TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 46 - Boss Is A Demon

"Hey Ay this auction is my chance to get everything I need. What do you think should I add a set of 100 black gold rank armors and weapons with my signature on it. My name alone will increase the price to the millions haha.

I think with this auction I can send invite to many aristocrat and noble families from the neutral and Pro-Danny factions. Then I can offer a secret deal with Heavenly Fate Family Patriarch. This can get me the piece of paper of the temporal demon book. As well as any treasures the heavenly fate and the other noble families have. With the knowledge of The Soul and Tiny supremes I know most of the treasures in this entire realm.

This Auction is definitely an opportunity to rip.. no! strengthen the nobles of Glory City to their prime." Danny spoke to Ay while staring at his guards. They were hoping he would be more lenient with them. With this news maybe their boss will be easier with them since he loves treasures. They were really nervous.

" Ah your so annoying stop trying to justify your actions. So you wanna rip them off at least admit it. I might not like it but honestly it's a good idea. They should thank you for taking their treasures as it would at least be put in good hands that rust away. Those idiots dare hold on such treasures and let them rot. They deserve their decline. In fact we are giving them face just by showing interest in what they have. You know... Hahahahahahaha look at the faces of your Soul Guard especially the girl she looks like she is gonna cry. Hahaha you scared these people with your training sessions. Hahahahaha that one looks constipated Hahahaha."

"Wow Ay I though I was narcissistic but you showed me the path to reach a whole new level. It's alright Ay I only give them a little beating plus their legend ranks now why are they 3000 people scared of a mere 15 year old kid. I guess I need to push their training. I have been thinking for a while now I will give them a gravity seal and restrictive seal. They will do the entire regimen which I will update while wearing them.

I am also 15 about to turn 16 so these seals won't stunt my growth. What else should I make them do Hmm. Oh I can enhance their wills and senses by placing them in a formation that draws out their souls only. Their they will experience life death situations with no real danger but I won't tell them that. This way they will become more decisive and enhance their soul qualities and have a firm heart(will). Yes I like that definitely adding that in hehehe." Danny began to plan how to torc.. enhance the strengths of the talents under him. He wanted them to grow in strength, wisdom, determination and become leaders of their own. Ay chimed in and told him to make the training like a competition. To make it more fierce he will add for the top fifty who don't have a beast with the potential to reach legend rank will receive one as a reward. Danny added that also the top 10 will have a private training with him while those who get a lower result will receive a beating.

"Danny why do you seem like a fighting addict and have a love for violence?" Ay asked. Instead of Danny answer Ye Yan answered instead," Ay, Danny's main bloodline from before was from a fighting race. Just like the name states they instinctively love to fight. If I was to give you an analogy it would be the Sky Origin Divine Clan are like this world's Saiyan race. The only difference is the innate powers of both races.

This might also explain Danny's impulsiveness when fighting against stronger foes. With his genius he could have killed them in many ways that doesn't involve him doing the work but he kept choosing methods where he can fight. If it was anyone else they would have died but since it's was Danny, someone who always plans for victory, he was able to live every time.

I got to say if it wasn't for the fact that he was a kid back then, he would have been able to control the need to fight. Now he doesn't have that weakness so you won't need to worry about that Ay. Also a leader should alway put his subordinates in their place. In this case Danny is right." Ye Yan's answer made Danny laugh really hard.

"Damn you Ye Yan we should have let you in on our secrets." Ay pissed off that Ye Yan took Danny's side. Although she said she told them their secrets, they didn't tell him everything what...

" Oh So what you and Danny when you guys lived in the forest authored many books using your imagination. Also he can read all your thoughts but recently you couldn't read his. What secrets have you told me. These are mainly childish rants. If this kid wasn't a genius and read books from an early age, he won't have survived in the forest.

Everything he has is from his hard work. Anyways thanks to you guys for telling me everything about you guys. I still couldn't believe that when Danny was young he accidentally ran into Ay's dissipating soul in the forest along with the circumstances that lead to you becoming his sub-soul. Danny I am also sorry about your mom.

I think you will make a great leader for humanity. You might not realize it but you will definitely be the one to bring humans out of the dark age."

"Thanks Old Man don't mind Ay she is alway a sore loser during our playful moments. Don't get emotional on us now that you are part of my inner circle."

(I hate this first Ye Yan cut me,the author, off then that dam Danny ignored me screw that It's my turn now.)

Danny, Ye Yan, and Ay began to set up the training regimen. Once done Danny began to scan the crowd who somehow calmed down. "So I was very impressed by you guys that I decided that I will first test you guys out. For the next week we will spar all day your rest will be when you sleep. We will spar from sunrise to sunset. After that I will give you guys a brand new upgraded..... training regimen. I know you guys are happy with my decision.

Now Scarlet because you brought me such wonderful news. I will make a competition and the top fifty people who rank highest will get a legend rank beast soul with the possibility of going beyond that. The results will be out after the week of spars. Now if I am disappointed with anyone through out the week I will give him a beating. As for the top ten they will personally be taught by me. Maybe even learn new skills other than what I have given you." danny said with an evil smirk on his face.

Everyone faces didn't show fear which was what Danny thought would be their initial response. Instead these people showed a hunger for strength. They wanted to reach the top fifty. They wanted legend rank beast souls.

"Alright we'll start now since you guys think your up for it."


"That dam devil he didn't even go easy on a girl. Do I really have no charm? I have bruises all over my body. Dam his "I don't discriminate, so you should thank me" bs." Scarlet was complaining to Ye Ren who had a headache. The boss challenged all 3000 members and beat them even when the transformed. This monster in human skin beat them black and blue.

They all secretly complained but were awed by his strength especially when he told them he was holding back about 60 percent of his strength. Danny stayed true to his word and passed the fifty beast souls to the top fifty excluding falcon, Akuma, and Ye Ren. Falcon already had the Golden Roc (I will fix it in earlier chapters), Ye Ren had the Griffin, while Akuma had the flame cougar. The three made it to the top 10 along with the usual bunch like scarlet, the two and some new seedlings.

What ticked everyone off was the stupid restriction seals and the gravity seals.

They bȧrėly could move and took an entire week just to adjust. Danny gave them a control seal that removes the restriction/gravity seals when needed like in a fight and what not.

After that the demon boss left and told them if they don't reach the peak of the legend rank by the end of the year he was going to beat them. On top of all that they were suppose to enter a formation to train their souls which if not careful can kill them. Many died and it sort of changed them a bit. This made everyone hold a grudge against the demon boss.

"Everyone our boss is a demon I don't know where he went but we have improved in this month at an incredible rate. Our souls also grew stronger and our biggest boon is that our firm hearts. Before many of us were naive thinking boss will help us on every step. Now from everything that happen we should know that boss wants us to fight along side him that's why he calls us brothers.

So let's get back at him will show him we can beat him that we are his equals. Let's show him how we deal with demons." Akuma made this speech. He changed a lot from before. although still kind he now became more ruthless to his enemies.

Everyone,"KILL THE DEMON!"

They all felt more united as they have a new found goal to beat Danny up. Too bad they won't be able to do this till far in the future.

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