TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 55 - What The Heck!!!

As Shen Xiu was getting ready to start class. A few students were talking to each other.

"I heard the subjects we are going to study a very advanced. In a couple of months the selection of the genius class will be done. This year they say their is a special gift to the top 5 rankers in the selection." Student one said.

"Ya I know my dad is friends with someone in the Snow wind family. Once he got drunk ,while hanging out with my dad, he told him that the Genius disciple of Ye Mo made it." Student two replied.

"I heard it is really difficult but if we make it through it will be top notch spiritualists compared with the other schools."

"We even got Shen Xiu as our teacher a talent from the Sacred Family. She is a black gold rank demon spiritualist. She even is much stronger than those in the same rank at such a young age. We will definitely reach that height with her teaching us."student 1 said with enthusiasm.

"I know the Sacred Family is one of the three great families. Be it pills or techniques they are top notch. I don't think we are doing that bad I mean were peak copper rank. Hahaha!" Student 2 laughed loudly.

A student from behind sneered and said," you guys are just lazy many people already reached the silver rank. Also be it skills or pills thanks to the hero we could get them for a cheaper price. You guys are a shame to us noble families. Even the commoners are your equal."

The three students entered a heated discussion. Until they were yelled at by Shen Xiu. Nie li on the other hand who seemed out of it woke up.

'Huh! I'm alive. Where am I?..... why are my hands small. My cultivation is at the silver rank! How is that possible I was clearly at the peak Emperor rank but I failed to break through to the Supreme realm.'

Looking around him he sees Lu Paio setting right beside him. He saw his old war buddy who perished with glory city Du Zhe. Further down he saw Ye Ziyun the woman he longed for who also died defending him against a beast in his previous life.

'They're alive and somehow I was sent back to the past. The only explanation would be the temporal demon spirit book... now that I think about it something is off.'

He scanned the room with a powerful soul and finally he realized what was wrong. Along with what he subconsciously heard from the three noble students he was able to piece somethings things together.

'I have to calm down so besides the fact that everyone including me somehow have the much stronger than what I remember. Shen Xiu was a silver rank now black gold 3rd lvl. Their seems to be a genius disciple of Ye Mo who I clearly remember died before the beast wave on glory city. Their is also a hero who made cultivation skills and better pills which improved everyone's strengths including commoners.

WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE! It feels like I have been sent to a different world. I returned back thanks to the temporal demon book it's possible this hero also returned like me using something else. I will have to evaluate him to see if he is on the same side. Well strengthening the city kind of speaks for itself." Shaking his head he continues with his thoughts.

'So looking at the date and time of day Ye Mo's disciple should be dead if what I remember is correct. He mom was killed he trained in the forest, was found by Ye Mo, reached legend rank and took down 10 legend ranks who wanted to destroy the city dying in the process.

Although their is some deviation I will definitely be able to get a clear picture of what's going on.' As he was analyzing his situation Nie li suddenly feels a hand on his shoulders. He sees lu Piao looking him with concern, "Hey, bro are you ok. You shouldn't leave a bad impression on the first day, maybe you'll find someone you like."

Nie li responded happily, " Man I missed you bro it's as if I hadn't seen you for ages. Hahaha"

"Are you sick bro? I don't swing that way."

"Hahaha, you still make jokes. I'll let you know I only like Ziyun so that should tell you everything."

"Hahaha after Glory city's princess you have a really big appetite."

..."Hello class my name is Shen Xiu I will be your teacher for the next three years. There will be an ȧssessment in three months and the top 10 students from 3 classes will be chosen for the genius class.

Now I will explain to you some general knowledge. Not every person is born equal. The talent is determined by the color of the soul realm. Most people don't have a colored soul realm and can cultivate to become demon spiritualists. The soul realms from weakest to strongest are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, purple. The red soul realm are the weakest and usually find it difficult to breakthrough the silver rank without the ȧssistance of a lot of resources.

A demon spiritualist is someone who is able to use the power of a demon beast soul. When activating the beast soul that you fused with you will transform into that beast.." as Shen Xiu was talking she walked to a spot where everyone can see her. Then she transformed a blazing heat emerged from her body as sharp ear erected from her hair looking like dog ears. A dark red furred tail grew from her lower back. Her entire body grew a size without distorting her awesome figure. Her face remained smooth as her eyes turned red with elongated pupils.(think naruto fox form)

.." this is a demon spirit of the Imperial Flame Hound. This beast soul increases my speed and stamina as well as my strength twice as strong. This beast soul can only accompany me to the peak of the black gold rank before I have to change it.

Now I'm going to tell all of you a cold hard truth...." as Shen Xiu reaches this point in her speech Nie li ,who was shock that she didn't mock the commoners like he remembered instead gave a rather informative lesson, got ready to defend the commoner. 'Ah Shen Xiu your bastard Sacred Family will fall in this life time.'

".....None of you are equal to each other. The resources available to nobles are better and more readily available than commoners. The nobles also usually have better soul realms. I won't say it's impossible for a commoner to catch up or even surpass the nobles but it is rare. So for the commoner students do look into fractions that are accepting new blood. Their are usually good benefits especially in the top ten adventurers group.

Remember as long as you put in effort you will also rise like The great master Ye Mo. Another piece of good news is that the commoner union donated a element identifying orb. To use it just inject soul force into it and it will change into a different color. The colors are red for fire, blue for water, brown for earth, green for wood, grey for wind, and lastly sparks for lightning.

If you want to learn more you can check out the library as we have received all the new ranking systems put out from the city lords mansion. Now I will take attendance try not to make any noise."

Finishing her speech Shen Xiu went to her desk and pulled out the attendance sheet. Nie li wanted to pull his hair since when was the damned sacred Family's Arrogant Young Miss nice to Commoners. At the same instant Shen Xiu was pissed off in her mind ' why did my bro force me to be nice to the dam commoners, even some nobles don't deserve to be in my presence. What bullshit need to recruit more people to expand our influence.'

Once Shen Xiu finished taking attendance, A few noble children began to brag.

"Hahaha even with the Union that was set up to back you Commoners we nobles are still superior. "

"Ya you guys saw how strong our teacher is she is a genius of the Sacred Family. Where are your talented commoners."

"Hahaha I have so much resources at my disposal I can make you low life's eat my dust."

A commoner kid couldn't ignore their taunts yelled, " Ha Ye Mo's Student the boss of the commoner's Union was a commoner."

"Ya but he is backed by the Snow wind family. He has mad resources, what do you got?"

Many nobles joined in and Shen Xiu still ignored the issue. Another commoner got up unleashed an aura that showed he was sat the silver rank 3rd lvl.

" Fighting is forbidden in the school if you cause trouble I'll expel you from this class." Shen Xiu yelled at the commoner that was going to fight, causing him and the rest of the commoners to feel humiliated and ashamed.

Ye Ziyun was annoyed but didn't say anything. Shen Yue also remained quiet no one knew what he was thinking. Xiao Ning didn't show any change in expression but felt even more disgusted with the Sacred Family. Nie Li stood up and punched the noble who started the entire conversation.

"Hahaha your so weak even with the resources you have you can't even beat me a weak silver rank fighter who doesn't even have a demon spirit. You talking. Trash about the commoners but don't even have the strength to back it up."

"You what's your name I will expel you for this act." Shen Xiu felt annoyed that someone spoiled her revenge.

"What right do you have to expel me?! You clearly saw that these fools make fun of their fellow classmates and even to the point a fight could happen. You a teacher ignored your job and did nothing about it. I am ashamed to have a teacher like you."

As Nie li finished his speech, he suddenly felt he did a dumb move by acting impulsively. Shen Xiu pulled a file and read out loud.

" Nie Li from the Heavenly Marks Family, you have a red soul realm no element and you failed to fuse with a demon spirit. You are destined to only be a fighter. This is probably your limit, others have stronger soul realms and will reach at least gold rank in three months. You are ignorant to the facts and are disrespectful to your elders go stand to the back of the room. I will deal with you after class."

"Hahaha I will show you that I will become a legend rank like Ye Mo and even surpass him. I will also marry the most beautiful girl in Glory city." Nie li walked to the back and spoke these lines with confidence. He also stared at Ziyun and gave her a wink causing her to blush and quickly turn away.

Shen Yue surprisingly wasn't jealous and intact gave Nie Li a thumbs up causing Nie Li to again shout in his mind ' what the heck is going on doesn't he love Ziyun and want to marry her. Why is he giving me a thumbs up as if I relieved him from a burden.'

Lu Piao stood up and walked to the back.

"Look like your lazy ȧss doesn't want to sleep anymore."

"Shut up bastard it's cooler to stand. Plus I can't leave my friend standing alone."

After him stood Dhu Zhe and walked to the back. Wei Nan, Zhang Ming, and Zhu Xiangjun followed their boss and stood next to him.

Dhu Zhe and the others exchanged a few simple words with Nie Li. Nie Li felt proud to have brothers like these.

Just as Shen Xiu was going to yell at them a figure appeared in the room. He had Jet Black hair, white smooth skin. He was lean but muscular and had golden eyes. His shirt had cuts and tears. He was covered in dried blood, giving him an evil feel.

His sudden intrusion in the class caused everyone to be scared stiff especially Shen Xiu who knew this person. Her arch enemy Danny Ye Mo's monstrous disciple.

Danny looked around the room and saw Ziyun. He smiled and said, "Hey little sis, sorry I came so late to visit."

As he said that Ziyun began to cry and jumped towards her adopted brother for a hug.

Mean while at Nie Li's side, his jaws were dropped and he couldn't function. 'What the hell, wasn't this guy dead. I wanna know what the hell is going on where am I!!!"

Lu Piao smiled towards Nie Li, "Looks like you have a tough competitor hahaha"

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