TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 64 - Peak Legend Rank

Danny made it to the rest stop in an hour. He welcomed Akuma and saw a thousand people other than the soul guard. He asked Akuma about his travels and how far they went. What Akuma said surprised him.

He asked Akuma about his travel and found out that he went as far as 10k away from glory city.

The journey wasn't easy because apparently they were many legend rank beasts hidden out there. If they gathered and attacked glory city it would have been wiped out. He also felt the presences of a higher power the can easily beat them.

So they had to be very careful. Their were also many herbs and poisonous plants that weren't recorded in the city. If it wasn't for Akuma being overly cautious many Soul Guard members would have died.

Akuma also handed out many sketches of the beasts and plants that they encountered. He also handed out a detailed map of the route they took.

Danny then told Akuma to send them to the Commoners Union to be incorporated into the city. He also mentioned that they all be tested and observed secretly to get rid of any person with ulterior motive.

Akuma agreed with Danny and then went back to rest. Danny quickly scanned the rest of the soul guard and found the each of them reached the peak of legend rank.

Since he improved the arts in Glory Mountain. He told all of them through a mental message, after they finish organizing the refugees in Glory city, they should head back to get better arts in Glory stronghold.


"Hey Ay I almost have the full transformation down. It's a good thing I listened to you to keep the corpse.

I have a question, should I release better arts for glory city and announce the new realm of Sky Fate. I also think I should share the intermediate realm of earth fate, which transforms the body of mortal to transcendent increasing life span.

This should motivate everyone even more. And it can also increase the overall strength of glory city."

"Danny I think you should first clean house in Glory city then release this statement.

Instead you can release this information into glory stronghold and also include the information of hybrid transformation.

In this way you can make the people who joined Glory stronghold excited.

Also you can put the close to 200,000 peak black gold/ legend rank experts to work. Didn't you want to attack the Sacred Family, make more expeditions, protect newly built cities. With the techniques and training conditions in the stronghold, You can now fully utilize the contribution system.

These poor fellows can only slave away to you Hahahaha."

"Wow Ay your so evil that I like it. Using humanity as an excuse to control the strongest people in the stronghold.

Oh beautiful Ay, Sexy Ay I will definitely build you a body and spank you all night long."

Surprisingly Ay didn't get pissed off or hit him like he expected. When he looked at her through his subsoul, he saw an embarrassed expression on her face.

She was also muttering 'Baka Danny'. If she was a soul and had a body Danny was sure that her cute embarrassed face would have a shade of red.

To think his beautiful Ay might become a pervert. Danny was kind of looking forward to it now.

Ay ,who came back from her inner woman's world, saw Danny looking at her with a perverted expression. This ticked her off so much that she went over and smacked him.

"Owe Ay What was that for. Can't you behave like a woman for once."

"Hmph! Who told you to take advantage of me and harbor dirty thoughts towards me. You got off easy."

"Ha jokes on you no man in this world would be able to resist your looks. So as a man I will look and I will think about all the dirty things I'll do to you."

Danny's statement caused Ay to flee into the Ethereal Grand Library. Seeing this caused Danny to laugh before he focused on training again.

They should get ready for an increase in missions and expositions.


A month passed by very quickly and there was still a month and a half left till the Orchid Academy ȧssessment.

Danny has been working extra hard and in this month he managed to reach the peak of the legend rank in soul force. Once he reached that level his soul force changed color and became a deep gold color.

The laws he studied before were felt with a much higher clarity. Danny also mastered both the beastman transformation and the Full beast form. He was almost done with the half beast mode.

Danny was currently reviewing with Ay and old Yan the skills in his arsenal. He had no use for the Danny Devouring Demon Art. He also mastered by luck the Elemental body refining art.

Danny was made to wield the spear and he truly reached a peak. Now he just need it increase his cultivation base and his spear arts will show its might. Danny also practiced and keeps practicing with his spear. It's to the point where it replaces meditation sessions.

Danny also fused his understanding of the laws into his spear arts. Along with Ye Yan his spear arts, energy, laws, and weapon effects began to blend together giving off fluid flow.

The power from this combination was explosive. Danny also began to get more use to this new style of fighting and only needed actual combat to refine it.

The active abilities are his soul eye, golden eyes, burst ability. He also has the ability to retain his fighting power even though he is injured called battle heart. He still hadn't awakened a new ability. Ay told him that maybe due to his evolution his abilities need certain conditions to awaken.

Danny also added to his training some fist, claw, finger arts and incorporated it into his own close combat style. This style he was working on since young and incorporates many styles from earth. He felt the martial arts of earth superior to the ones here.

He believes if powers were removed practitioners from earth would kill those in TDG world. The reason for that is the fighting styles are so refined and improved compared to the ones here. Mui Thai a fighting style that uses every part of the body to attack with the quickest and most lethal parts of the body.

The style that Danny and Ay designed for him was a fusion of these martial disciplines of earth. It also included several killer arts from the TDG world. These styles improved the Fighting races close combat skill while keeping it overbearing nature.

Danny was currently sparring with the entire soul guard. Some of which entered the transition state also known as earth realm. In the Draconic ruins realm legend rank was referred to as earth rank while the transition was known as Half-Step Sky Fate realm.

Danny was attacking without holding back. The soul guard who though they could take him down we're surprised by his fluid fighting style.

They could never get a good hit in and couldn't use there number nor the field to their advantage. Most of them even beast form yet still didn't manage to do damage. After Danny beat the all up he felt satisfied with his fighting style. It was constantly changing and adapted to the situation. All that while retaining his destructive force.

"I can see some of you improved but only so-So. I thought you all will at least injure me. Too bad try again. Hahahaha!"

Danny's words sparked their fighting spirit. They had to beat down their boss this guy was just too arrogant.

His soul guard were far above the rest of the humans in the tiny world. Danny was so satisfied that he didn't realize the weird grin on his face.

To the soul guard that looked like a taunt 'you bunch of weaklings can't do anything to me.' This further sparked their fighting spirit to the point that they made groups to discuss their revenge. Danny, who already was lost in his own world, just shrugged and turned to leave.

Just when Danny was going to leave, a messenger from the Commoners Union sent a report to Danny. Danny read it and the grin evolved into jokers smile. He finally managed to get the nightmare demon pot. As he thought, the expedition team of the Hong Yue Family were already sent out before the TDG arc began.

The Commoners Union managed to get the pot from them the day they returned. Danny was so happy he rewarded the messenger with a cultivation art and a legend rank beast core.

The messenger was so happy he began to cry which was ignored by Danny.

"Danny, hurry and go to glory city we can finally start that project we been wanting to begin." Ay yelled.


A wolf with beautiful golden fur and had silver eyes with five crescents on his forehead was staring at the sky. "When is master going to visit me?"

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