused soul force into them and they began to glow. He felt he could see everything much clearer, further, and he could also see the soul aura around the beasts, which was brand new to him.

He began to feel a little hungry so he pulled out his spear and then activated the shadow division movement skill and moved swiftly but noiselessly. As he approach the black gold rank beast he compressed soul force at the top of the spear and pierced through the air towards its neck. The wolf woke up once the spear arrived and tried to use its defensive skill that explodes its aura out of its body and knocks away its enemies. Too bad it was too late and was pierced by the spear. Although it was stronger than Danny, he pulled a variation of Tsunade's power punch from Naruto anime and rotated it at the tip of the spear so it can be more concentrated and have a higher piercing power. Even a healthy full powered black gold lvl beast's hide couldn't handle this strength let alone an injured one. Knowing that it was gonna die the Moon wolf decided to fatally attack Danny with all it has to protect the young Wolf. Danny who relaxed his defenses after his attack didn't expect to be suddenly put into a dangerous situation. The beast broke through his soul armor and then continued to hit his scales. The attack seemed to have weakened when the wolf roared loudly puttting everything it had into its attack for a 1 hit KO. If Danny wasn't a bit hungry and had time to adjust to his abilities then maybe this wouldn't be as dangerous. He also didn't have an accurate reading of his pros and cons so using his abilities without taking the consumption of energy into consideration is a super rookie move. This usually determines the life and death of a person.

BAM!!! The claw hit his scales and sparks flew for a moment before the wolf's deadly attack continued to sink into his scales slowly. Danny panicked in this situation and didn't know what to do he felt death was near or at least he would have a deadly injury. His body instinctively felt the danger and acted on its own by first activating the burst ability in his heart to strengthen his body secondly a slit opened between his eyes on his forehead. A pupil-less eye appeared with a soft shadowing white aura exiting from it. Once the wolf stared into the eye it froze even its attack that just entered Danny's skin paused for a moment. Danny quickly took the opportunity to step back, dropped himself on the floor, and rolled to the side of the wolf. He didn't feel relief from escaping the situation and engraved this lesson to heart. Ay who was watching with the panicked looking subsoul didn't berate him but rather asked if he was ok. The Moon Wolf regained its ability to move and its attack smashed into a wall. After its attack it glared back towards Danny and then toppled over breathing its final breath. Even when dying it wanted to save the gold ranked wolf.

Danny woke up from his shocked state look at the wound on his ċhėst and yelled never again will he drop his guard. He was really angry with himself. Even Ay who would be yelling at him simply told him let this be a lesson learned. A gigantic feeling of hunger hit him so much so he began to devour the Moon Wolf. Ay who was watching him reminded him to keep its beast soul and also told him to that it can be one of the beast souls he could use for one of his soul realm. After devouring the peak black gold rank beast while exercising his DDD BODY EVOLUTION skill he felt much better but decided to continue on to the other wolf when Ay explicitly said leave it and go devour the beasts out side. He was very hungry and so he instinctively listen to Ay as if it was the natural thing to do.

Outside hundreds of beasts were there feasting on the dead beasts from before. Danny then remembered he forgot to ask Ay how long he stayed in the cave as most of the beasts were only bones. He grabbed his spear and began a slaughter. After killing a couple of gold, silver and a lot of copper rank beasts. He continued his feast until he was satisfied. Then he looked towards a direct in the forest and headed there. On his way he was visualizing the fight with the wolf and his mistake. Ay was quiet not disturbing even his subsoul as she didn't want him to feel worse. She know that even though he planned ahead in everything he made two miscalculations that almost cost him his life. The first was during his transformation. The second was with the Moon Wolf. She decided once he calmed down she would start another to do list with him.

Deep in the forest there was a small Rocky Mountain. At the bottom of this mountain was a den of beasts. The chief of these beasts was a black gold lvl Tribal Razor Claw and it was severely injured. Good thing it only lost its tail and got a scar on its head unlike its enemy who wiped out most of his clan but lost a limb. It was sadly looking around staring at the 20 something Razor Claws around it. It's tribe had hundreds had been brought down to this and it was also severely injured. A distance away was a pair of golden eyes staring at the beasts. Danny came here an hour ago and was waiting for an opportunity to appear. To prove to himself he isn't weak and can handle these beasts with his new found strength he came into the territory of these Razor Claws. He had a plan and it was a very simple one when the black gold rank beast goes into his cave he will strike.

The chief Razor claw finally went to back into its cave to rest and heal. After a bit of time Danny like lightning charged toward the 20 razor claws using his spirit dome as well as his enhanced strength and soul force control he began a slaughter. What was amazing was that every attack aimed for a weak point its as if he knew where they were instinctively. Once he finished instead of inspecting where that ability came from instead he charged into the cave.

Boom! The Black Gold rank Razor claw had already anticipated Danny would attack it. So it met his spear head on and both it and Danny were pushed back. It was angry that a weakly like this would come attack it at its weakest moment. If it had full strength it could have easily cut his body in two. Danny gathered soul force at the tip of the spear and would attack and meet every hit the beast threw at him. He also utilized his Shadow division movement skill(don't have a name yet so I'm gonna wing it.) Silent Sweep to dodge and attack from different positions. He liked this skill since it kept his movements silent coupled with the aura covering effect of the spirit armor he was an ȧssassin in the making.

Danny dėsɨrėd to go for a battle of attrition as he was confident he can tire it out and kill the beast. He began to push through when he noticed an opening and pierced his spear in the stomach of the beast. Danny's confidence grew as he pulled back his spear dodged to the side and then jump with all his strength backflipping over the beasts body. The beast caught off guard by its prey's sudden change in pace that by the time it looked up to face Danny it was met with a spear right into the left eye. The spear didn't stop there as Danny reinforced it with a spin causing it to drill into the beasts skull. At this moment Danny didn't relax even for a second, he wanted to make sure the beast dies without retaliation. Yet just like last time with the Moon Wolf he felt death was near. The Beast Chief enter a frenzy and wanted to force this weakling to retreat so it attacked with full strength wrapping its bladed tail with a blood red aura and slashed at Danny. Danny for some reason was calm as if he expected this kind of retaliation while Ay was scared for him. He then activated his scale armor, and began to rotated his spirit armor as fast as possible. He also began to add spiritual force from EGL to further enhance the rotation. When the blades tail met his spirit armor it was deflected instead of breaking through. Yet this was the desperate attack of a black gold rank chief the force was enough to push him away from the beast. Too bad for the Razor claw it didn't expect Danny to rotate himself and kick the spear before being blasted off. The beast and Danny both fell on the ground but only Danny stood up.

He looked at the beast then said,"I said never again that wasn't a lie. See Ay." He foolishly looked at Ay, smiling like his usual self while Ay was calling him a retard.

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