Teach me, Darling

Chapter 1:Who leaves, leaves a mark

An high school student by the name of Okamoto Kosuke was a person whom often distances himself from the world around him. He lives with his sister named Okamoto Ayaka, who is a teacher and does the exact opposite of him. She believes that the best thing you can do and most meaningful thing in the world you can do is debate, is to show to the world what you got to show him. Although they don't debate about those things in their home, as Kosuke never tries to, because as he would it would be a waste of time to do so, because there's no way to switch minds.

The sun rose again, it was morning.

It was time for both of them go to school.

Ayaka was coming to Kosuke's room to wake him up so he can go to school too.

"Kosuke, It's time to wake up…", she said, bursting to his room.

"Ah, sure…", he said.

"Come on."

Kosuke got dressed and went to the kitchen were a breakfast was ready for him.

"Come, Kosuke.", Ayaka said, putting the plates in the table.

"You could have made that for yourself…", he said.

"Well I would be ashamed of myself for not being a good sister…", she said, laughing.

"Is that so…"

"Itadakimasu.",he said grabbing one of onigiris.

"Is it good?", Ayaka asked, after he started eating.


"What?", Ayako said, not shocked by his response, though.

"As I told you before comparing to restaurant's best chefs, no. But not bad for a home cook.", he said.

"It's your way of saying it's good, right?", she said.

After a slight pause she then asked,

"By the way… Can I tell you something?"


"Would you miss me if I was going somewhere else?", she asked.

"That's too sudden, I would need to think about it…"

"What are you talking about you aren't even that close with me…", Ayaka said, getting slightly worked up.

"Never mind, sorry…", Ayaka said, bursting into tears.

"Please, tell me more, what's going to happen?", Kosuke asked.

"Nothing.", Ayaka said, leaving the house to go her work.

"Ayaka.", Kosuke said, before she left.

Kosuke stopped. His mind frozen. And pieces of episodes he had lived with her sister, while he was under the same roof as her happened. Her kindness, her patience, her exhaustion, her effort, all of those feeling were passing on it's mind. Yes, he didn't talk much, but did he saw her as a good friend, rather than just his sister. Kosuke got scared, he was trembling with just the thought that he could be alone in that house, with none to wait for him, without anyone to cook delicious food for him. After all, there was none left, his dad killed his mom, and then commit suicide, all of that in front of this boy little immature eyes, the image of his dad grabbing a gun is still is on his mind.

And then after all that, he started living with his sister. He can't imagine his life otherwise.

But after what she said in this morning was on his head.

He couldn't do anything for now.

He got the train that would get him to school.

Everything seemed normal. He even saw his sister making her way to the teacher's office.

Although, he heard a rumour. After the first class ended a group of four students, who he couldn't bother to remember, were talking about a teacher who was going to be transfered. Were they talking about Ayaka ?

It was the first time that Kosuke felt stress after hearing a rumour… What was going on, was his sister going out? Was he going to be alone from now on?

Just the thought itself made him feel a rush of despair, sadness and loneliness through his brain.

Kosuke was restless, he reached a breaking point, so he had an idea and messaged his sister to go talk to him in the back of the gym about something important.

Ayaka felt sad, and stressed about what she was supposed to say.

The two restless souls met in the back of the gym. Ayaka was trying to hide herself with a fake smile, while Kosuke was wearing a serious face.

"So, Ayaka. Would quit about those lies and tell me what's going on?", said Kosuke.

"What?", Ayaka asked, trying to fake that she didn't knew what was going on.

Kosuke was mad. He knew what was going on, but he couldn't hear it from herself.

"Ayaka, I know what's going on… Just remembering something, if you are going away, I'm going to be alone. Since our parents you've been whom I relied upon. If it wasn't you I would be even worse than I am now, and if you are going away, who knows what will be happening, I need you don't go away."

"You can't just leave a mark and leave…", Kosuke said.

"It's not like it's my choice…", Ayaka said, with a low-tone, melancholic voice.

"So it is happening something…", Kosuke said.

"I'm sorry…", she said, bursting to tears and going away.

Kosuke was even more restless.

So she was indeed going away, he had confirmed that now.

"If she is going away, there is nothing I can do about it… She is an adult she is free to go wherever she wants…", he thought.


Kosuke left that part he had enough of thinking about that.

The rest of the day carried on, the school was still the same, although Kosuke was perceiving it has a more depressing and pale atmosphere. From the brightness that irradiated the whole class, with a colorful energy, to a grey and dark place.

The school has ended, he quickly went home to know weather on not it was that his sister was leaving.

When he got home it was to late…

A note was left in the door that said,

I'm sorry Kosuke, but I'm bad with goodbyes, don't worry about the money, I will send you monthly. I know it's hard, but that's how it is life. Don't come look for me, please, don't make this harder for me and you.

Kosuke throwed the note to the trash bin.

He opened up the door , and he realized that it's true.

None was in that house.

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