Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 101 Teacher Jiang, You Are Just Waiting To Raise Gu!

In classrooms.

The students were quite speechless at this time.

I really didn’t expect that after beating around the bush for so long, I still didn’t escape the fate of silent writing.

Another trick from Teacher Jiang!

There was constant rustling in the classroom, which was the sound of students writing.

Because Jiang Feng had instilled in the two classes a long time ago the idea that you can't write it out, but you can't copy it.

At Teacher Jiang's place.

If you can't write it down silently, you just have to revise it and memorize it well next time.

But if cheating is discovered, the consequences will be much more serious.

Which one is a big risk and which one is a small one can still be clearly understood.

This method can be said to solve the problem from the root.

Students cheat and write cheat sheets by writing silently. What they actually fear is that they will be punished for not writing out.

but now.

Here at Jiang Feng.

There is almost no penalty for not being able to write it out silently. It is just a simple correction. On the contrary, there will be a penalty if cheating is discovered.

This directly eliminates students’ thoughts of cheating.

It can be said that this can almost eliminate 99% of cheating situations.

Except for a few people who are looking for excitement: a rat licking a cat, they will cheat.

However, there should be no such person in Class 3 and Class 4 under his leadership.


As a few minutes passed.

About a few minutes before the bell rang, Jiang Feng had packed his things in advance and was ready to rush out to cook.

"Seeing that what you have written from memory is almost complete, I won't collect it and revise it together. Let's revise it among the deskmates and then revise it."

That's right, it's definitely not for your own leisure and trouble.

Rather, it is for the noble purpose of cultivating cooperation skills among students!

Moreover, I gave them a surprise dictation, and it is estimated that not many of them actually wrote from dictation.

Many students under the podium laughed immediately when they heard the mutual correction!

Isn’t that good brothers’ mutual satisfaction?

Is there such a good thing?


Jiang Feng continued to add: "Oh, by the way, remember to pick out the mistakes carefully. If there are any omissions, copy them for him. Copy every omission."

"If we want to condone and protect each other, then do it ten times for each person. Okay, let's start now."

After saying that, Jiang Feng walked around the classroom and inspected.

? ? ?

As soon as these words came out, it caused an earthquake in the class!

What a new cool operation this is!

Let them tear each other's umbrellas apart?

It’s terrible!


Many viewers were stunned when they saw this scene!

This teacher started to play tricks again!

I have seen many people at the same table asking each other to correct each other, but I have never seen this kind of punishment for copying if there are any omissions!

It’s obvious that I’m afraid that my deskmates will protect each other!

【6! This is to make the tablemates tear each other's umbrellas apart! What a loss! 】

[Laughing! When we were correcting each other’s test papers, we were already at each other’s throats without any urging from the teacher! I wish the other party had to find out if there was even a punctuation mark wrong! 】

【really! If you don't hurt your good deskmate at this time, it will be a real loss! Sometimes I even change his correct words into wrong ones with my own hands, hahahaha! 】

【? ? ? Just treat yourself like a human being! Were you really not beaten to death by your deskmate after discovering it? 】

[Laughing so hard, we both do this to each other! No one is qualified to say anything! 】

[Wow, wow, wow! After reading your operation, I feel like my high school education was in vain! The whole day is just boring study, study, study. 】



Under Jiang Feng's inspection.

A class of 50 students began to correct each other's dictation.

It was all quiet at first.

There is no sound.

However, as they changed, they began to compete with each other!


"Brother Hang, don't blame me for being cruel, this is all what Teacher Jiang asked for!"

"Okay Xiaojie, if you play like this, then I won't be polite!"


"Okay, okay, this word "Shi" looks a bit like "Tu", so you judged me wrong, right? You didn't connect the strokes, so you're wrong too!"

"???You're counting all this for me? Then your punctuation marks are wrong too!"


"Your character is connected, so I can't see it clearly, and the calculation is wrong!"

"You wrote "'has'' like ''Ji'', so it's not too much of a mistake, right?"


"It's not that I don't want to help you, dad, but you are really wrong, tsk tsk tsk~"

"??? You kid! If the two words are too close together, then I made a mistake, right?"


After a while, the classroom was filled with such sounds!

Everyone can’t wait to use a magnifying glass to correct the mistakes of their deskmates!

Only then did they realize that tearing off other people's umbrellas was such a fun thing!

No wonder Teacher Jiang cheats on them every day.

Ever since.

Many people in the entire classroom began to be "cruel and ruthless"!

At first, I wanted to correct my mistakes carefully so as not to get penalized.

At the end, the goal was to tear off the umbrella of my deskmate!

The nature has completely changed!

Especially the boys in the class, they are eager to find out every mistake they make!

The smile on his face gradually became exaggerated.

There are only about a hundred words in this short paragraph. I can’t wait to stare back and forth several times without getting tired of it!

Every time I pick out a mistake now, it will be a little more troublesome for my deskmate to correct it later!

Make money with blood!

It wasn't until the get out of class bell rang that the correction was completed.


The audience was stunned when they saw this scene.

Teacher Jiang, you are raising gu here!

This is to train students to become the sixth graders who like to tear up umbrellas!

What if these kids become teachers in the future?

【Outrageous! Students also started tearing umbrellas apart from each other! Teacher Jiang, you did a great job! 】

[I plan to raise Gu! This is it! Even the students have been brought up to be the sixth graders! 】

[It made me laugh so hard. It’s so outrageous that the two characters are so close that they are even miscalculated! What a ruthless attack! 】

[It has to be Liu Xiaotian! This guy even took out a magnifying glass! Full of oppression! 】

[Teachers who correct papers are not so strict! Our teacher who corrects papers usually looks at it carelessly, but this is good. I wish I could use a microscope to find typos! 】

[Laughing! Even the teacher who corrects papers is not so strict! When I was revising papers for the college entrance examination, I revised the dictation of ancient poems and essays. Even if some typos were not too outrageous, I would give them as many points as possible! After all, it’s not easy for students to memorize so much! 】

【Thank you! Carry more points! 】



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