TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 62 - Beast Wave

Shen Yue was staring at Danny waiting for him to give him the signal to continue.

"So why are you staring at me for stupid disciple I don't swing that way. If you got something to say go for it. As long as it's not a confession."

Shen Yue face darkened as he began to question how he got this damned monster as his master.

"Sensei I have done what you said and reached the peak Black Gold Rank. When should I breakthrough?" Since his so called 'master' is being a bully he decided to get some benefits. He was also stumped since Danny told him not to breakthrough.

Once he finished his speech a Soul Core was thrown towards him. Danny simply said, "insert your soul force." While pointing at the refined soul crystal.

The soul color was blue which made Shen yue proud. That lasted until he heard Danny comment it's ok.

Then Danny took the soul core and focused on it to see the soul form. There was a huge flame. The flame was shaped like a lotus and their was two colors coexisting.

Looking through the list of known soul forms from his memory, Danny found that this is a mutated Heavenly Flame Soul form of Yin/Yang attributes coexisting.

No wonder this idiot was considered a unique talent on par with Ziyun and Xiao Ning.

After checking his disciples soul form Danny had Ay work on a cultivation art exclusively for Shen Yue.

"I have a much better art that can take you beyond the legend rank. If you broke through you wouldn't be able to practice it." Danny began to bullshit Shen yue.

"Tell me what you have accomplished and any news of the movements of the dark guild. If I like you accomplishments I will give the art to you."

Shen Yue straightens up and began to tell Danny everything that happen in full details. He was heroically explaining his deeds.

"Over the past few years when you left for training, I have about 30 percent of the clan under my command. This includes my aunt Shen Xiu.

There are already some elders and members of shadow recommending me as the Clan Head. The only issue is that most elders including my dad want my elder brother as the Patriarch.

I also heard a rumor that my father had his talented younger brother killed to keep him from taking his position. I was being on watch Incase of ȧssassins.

I also have a legend rank elder as a guard and also master's life saving gifts.

Currently I have 10 of them who entered the hell realm. Hahaha what do you think of these accomplishments." Listening to Shen Yue report, Danny was surprised that this brat was actually able to get this much done. He was even more talented than the two girls.

The leader of the Sacred Family was a retard for not raising this son of his correctly. His talent would have willingly made people pick him as the city lord. Too bad to this clan Danny stole this talent for himself.

"That is very impressive considering you were 9 at the time I gave you the mission. Continue, I want to see what they were planning."

"Hehehe, they just like you thought stole adventurers to increase their numbers. The dark guild killed those who refuse and used their bodies to make some sort of potion that attracts beasts.

I heard the leader of the guild sacrificed several legend ranks to attract high level beasts. They plan to cause beast riots and destroy glory city.

I don't know why the leader of the dark guild is trying to destroy the city.

They are also planning to cause chaos from with in to distract the factions.

The main entry of beasts into the city will be through the Sacred Family Gate the northern gate." Danny was surprised that everything actually still went according to his prediction. Looks like he really overestimated the leader of the dark guild.

Danny looked at Shen Yue and laughed. Then he pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Shen Yue. " Here is the list of Adventurers traveling and where they are going to be waiting. Waiting for the dark guild to kidnap them."

'Sensei is very evil making the dark guild kidnap his people. He made that dam device the hides cultivation and makes one produce a false soul brand. Hahaha the dark guild are willingly planting spies for the boss.'

Shen Yue nodded towards Danny signaling he understood. Danny then pulled out an empty memory crystal. He then infuse the memory of the art for Shen yue. Using the skills he got from Danny and the skills he got from the tiny supreme, Danny and Ay made an art called Yin Yang Primordial Flame Art. This art further develops the yin/yang flame lotus until it forms a Origin flame that can encompass everything. This art allows Shen Yue to hold 2 beasts of either extreme Yin or Yang.

The best part is that it will also give him innate fire control and constantly refine his soul force/body with every major breakthrough.

Shen Yue received the crystal and looked at the contents. His face couldn't help but flush with excitement. This is a skill that can take him to the top. It was tailor made for him.

Then he handed Shen Yue a crystal of a beast he killed in the World ruins. It was a Yin Yang flamed swallow (type of bird for those who don't know). This beast gave Danny a hard time mainly do to its speed. It also controlled extreme cold and extreme hot flame that possessed high destructive potential.

After giving Shen yue these two thing and giving him some advice Danny left the upper training field and went to visit Ye Zhong.


In the Glory stronghold Ye Ren was training really hard. He never gave himself a break. He would utilize every minute to train, or meditate.

When ever he wanted to rest he would look at the place marked as a forbidden zone. It was the place where his parents died.

Thanks to Danny and the many life and death battles he was able to become much stronger than his father. He was as strong as Ye Mo and was about to break through to the earth realm.

Sadly for him the earth realm, the transition realm between legend and the Sky Fate Realm, was a hard to break through.

That was until Danny handed him an improved cultivation art. This was currently purifying and condensing his soul force. It also circulated it faster in the body helping him improve his physique.

He estimated this transformation will take two months. After that he will go and kill every beast in the danger zone.

Watch Ye Ren intently stare at the map Scarlet couldn't help but ask, "why don't you ask the rest of the soul guard for help? Even Danny would help if you asked? I don't like watching you brooding all the time. Training like your life depends on it. You don't have to shoulder everything."

Ye Ren stared at the red haired beauty and his gaze couldn't help but soften. Scarlet was part of his division and they went through many life and death with each other.

He once saved her and she swore to return the favor. Since then she began to work harder, trying to keep up with him.

She was always the one to be saved by him and wanted to show him she was capable. They also sparred and hung out with each other a lot. Add the fact that they were childhood friends to the equation. They both developed deep feelings for one another.

Ye Ren kept it hidden deep and wanted to ignore such feelings. He wanted revenge first and foremost.

She was reject but didn't give up. She also knew about Ye Ren's obsession with revenge.

Thankfully he didn't charge to the forbidden zone yet.

"I don't want to endanger my brothers, you also know I'm at the strongest one in the camp after boss. I want to do this without help. I need to do this for my family.

I won't ask boss since he did so much for me already. Way more than that bullshit family of mine.

Don't worry though in two months we can talk about it. I don't plan on dying keeping a beauty like you waiting."

His words caused tears to pour from scarlets eyes. She was crying tears of joy because during the time she spent with Ye Ren he only rejected her. Now that he admit indirectly that he liked her she couldn't help but want to cry.


"So old man what's going on? how is the preparations going?"

"Little brat your alway bringing me trouble can't you take it easy for once."

"Are you sure about this!"

"Yes I am." Danny replies calmly

"That's why with formations and better arts, alchemy, weapons we can protect ourselves and rise again. But..."

Ye Zhong continues after Danny,"the pests inside made it difficult for humanity to survive. This puts us in a situation where we are surrounded by enemies."

"Exactly, with this show of strength and our pursuit of justice. People will further unit and with no one to back stab us. We can focus on the enemy outside.

The neutral faction already picked a side that is us. The Sacred Family is only making its grave deeper as time passes. Anyways that why I asked you to gather the family heads in secret and share some info.

Oh and by the way the beast thing might not be a lie. I just came to visit to give you this improved art. It will also allow you to hold another beast."

Danny handed Ye Zhong a rolled up manual. He also pulled out a beast soul Ye Zhong was supposed to get later rather than now. It was the spiritually awakened Snow wind Great Ape. This beast soul that he got during the demon beast horde arc.

The new skill let Ye Zhong hold two beast souls. One of lightning and the other of snow. After gifting Ye Zhong these things he left to the glory stronghold to continue his training.

"Shen Yue where have you been?"

"I have been training so I don't become trash like you brother."

"If you think you can succeed me your wrong. The position of family head is mine. It's my birth right. Learn your place."

"Brother let me tell you even with that position as yours. If you don't have the ability to protect it then it will go to others. I have no time to play with you. I have recently gotten some insights once I finish digesting them I will become a legend rank brother."

Shen Yue didn't wait for Shen Fei's response. He went into the estate towards his training hall. He asked the grand elder to keep watch as he broke through. The grand elder was one of the main supporters of Shen Yue for the Patriarch position.

As Shen yue began to cultivate he felt his soul force become more refined. His physique was slowly getting stronger. He estimated that it would take one week for him to breakthrough.

He really felt lucky he met Danny for the first time when Danny beat up his elder bro and aunt. A year after that event he was walking near his family estate and saw Danny pass through.

Some how their eyes connected and Danny put on an evil smirk. The same smirk that he had on while beating up Shen yue.

Danny somehow instantly appeared in front of him and kidnaped him into a nearby alley. Danny was 10 at the time and he was 8, yet Danny still beat him up.

Then he heard Danny ask him. Do you wanna be as strong as me. Shen Yue nodded. Then Danny told him that he will have to build influence and spy at his family as the cost.

So much time passed since then. Here he was 14 about to breakthrough to the legend rank. With this art and his combat skills he can easily take out his father.

Shen yue then shook these thoughts out of his head and focused on training.

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