TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 24 - Path To The Peak is Eating

Ay began her long lecture to Danny which he already expected would include many of his abilities. The first thing was that she gave him an overview of what he has a strong body with many innate skills that need massive energy to activate. The ability that surprises him the most was the Eye on his forehead because even his father didn't unlock it only his(referring to Danny) great grandfather who was a Deity realm had it. It protects his soul by gathering most of it near his forehead without hindering body control,gives high defense against soul attacks, it grants perfect control of soul force, lastly enables him to control soul slaves when used with a special technique Danny's late father had written down in a book. This ability was also enhanced and has a synergy effect with the EGL soul skill.

The second thing she mentioned was his body has many hidden abilities that he probably can't use as he needs a large amount of energy to use just like his eye and heart abilities. He decided to call the Dragon King's Burst and his eye the Soul Eye. The Black Dragon Scale Armor ability also take too much energy although less than the rest so he decided to only use it in extreme cases. She also reminded him about the amount of energy he needs to breakthrough the bronze rank.

"Now that I reminded you of all that the next thing we should talk about is your gold eyes don't know why you got them but I think it might be related to the golden fruit. The other thing I found out about was that not only is your vision enhanced but your reflexes and sixth sense both receive a passive boost thanks to the eyes. Dam if you can breakthrough to higher realm you can utilize awesome skills. Oh I forgot to add that when you used your Soul Eye it gives people weaker than you or equal to you a paralysis effect. Now that were done with you situation you got to control that battle thirst you get. You might not have noticed but it seems the so called impulsiveness seems to be related with your Divine Clan's love for fighting life and death battles. So hold back and continue to do what we planned and get stronger."

"Ok Ay I kinda get where your coming from so what should I do now, we know that I need to find a way to get into Glory city we also need to build a power so we're can fight against our current enemy. It could be anyone of the families and the dark guild." Danny said to Ay as he walked towards the ruins.

"Danny listen up the first I think you should do honestly is try and put a soul seal on that Moon Wolf it is a strong beast and can reach the peak of the legend rank. Also we can find ways to help it evolve later on. It can be a strong companion to you even before entering Glory City. Once you do that both you and that beast should enter black gold rank. If you can do that then you can fight around 4 levels higher than you which means as an early black gold rank you can take on a peak. The next thing on your checklist is to build a power and what you can focus on is the commoners and weak nobles you can do something like a union and offer free skills to power them up. This way you can register and unite the commoners under one power like the work unions on earth. We can make the rules over the course of time your training. I'm sure everyone will join a commoner who reached the peak of the black gold lvl with a black gold rank pet."

"Ay you are a freaking genius the most amount of people are among commoners and like this we can control the largest amount of people. I somehow also need to gain entry Orchid Academy so I can copy the entire library."

"Don't worry about that now as long as in the next four years you can raise at least 100 black gold rank from the commoners then we can continue our plan to search much further than 500 kilometers from Glory city. Oh we can also have eyes and ears everywhere in Glory city thanks to the commoners being wide spread. This way we might be able to find who killed your mom. The last thing on your to do list is reach the peak legend rank in battle power in other words if you can reach legend rank 2 then you should have the power to fight against peak legend rank. That is my ȧssumption but actual value maybe different. Now let's meet the wolf make sure you release your aura we have enough food from your slaughter fest earlier." Ay then stopped explaining as Danny had reached the ruins. He went inside and saw the wolf seemed to have fallen asleep and a pile of bones around it. This wolf isn't like the other one who he ate. That one was special and seemed to be a mutant also Ay told him it was a king beast who are beasts that are born with unrivaled strength among there kind. Even though it was a normal Moon Wolf it was still a terrifying beast. As Danny approached it the beast opened its eyes and stood in a defensive stance. Before it can howl or do anything Danny forced his Soul Eye open, paralyzing the wolf. Then he followed the steps Ay showed him and entered the beasts soul and slowly began drawing a soul seal. It took a while since it was his first time but he finally got it then he left the beast's soul and entered his body then quickly closed his Soul Eye and began to pull out beast after beast and to stop his hunger. After an hour of eating meat without sparing the bones Danny finally looked at the wolf who was staring at him making a confused expression. Danny also sensed a connection with the wolf and he felt he can communicate with it even over long distances.

"Hahahahahaha Don't worry Silver although you are wondering who is the beast between you and Danny I can ȧssure you that even you have more class than him. Hahahahahaha Danny even a beast doubts that your human." Ay way laughing so hard that she could bȧrėly speak. She also didn't expect the Moon Wolf to have this type of expression. Danny was also dumbfounded for a moment before blushing in shame.

"Ay that's not what Rex was thinking he was just surprised how monstrously manly his master was." Danny went thick skin mode lvl 2 and began to defend himself which caused the wolf to hide its head under its paws and whimper. This caused Ay who was already laughing to laugh even harder causing Danny to grumble. "Danny it's embarrassed by both your stupidity and shamelessness. Hahahahahaahahaha but I don't care what you say it's name is silver ask it and you'll know. In fact I'll ask it for you."

"Darling Moon Wolf I am Ay Danny's unique subsoul/wife, do you like the name Silver or Rex I'll let you judge." Ay asked the Moon wolf causing the wolf who was already annoyed by Danny to quickly choose the name Ay choose. It felt Ay was an angel that was here to help it.

"Fine Silver it is, so wha now Ay?"

"Danny now it's time for me to tell you your training plan you have to eat like your mother use to feed you, no much more than that. To reach the peak of cultivation you must eat."

"Noooo I don't want to!"

"Danny then we'll never become strong enough to break the last seal and cultivate like normal people. Also you can forget revenge on those old beings." Seeing Danny still unconvinced she then gave his subsoul a suggestive look and whispered slowly," You won't be able to get me a body and spank me all night long. Oh well at least I can always be in control."

"Don't worry Ay I shall eat, eat to each the peak."Danny spoke with resolve.

Then Danny, Ay and there new companion Silver ,who was shaking its head, went out on there eating adventure.


Around 10 months passed since Danny went on his training. Deep in the forest around 300 kilometers away from the western gate. A group of people around 20 in total wearing black cloaks, black armored pants, black gauntlets with masks covering the lower half of there faces like kakashi from naruto. If one looked closely they would notice that they had blue colored symbol on their cloaks and back of there gauntlets. The person leading them had no mask on and was an old man with small wrinkles on his face, he has blue eyes and a small beard. His hair color was white. Even though he was old, he still released a very strong aura.

They were planing on entering deeper in the forest so they can map the area and kill strong beasts for more powerful beast souls but they stopped moving around 5 minutes ago as the sight they saw scared them. A boy no older than twelve was holding the neck of a gold rank Dark Wind Panther with one hand. Then he clenched his hand snapping its neck. Normally it would take a couple of gold ranks or or 2 black gold ranks to fight and kill this beast yet the boy killed him like it was nothing.

*crunch* one of the guards stepped back making noise this caused the boy to be alert and glare in their directions.the boy was wearing beast skin cloths and had armor over them he was also holding a spear in a right hand. His eyes were gold in color and his skin was covered in dried blood and dirt and his was was shiny black in color. Once he heard then he crouched down facing there direction and holding his spear to his side ready to attack(imagine Tarzan stance). The leader of the group was the first to calm down from the sight in front of him. He walked towards the boy and said, " Hey little one what are you doing out here."

Danny thought a bit before pointing at the dead beast and said," eating."

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