TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 59 - Ultimate Evolution

Danny got up early and continued his morning training that he set for himself since young. After so many years, this morning practice became like a ritual. He never missed a day unless he had to like when he was trapped in the formation trial.

After Danny finished his practice, he told some soldiers to keep an eye out for Akuma. It's been a while since he went east to look for human remnants. Danny then went to the Union and asked the head to bring out the most updated map. Danny had a map 1000kilos around glory city already recorded into hoe Ethereal Grand Library. The new map had 1500 kilometers from the west gate, 1200 from the southern gate, 2000 from the eastern gate, and lastly 1200 the northern gate.

Danny copied the maps along with the info of the main type of beasts there. He then left some instruction for them which stumped them. "Since we reached 2000kilometers from the eastern gate, send people to find a suitable area to build a small town/city. This will be a good place for the adventurers to rest, rather than walk back for an entire day.

We can also allow new refugees to settle in these towns, make proper rules for the town mayor position."

"A freaking city design and rules for the new mayor. Damn it! So much work and no rest." The union sub-leader began to grumble.

"Once I reach the peak of the black gold rank, I can finally throw this job to others and go train at Glory mountain. Hahaha"

Two people cleaning the hall saw the union sub-head laughing like a crazy person.

"He's finally gone nuts."

"I knew this day would come, poor fellow. It's much better to be like us no cultivation and enjoying all the benefits."

"I'll drink to that."

"Like your wife will let you"


Danny left went to the City Lord mansion. Once he arrived at the gate he saw Ziyun leaving. Once he appeared in front of her she ran towards him.

"Hey bro, I got some good news. So Nie Li found some ancient book in his clans vault. It has many amazing arts. He told me he'll help you find a suitable one for your self."

"That's my awesome sister, that's why I made this awesome treasure for you. It can increase your speed and has an escape skill inside it. I called it Fly Like The Wind. Have fun with it later and let's go meet Nie Li."

Hearing her yell in pain, Danny says," Oh, don't touch the feathers, there really sharp."

"You could have said that first you know!"She yelled back.

"Sorry, I forgot as it didn't cut me."

"Baka Bro, lets got to the see leader Lie."

"Let's go see that brat."

Danny and Ziyun made it to the gate of Orchid Academy. They saw the entire squad waiting at the front gate. Once the group saw Danny and Ziyun they came up to greet them. After the small greeting Danny turned towards Nie Li and said, " my cute little sister told me that you have some skills that might suit me. Take it out and let me see. If I like what I see I might reward you with something."

Nie Li twitched inside as he still felt he hated the guy who changed everything. This is also the guy that stands between him and Ziyun. He respectfully responded back," Boss I need you to inject a soul core with your soul force."

Once Danny heard that he pulled out a soul core and injected his soul force into it. Danny tested himself before when he was 10 and knew he had a violet soul realm. He just didn't know what type of soul form he had.

Once the soul force entered the soul core something strange happened. Instead of the violet color that Danny remembered it was golden in color. "Hoho, now this is interesting. I wonder what changed my soul force from violet to gold?" The rest of the group heard Danny thinking aloud and were shocked that he was a violet talent. In the history of glory city there was never anyone with violet talent. The highest was a cyan color.

Nie Li quickly recovered from shock and asked Danny for the soul core. As he began to focus into it. He was shocked to see that it truely was golden color. Something that wasn't even written in the Temporal Demon spirit book.

He peaked past the golden curtain and began to identify Danny's soul form. He first saw 7 spaces within the soul form. The first was a black hole with yin attribute, the second was a black hole with yang attribute. The third space held a Three Eyed Soul King soul form.

The 4th, fifth, and sixth spaces were interconnected forming an unstable universe soul form. This soul form had the elements balanced and seemed to slowly expand. The last soul form was a lost soul form known as the Frozen Emperor. It was a world of ice and frost. The power within wasn't cold but to freeze everything even spacetime itself. This soul form was a law in and of itself.

Nie Li knew that this race was extinct and was surprised to see some one have their soul form. Those who have them usually contain a bloodline.

What shocked Nie Li even more was that these soul forms were all beneath an even larger soul form. The larger soul form was a huge Dragon with golden scales, ruby colored pupils and wings. All the protruding bones including its horns, and claws were rainbow colored diamond. Nie Li new the name of such a soul form. This soul form only appeared once in history and that signified the rise of humanity. The soul form of the first human emperor. It was called the Imperial Dragon Emperor and nicknamed the Chosen Monarch.

This soul form dictates that those who posses it are destined to be king of their race. It looks like his current rebirth saved a monster for humanity. This is good because the sage emperor will lose this time for sure. The only thing that caused Nie Li to be stumped was that on top of the Dragon head within there was a throne. The Throne was golden in color and contained everything. The records never said anything about throne being on top the Imperial Dragon.

Finally Nie Li looked away from the soul core and towards Danny. After staring for a while he heard Danny say, "Little bro I don't swing that way, I'm sure Du zhe and the rest can help you preference."

Hearing his words Du zhe and the guys took two steps back, while Nie li who was out of it only said one word. "Monster!"

"Each and every human alive have one soul form. You on the other hand have a fusion of multiple soul forms." Hearing Nie Li response didn't surprise Danny as the Trinity Soul Clan had 3 soul forms.

"The fused amount is a total of 8 soul forms. 7 sub forms and the main form being the same as the first human Emperor. The Imperial Dragon Emperor. That's not all! Your Dragon Soul form has a freaking throne that seems to encompass everything. This throne is responsible for the balance of the soul forms." The info Nie Li said shocked everyone. Looking at how shocked Nie Li looked when saying it made them even more emotional. Danny truly was a hero that all humanity needed. He was practically chosen to lead humanity.

"Okay then show me the skills I can practice enough of that historical bs. You guys got to remember one thing. The so called human emperor was just someone who stood up. As long as you guys stand up and fight then each of you can be known as human emperors.

People who stand up to lead humanity are it's true leaders. The human emperor in my opinion is overhyped due to the passage of time. For all we know he was a red soul realm. Just know that as long as you guys stand up, help your fellow man, and fight the enemy with all you got. Then each and every one of you will be leader and your soul realms will be hope to humanity." Danny finished speaking but what he said, even though it was true, just further solidified the belief of the group that Danny was truely meant to lead.

Danny's thought process at the moment was, since he has the ability he should take the responsibility. He didn't push himself to the point where he said he wants to be king or humanities leader. He just wants to use his ability to provide a better life for humans.

"Their are many skills that can fit with you. I'll give you the names and you chose..."

Danny cut Nie Li off and said," I'll make it easier for you little Li. This is a memory imprinting crystal the only one made by my union so far. I want you to record the skill you practice along with the best skills that fit with my soul realm. Also include the method you used to read soul realm. I want the entire skills included if you do that I'll give you something of equal value."

"No offense boss you should know that these skills are priceless. So I don't believe you can affor.... all right let's trade I knew boss would have many hidden treasures." Nie Li didn't feel like giving anything but as he was going to reject he saw Ziyun frown which caused him to change his method. He was going to tell Danny that he couldn't afford it so one skill was enough. Yet Danny pulled out a page of the temporal demon spirit book causing Nie Li to change his attitude entirely.

The reason Ye Ziyun frown was do to her brother being shameless and trying to take things for free. These skills are very valuable that one is worth the entire glory city.

Then she heard her brother offer a trade making her smile. When she saw that the trade was a useless piece of paper she was going to voice her opinion. Before she could Nie li already agreed.

The rest of the group also thought Danny to be shameless except Xiao Ning. Who laughed at how Danny hustled Nie Li.

Nie Li copies the skills and gave the memory imprint crystal back to Danny. Danny looked it through and noticed several skills which Ay and the subsoul began to incorporate into the unique skill Danny was making.

'Danny we recorded everything including the way to read soul forms. Just crush the memory crystal and the new skill will be done later today.'

Danny heard Ay and with out responding he crushed the memory crystal. He looked at Nie Li and said, " thanks brat I actually found an Art that I can cultivate. It's time for me to go train for a few days.

I expect you guys to follow the schedule I made and train accordingly. Xiao Ning rest for now, once you've healed up you can train.

The last thing I will say is that you might not see me till the day of the ȧssessment."

After he finished, Danny left towards the eastern gate. He then began to run towards glory mountain which was about 500 kilometer away. Once he made it he went into the lava where he set the formation and approached the Origin crystal. He then used his soul force to form a protective bubble. Once it stabilized and there was no lava or heat inside Danny pulled out the item spirit. He began to slowly fuse it with the Origin core.

Once it fused with the Origin core the spirit opened its eyes. Danny told her "your name is Glory and you will protect this mountain and formation." Then Danny sent information to the newly awoken spirit.

Glory," thank you master for my name and birth. I will do what I was born flawlessly."

"Good, that the spirit I want to see. I will train for a couple of days. Get accustomed to your new home and train well." Danny then exit the lava pool. He saw Falcon and the twins. After greeting them and leaving some instructions. Danny went to the highest floor of the Training Tower. Danny named this tower the Tower of Glory.

'Really still throwing bad puns.'

'Shut up Ay you don't know a good joke even if it hit you in the face. So how is the my new technique coming along. '

At the top of the tower Danny was seated cross legged with the help of Ay were completing his unique technique.

The day passed and it was already sunset.

"Final my master piece is completed the Ultimate evolution Technique!!"

"I can't believe after 13 years this skill is finally complete. Screw you danny!" Ay yelled but the smile on her face contradicted her words.

"Hahahah come on Ay this is really awesome this sense of accomplishment."

Danny pulled out a spirit stone, he only wasted 2 of them on the stronghold formation and path of legend.

"Let me test out my new art"

Danny began to circulate his art as Ay and Ue Yan watched with expectation.

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