TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 22 - The Legacy (1)

"Since the day of my grandfathers breakthrough 20 years had passed." Nistu wrote in her diary. She looked through the window of her room and sighed. In these 20 years many things happened. The first of which after her grandpa's breakthrough many people visited to congratulate her grandfather among which was 2 groups the first was a the remenants of the Ancestral God Land which was destroyed by the sage emperor. The second was a Deity realm beast that was from the Ancestral Demon Land who told her grandfather that he will be given 50 years to submit to the Sage Emperor. Even though a surpasser is stronger than a Deity realm of the same level the issue was that her gramps recently broke through and the Deity demon representing the sage emperor was at the peak. They also didn't want there grandfather to merely submit but sign a soul contract. This was something her grandfather as well as the leader of the Trinity Soul Clan Blaz Alma (meaning soul) ((full name kinda means the Protector soul)) did not stand for. So they took out all resources and began a benge training as well as gathering everyone in the Draconic Ruins. The sage emperor was a secret only known to the leaders of the current powers. (Now I will start with some wiki info which I will change a bit)

They don't know how long he controlled the space time of the Ruins and sub worlds but what they learned from the remnants of the Ancient God Land was that he never got true control over it but just enough to see those who can threaten him. He takes a look at the heavenly fate and sees who can stop him from gaining control of the realm. Even the current day people don't know the reason why they shouldn't let him gain control. When he destroyed the God Lands he was suffered fatal injuries but somehow he revived. Seeming that they could t kill him the Ancestral God lands peak expert sealed away parts of his bones using his life as the cost, causing the sage emperor a permanent injury that is almost impossible to heal from. Currently what remnants know of is that he only has his clone preceding over things while he is fully focused on healing. He also has 9 peak Deity realm beasts.

After a lot of thought an alliance was built between the humans, the Sky Origin Empire, the Trinity Soul Clan, and other races like the Flood dragons, Elvens, The Spirit clan which is composed of elementals,sprites, and Pure Souls(((being without physical body))). Nistu herself saw a huge improvement and broke through to the 5th level of the martial ancestor realm. As she was lost in thought writing in her diary she heard someone call her.

"My lovely Nistu how are you I've come to take you out to see the plan my soul clan set up." ???? Said with his masculine voice. The speaker had blond hair and his eyes were a shiny blue. He stood at 7ft 4inches and was only two inches taller than her. He was wearing a white robe with tight black pants that were plated with gold for protection. When Nistu saw him she said, " hmmm you fool finally remembered me after all that time training. I almost thought you've forgotten that your engaged and even about our wedding next week. I hope you have gotten the results your hoping for because I don't think you can beat me now." Once she finished talking unleashed her aura and activated a armor made of soul force.

"Nice Nistu truly the second strongest of our generation but as I told you before at the tournament 25 years ago once I beat you you'll never catch up." Said the male and unleashed a very overbearing aura at the peak of the ancestor realm. "I can believe you reached the peak then does that mean your the strongest in your clan." Nistu asked shocked by his display of power. Although she had a stronger physic, he had her beat with soul force quantity.

"No sadly, my grandfather was already in the Deity realm and managed to reach the peak recently fusing with the law of thunder completely. My father on the other hand the most talented in the clan after me obviously broke through to become a surpasser thanks to your father. If we had more time I would have become a surpasser within 100 years. Your father also reached the 3rd rank of surpasser surviving 3 disasters in total".((a disaster is basically like a heavenly tribulation but stronger as not just lightning is used rather the laws in general attack at once.))said Nistu's fiancé. "I'm really impressed Cade your really are amazing. You should pull off a miracle and try to breakthrough. If we lose then not only you and I but many races will go extinct and many teachings will be lost." Nistu told him expressing both happiness and sadness at there situation.

Cade had been named by his mother who is a human. She was human and married the Blaz who was as talented as her a violet attribute soul realm. Cade inherited there strengths and grew even stronger till finally he got to his current strength. The both of them then left went out on there date as Cade tried to cheer her up from the current situation.

The spiritual beasts and demon beasts numbered in the trillions and the amount that gained human form were in the billions. The alliance at most has a 100 billion fighters they are also on the losing side as they don't have as many peak Deity experts as well as someone stronger like the sage emperor. This was one of the problems the many powers faced and just like the peak experts who fought the Sage before them thousands of years ago. They too began preparation leaving behind inheritances, utilizing resources and desperately trying to breakthrough. After a week the grandest wedding had happen in Sky Origin Empire. The entire area that was under there control was decorated with gems and flowers. There was a sweet sent in the air from burning honey grass((don't know if it's exists but made it up at the spot)). The bride was escorted by the groom. She wore a dark blue wedding dress that had a whit flower design all over that were sparkling with gold dust. The groom wore a full white robe and pants glittered with gold as well. They walked towards the castle then toward their families where they started the ceremony. The culture of the tribe was to worship the ancestors and so the marriage ceremony first had them bow to the ancestors and ask for their blessings then to the parents, then the Sky(heaven), and finally to each other. After completing this Cade and Nistu went to the brides room to consummate((a more appropriate term than to have sėx)) their love and finally become one.

This event was very grand and one to remember. Too bad as the days after caused everyone to feel tense. Small skirmishes with demon beasts slowly began around the human lands, and the Sky Origin Empire. It started with one skirmish every couple of weeks in the boundaries of the owned lands. Then it became weekly and this slowly lowered the alliances fighting power over the next 30 years. The bad news is that the original 100 billion fights became 25 billion in total and although the Alliance killed way more beast it bȧrėly put a dent in the original number. The good news is that the alliance had lost its quantity for much higher quality. The fighters for the last 5 years hadn't lost there lives and the 25 billion remained the same only growing stronger.

In a room the leaders of the human race, Spirit race, Sky Origin Empire, Trinity Soul Clan, and the remnants of the Ancestral God lands planning an ambush. Although things were looking promising they knew that the true power of the Sage Emperor was gathering his forces. Even if he wasn't at full strength he hand a large army that worshiped him. Planning the sage emperors ȧssassination was a do or die mission either they succeed and kill him or fail and die. After some time Nistu entered with some wine and delicacies, seeing the smile on the old farts faces she handed them the goods to celebrate there plan. Sadly she didn't know that to protect her and Cade they weren't going to bring them along or let them know of the plan.

One month later 25 billion elites got into a huge formation designed by the alliance leaders. Once they activated the formations a giant titan formed from there energies. Then without any signal the titan appeared in the center of the Ancestral Demon lands and began a massacre. This was the first time in a long time some one dared to attack the sacred land of beasts. This attack was the first part of there plans, the second was for the leaders to charge to the sage emperors place that was in a pocket dimension whose entrance was deep under the main hall of the Deity rank beasts.

"Who dares to attack these sacred lands?!" A peak Deity rank beast came and tried to fight the titan off. Too bad one couldn't fight an army on his own. Seeing that the Deity Beast couldn't do anything to them the Alliance army let loose, there original caution and fear thrown right out the window. More and more beasts were killed and buildings were destroyed even the sect formation had not been activated due to the sudden attack. Not wanting to see anymore destruction the rest of the deities flew out of there chambers. A total of nine peak lvl Deity beasts facing off again a Titan made by 25 billion soldiers.

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