TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 70 - Time line

End of Volume 2:

Danny faces off against the golden furred monkey king to protect Ye Ren and Scarlet. They fought back and forth until the monkey king get bored of toying around and unleashes a heavenly fate/sky fate realm power. Danny is instantly overpowered and blasted into a pit.

When all Hope seems lost, the soul guard arrive at the exact moment Danny stands. Danny makes a speech that ignites a flame in his soul guard. He activated his innate ability of regeneration and uses the hybrid form of the wolf emperor soul crystal.

In a turn of events history was made with a legend taking down heavenly fate realm. The soul guard cheered chanting "king" while facing Danny. The rest of the apes are then killed and their heads are sent back to glory city.

Volume 3: Tiny War

The undercurrents of glory city are raging as the dark guide and sacred family begin to plan a beast tide to destroy the city. Nie lie and the crew were given a mission to search and clear the prison realm so it can be used to seal criminals from among themselves.

Danny began to devour the body of the heavenly fate beast body. He also fuses with the monkey king soul crystal.

The rest of the spiritualists living on glory mountain began clearing land from dangerous beasts. It was now known that no one in the tiny world can break past the legend rank unless the seals didn't affect them like Danny. The only beasts beyond the legend ranks are those that have been help indirectly by Demon sacred land in draconic realm.

The expansion eventually stopped due to strong resistance from many high level beasts. Many stronghold type towns and cities were built. The Commoners Union ȧssigned many powerful spiritualists to act as mayor and other political/military positions. Nie Li happened to also find the fire deity again in this life. This caused the stronger Heavenly fate realm demons sent by the Sage emperor to target the humans who seemed to have grown in strength.

The Sacred Family and the dark guild launch their long awaited strike. Sadly Danny, Nie Li and glory city were long prepared and they were defeated. The group chased them and the dark guild leader, who was defeated by Danny due to level difference, until they reached the boundary to the nether realm.

Knowing that he would part with Nie Li and the crew, Danny handed Nie Li the demon refining pot(correct me if I'm wrong) and ordered the group to go and set up a foot hold for glory city.

Volume 4: Hell Realm inheritance.

Although Danny wanted to follow them. He hand many things he need to finish in the tiny world. the first thing he did was set up the prison realm and forced the criminals to take care of mining blood crystals and farming the unique spiritual plants found in the realm. On top of that he sent several legend ranked creatures and black gold rank creatures to roam the realm.

Danny also incorporated the old recipients of the prison realm. Those who seemed too ambitious and rebellious were thrown into the prison realm. At the edge of the prison realm that let to the tiny world a city was built and many loyal members were sent to govern it. The captured dark guild and sacred family as well as many heinous criminals captured by glory city over the years were thrown in the prison realm.

Ya finally woke up from her fusion of skill and handed danny a completed ultimate evolution art. After their daily bickering Danny broke through using the soul crystal to heavenly fate. Now with both heavenly fate body and soul realm he wouldn't be in danger. Yet Danny still felt some type of premonition that glory city isn't safe.

Knowing that there was no way to improve further in the tiny world. He decided to visit the hells realm so as to gain enough strength to evolve. The laws Danny focused on was both the law of Change and evolution. This combination of laws were never seen before but as Ay said the most suited for him.

Danny in the hell realm began his struggle against a massive amount of demon beasts. The demons kept interfering with his search for riches. After a few days he noticed a pattern of how the demon beasts were alway constantly preventing anyone from approaching the center of the realm. Seeing that the only way is to fight. He charged into the never ending stream of demons.

It's been a month since Nie Li and his crew entered the nether realm. Just like the novel but several different interactions they managed to be chosen by the sects. Nie Li secretly made plans with everyone about how to standout and build a faction. Then they left just like the novel to their respective sect. All participants including the Demon king were of heaven level geniuses.

Back to Danny, it had taken him several weeks to finally break through and annihilate most of the hell beasts. After adjusting to full strength a four armed blazing tyrant king appeared before him. It states how a person of Danny's realm shouldn't have been able to enter the hells realm. It also threatened him to turn back or face the sage emperors wrath. It didn't know that Danny had completely concealed himself from the sage emperor. His being, an anomaly makes his fate unreadable as well.

Danny and the beast fight and he fight spans for several weeks. Finally Danny utilizing the mutated void rabbit king soul pierced through the fate soul of the tyrant king. Utilizing his ultimate evolution art and the soul eye. Danny managed to destroy the hidden soul fates by this beast. This was the second ability he learned about the soul eye.

Taking his beat up body into the mountainous valley. He notices no beast in sight. Suddenly his blood starts moving excitedly. As if a calling from deep within the valley of hell. He makes his way their without resting and sees a black scaled red eyed monstrosity with giant chains wrapped around its limbs.

Sensing a resonance of bloodlines the Abyssal dragon roars to the heaven. It converses with Danny and is shock to find a body the is unhindered by the laws of the world. It sends a ring to Austin containing the inheritance of their race. Then it uses the Innate species skill of the abyssal dragon. Blood Sacrifice inheritance. This destroys its body, core and beast soul, it is then passed down to a dragonling deemed worthy to inherit its strength.

Danny was shocked by its movement. A huge amount of energy flowed through him. A few weeks later Danny strength reaches the peak of the martial ancestor realm. This shocked the dragon emperor as it was supposed to push him to be a surpassor. Little did it know that amount of energy needed for each breakthrough for Danny would multiply.

With both his physique and soul realm reaching martial ancestor. Danny was scared that he might have no control over his strength. His worries were for nothing as the energy he gained felt under his control. He could now understand why the abyssal dragon race was feared. A few innate abilities unlock and Danny returned to the tiny realm.

Danny returned and controls his strength as to not destroy the tiny world by accident (sneezing or farting.... just joking.) a massive war began and humans were doing their best to hold off demons.

Danny's return strengthened humanity and enabled them to defeat the demon army. The strongest demons have been taken care of.

Little silver had managed to form a new demon country under Danny's manipulation. The chaos beast eye was fused into it and this sent it to the peak of the legend rank. Danny has made sure it controlled the demons with its species technique.

Now many humans were training and peaceful. Danny was crowned king of the new empire and labeled with the golden eyed emperor.

Danny after improving some techniques was trying to enter the draconic Ruin realm. At that moment Ay told Danny to enter his mind scape. When he entered he saw Ay sitting next to 'Tiny' supreme. After talking he learned that the place where he gained the supremes inheritance had a formation. He was missing some items for the cross realm transport.

Checking the dragon emperor's ring he found the missing materials needed. With that Danny went to begin his journey into the tiny realm.

A couple months back Nie Li became a talent along side His desk mate lu pao(I think). They built a strong faction and made dragon blooded peak level growth rate demon souls. 6 months later his young master transferred his fate to her, to protect him from divination from sage emperor.

Volume ends with Nie Li seeing his master in his dream.

Volume 6 surpasser

Nie Li's master was about to be killed by the three demon deity experts. Danny suddenly appeared thinking he sensed Nie Li's aura. He blocked the deity's blow. After that he flirts with Nie Li's mater saying they were fated to be husband and wife. He then kills the three demon deities and seals their divine sparks(think coiling dragon).

A week before Danny was lost in the draconic Ruin realm wondering where he should go. Then he sensed Nie li aura.

After that Danny dragged his fate reading wife and went back towards the teleportation gate he opened. He surrounded the gate with five mountains and called this place home to the Five mountain Sect.

Many peak power houses from the tiny realm began to migrate to train and begin stronger. After that he used his skill to seal his wife's fate. The two flew towards the divine feather sect. Then after telling Nie Li to hurry and become the sect master to provide the people of glory city/ glory empire with good arts.

The rest of the events happen similar to the original novel, with minor differences. Nie Li becomes the sect leader and provide medicine to the sect and his teams from glory city. Danny copies all manuals in the sect and begins to train and travel. After a year he breaks through to surpasser rank.

Volume 7 : rebirth of the Sacred ground

Five years past: the strength of the human sects reached daily of dragon in majority. The most talented reached the martial ancestor realm. Danny using the origin stones he reached the mid level of the surpasser realm.

During the five years Danny met all the sky origin race becoming its Patriarch again. He gave them the lost art to train. He found the tri soul race inheritance and learned a few new techniques.

Thanks to medicine from Danny he would soon reach the late stages of the surpasser. Nie Li using the sword broke the seal on the tiny realm. Then they finally united all the sects under on rule. Danny secretly began the expansion of the glory empire as well to incorporate all sects into the empire. Danny has also brought his soul guard into his world which was the size of the prison realm. He also planned to go place glory mountain into his realm.

Xiao Ning finally confesses to Danny not caring about the other woman.

Glory empire was formed and a new sacred ground formed from humans and sky origin race was made called Human's Glory.

Nie Li and Silver's(Danny Wolf) right hand demon in its kingdom go undercover at the demon god sect/ sacred ground.

Volume 8: Start of war

Danny copies all secret books and arts and reformed the ranking of martial arts. This made more people breakthrough. A few years passed and Nie Li brought new of the attack of the demon god sects.

Danny, who broke through to late stage of surpasser and still called slow by tiny supreme, mastered the hybrid form for all his beast souls. He also noticed that all beast souls mutated.

The human race set up traps and began preparation for war. The beast kingdom of silver that was also spread in the Ruin realm was a secret weapon of Danny.

Finally after some heart felt talk among the main MCs (pairings and confessions) war broke out.

Volume 9

The war raged the power house of the demons were low in number but higher realm from the human. The human power houses of the human race had higher number.

The war was balanced until Danny snuck into the demon sacred ground to confront the sage emperor. The sage emperor wasn't there but a trap was prepared for him. One hundred peak deities and 10 deity emperor(equivalent to surpasser) set in a formation.

The sage emperor appeared in the sky ready to strike the human empire. Suddenly Nie Li appeared revealing a surpasser cultivation base.

He tried to hold him off but wasn't able to push him back. At least with the temporal demon book he was killed off easily. The sage emperor was also still injured.

Several surpassers from the remnants of the human sacred ground joined Nie Li. Sadly they weren't able to to help much. They eventually detonated trying to injure the sage emperor. After they died the sage emperor appeared hurt(think just shaken up but no real injury).

Just as the Sage was going to attack. He roared angrily and left. The deity formation was destroyed and the realm was about to perish. Danny used the hybrid nine head dragon beast form. This gave him the ability to launch 9 different types of destructive attacks simultaneously. Danny also devours everything in the realm and was currently absorbing the origin to increase the space of his own world.

The sage emperor was angry because of this realm was destroyed the formation that would revive him would be destroyed. That would make him like any other being, he could be killed.

Danny ignored him and continued to devour the origin. As the sage emperor approached he found himself trapped in a formation, made by 3000 surpassers. Yes they were Danny's soul guards.

Finally the sage emperor was injured and tried to flee only to be killed by Nie Li by surprise. The realm was destroyed and he couldn't revive.

A roar sounded angry at Danny for ruining his plan. Then a demon (looks like freeza and ryuk from DN with black scales) roared at how his plans were ruined and attacks Danny full force sending him flying into the area trapping the divine sky origin race.

There Danny meets his gramps(the one that alive which I believe was from the soul race) from their Danny heals and devours the corpse of the sage emperor he stored away along with his people. At first Danny freaked out as he didn't feel his world but calmed down when he heard that it was safe as his realm throne(gold throne) was their.

The Demons were destroyed and a new ruler known as Moon wolf king rules them. Danny stabilized the kingdom and married both Nie Li's master and Xiao Ning. Nie Li proposed to Ye Zinger(I think) with broken arms and legs.

Danny then rests for 10 years to spend time with his friends and family. The soul guard were made kings of there respective domains.


Their is more to this story but I'll end the time line here. He will go release the soul of tiny supreme and she will fuse with her sealed body on the Soul Realm Throne. He will find and rebuild Ay Body. Stop the ceslestial supreme. Finally fight his ancestor.

After that he will travel at his own leisure with his wives the many realms . Meet the ancestor of his race who placed some of the seals on him at the beginning of the novel. Finally he will feel small and that the entirety of the universe is made by one uncreated being aka(God).

Lastly he will make his Ethereal grand Library a physical item. That can not only fuse books but also make materials and pills. He then compressed them into an orb and send sit to earth for 'Fun'

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