Teach me, Darling

Chapter 3:Unveilling the truth

Kosuke woke up. It's saturday. He will have the whole day to figure about what's going on. He sat up in the bed looking at the card that his sister dropped. He is equating about what was going on with her sister. He knew for sure that it wasn't something good. People don't go for psychologist to have a cup of tea normally.

He decided to call the therapist to see what was that all about.

He got the phone number of him and called him. As the line was ringing, he was getting nervous, each beep that came from the phone made him more anxious.

"Hey, who is it?", he got the phone.

"Hi, my name is Okamoto Kosuke, I wanna talk about my sister."

"So, you did found out…"

"I'm worried…"

"I know, I would be too."

"Well, it's something I knew would happen, by the details she gave on you."

"I want to know what's going on with my sister…"

"You don't know it yet?"

"No. She just dropped the card yesterday, and ran for her new home."

"Hmm, I see."

"Well why don't you come before we open, we open at 10am , it's still early to open, so you can come by."

"Also, your sister will be my first patient and you can wait for her, and we will talk about it."

"Thank you…"

"No problem, I know it's a tough time, I know what happened to your family, but keep your chin up, she will need time to recover but she will be the same when she gets better."

"Beep, Beep, Beep.", he hanged up the phone.

Kosuke was now even more worried. It was confirmed something wasn't right about his sister, he was worried.

He finally got to the psychologist. It looked a lot like a normal building, the only differentiating factor was a sign that said "Dr. Nishimura, Psychologist.", it was still closed, but a lady was in the front of the door, that looked like it was waiting for Kosuke.

"Well, you should be Okamoto-san, come in.", she said.

"Yes, thank you."

He entered in the doctor's room. To be honest, it looked inviting, it was really comfortable. It had a couch that looked comfy too. It didn't looked like those psychologist that over-exaggerated on seriousness. It looked a lot more a place to have a talk with your friend, than having therapy. But maybe that was his strategy. Dr. Nishimura looked at Kosuke and laughed.

"You're are thinking this is the best place to have a talk with a friend, comfy, with a couch and everything, right? That's my strategy.", he said laughing.

"I was just thinking that.", said Kosuke, laughing.

"Then, what's going on with my sister…"

"Straight to the point, I like that, here have tea, and sit where you please."

"Your sister has developed anxiety and depression, from what I know it's because of the constant pressure of being thriving to the top. Her expectations, and his duty both as a sister and a teacher lead her to this."

"But she was always wearing a smile."

"The first rule of psychology it's to never judge the person's emotion by her physical manifestation. A person might hold back emotions. And a smile sometimes carries a cry for help."

"I'm sorry, sister…", Kosuke said, mumbling.

"It wasn't your fault. She digged her own grave. Sometimes expecting too much from yourself and pulling up too much weight leads you to this."

"Also why did she ran and got a new house."

"She didn't want you to know about what was going on."

"That stubborn!"


"Thank you. Why did she went here, normally people come here with someone saying they should or even sometimes forced to…"

"That's true, and a nice intelligent question."

"Well, she tried suicide…"

"Did she?", Kosuke asked, bursting into tears.

"I'm sorry…"

"I'm sorry…"

"It's not your fault."

That's what Kosuke did.

He could hear a door opening, it was probably his sister.

"Good morning."

"Today I've got a surprise for you."


"Kosuke...Will you."

Kosuke came out of the closet, anxious about the reaction that his sister would pull out.

Ayaka tried to run for the door, but it was locked.

"Have you told him!", asked Ayaka.

"Yeah, he did tell me.""Ayaka, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't noticed sooner."

"It's not your fault.", said Nishimura.

"I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass…", Ayaka apologized.

"That's not true, sis. It was never true."

"I think you should quit on teaching. We have enough savings to live on for some time."

"No I don't want to!."

"I just didn't had the energy. I'm weak."

"But I don't want to quit on working!"

"My sister was never weak!"

"Your sister was weak, I'm sorry!", Ayaka said, hugging him.

"Ayaka, let's come back home. I will cook the lunch."

"No, let me cook, at least."

They look to each other's eyes and smiled. It was like everything was solved. And the façade that Ayaka built was now broken.

Kosuke was relieved that his sister was coming back to home. His anxiety and nerves could finally rest for now. As for Ayaka, she felt like she could be herself now. The façade she built was broken, and Kosuke found out what really his sister looked like. She felt a relief, and a feeling of being back at home, again. She could finally spent time with his brother. Although, still a part of her was still broken and exhausted, she could feel like she was getting lighter to the stuff that weighed her down.

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