Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 103 It’S A Miracle That Teacher Jiang Graduated That Year!

Until almost noon.

Everyone who participated in the event went out and came back for several rounds. Even the boys like Ma Xiaohao went over to participate in the shot put sprint.

Jiang Feng was still sitting among the students, chatting and playing games with them.

"Teacher Jiang, can you tell us about your school days? Look at Teacher Sun from Class 2 next door. He is telling the students in his class."

Chinese class representative Su Qing, monitor Lin Shan, and another girl also moved the benches and sat next to Jiang Feng.

Including the boys who were sitting together playing games earlier, a total of seven or eight students gathered around Jiang Feng.

Just like protecting the law on the left and right.

Jiang Feng looked up.

I did see Sun Yongjian, the head teacher of Class 2 next door, being surrounded by students.

He was talking non-stop and telling stories to the students with great joy.

Good guy!

Where did this custom come from?

It feels like every class has a topic for the teacher to tell stories to the students.

He just wants to catch fish, where do he come from so many stories?

Is it possible for him to make up a sequel on the spot to the rich second generation from before?


How can we use our smart brain cells for this kind of nonsense?

Jiang Feng deceived and said, "Look, the class teacher next door tells them stories in the second class. And I'm just a Chinese teacher, so if you want to hear stories, you should let your class teacher tell them, right?"

? ? ?

Is this okay?

Su Qing raised her head and asked, "But Teacher Jiang, you are now the acting head teacher of our class. It is your turn to tell us, isn't it?"

Jiang Feng continued to lie: "Although that's what he said, the agent is not true after all. I can't replace Lao Huang as your class teacher."

As soon as these words came out, several girls started acting coquettishly at the same time.

"Teacher Jiang, just tell me~ You ran away before you even finished talking about the rich second generation last time."

"That's right, Teacher Jiang, please tell me~"

"Teacher Jiang, please~Tell me about Ma~"

At this moment, a sultry voice sounded.

"Yes, yes~ Brother Jiang~ just tell us~~"


Hearing this strange sound, Jiang Feng turned his head and looked.

It was discovered that Ma Xiaohao had returned from participating in the project.

I also imitated the voices of those girls and said this sentence with their throats!

You are already a teenage boy, are you ashamed?

Jiang Feng couldn't hold himself any longer on the spot, pointed at Ma Xiaohao and said to everyone: "If you find someone to take him out, I will tell you."

Hear the words.

Several students sitting around immediately became excited.

Before Ma Xiaohao could react, the boys just carried this guy and ran out!

"Damn it! Brother Jiang, please don't, it's okay if I'm wrong! Let me hear it too!"

Ma Xiaohao was wailing while being held up by several boys, struggling to squeeze in.


[It can be seen that Ma Xiaohao is deeply "loved" by teachers and students! 】

[Shit, is Teacher Jiang going to tell his previous story again? Eat melon in the front row! 】

[It is recommended not to have high expectations. The story Teacher Jiang told me last time made my eyesight go dark. The pure love warrior fell to the ground! 】

[It’s this classic session again, the teacher leads the students to chat and talk! I feel like this has always been the case from elementary school to college! 】

[Indeed, it is usually the head teacher or Chinese teacher who does this. In college, it is Mao Gui or the English teacher. Basically, a story can tell a lesson. 】

【Laughing to death! Our Chinese teacher used to give lectures, and less than half of the class would listen. But once he told the story about his time in the countryside to teach, the students sleeping in the back row would jump up and eat melon! 】




Ma Xiaohao was let go by everyone after he promised that he would never cause trouble.

All of a sudden, a dozen students from Class 3 sat around Jiang Feng, all waiting to eat.

I was thinking about how to write a sequel to that rich second generation.

Then I saw Ma Xiaohao secretly take out a bag of potato chips from his schoolbag.

Jiang Feng was not polite either.

I grabbed the potato chips that Ma Xiaohao just took out first.

"Why are you still hiding something when you eat it? It's so different from what we used to do."

Jiang Feng said seriously: "Why are you eating potato chips secretly? They were confiscated! Can't you be more aboveboard? When we were in class, we spent more money than you did."

Jiang Feng said.

Naturally, he opened Ma Xiaohao's potato chips: "Let me tell you, when we were in high school, the teacher gave lectures on the podium, and there were people in the class drinking wine from goblets in the back row of the classroom."

"Where are you following me? Do you need to be sneaky?"

? ? ?

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding students were stunned!

Good guy!

Originally, I was already strong because I secretly ate snacks in class.

Unexpectedly, there are still masters!

This picture popped into my mind for no reason.

In front of the classroom, the teacher lectures to the students on the podium.

In the back row of the classroom, students were wearing suits and ties, sipping wine from their glasses, just like upper-class people!

Good guy!

It’s outrageous or you are outrageous!

You guys have figured out these four words: leisurely and elegant!

In the gap between these few words, several students from Class 4 came over to watch the fun and eat melon.

I saw that almost all the students around me were attracted by what I said.

Jiang Feng continued: "And this can only be considered pediatric. The most amazing time was when a handsome guy in our class brought hot pot into the school."

"While we were studying in the evening without a teacher, a dozen people sat in the back row and ate hot pot! The taste was simply amazing!"

"And I happened to be in Class 3 that year. On the day we ate hot pot, even the students in a class one class away smelled the smell and wanted to come over and share a sip of the soup."

"Come on, come on, there are still photos for you to see."

With that said, Jiang Feng picked up the phone.

Posted a photo from a few years ago.

The back row of the classroom.

A dozen boys sat around a large table made up of several tables.

There is a steaming large mandarin duck pot in the middle!

More than a dozen people ate with gusto!

When they saw this, the few students around them couldn't hold back any longer!

The teacher said that you should treat school as your home, but you really treat school as your home!

"Fire...hot pot???"

"Pfft! It has to be our teacher Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang, it's a miracle that you graduated that year!"

Su Qing suddenly discovered Hua Dian: "Teacher Jiang, the person you said brought hot pot into the school couldn't be you, right?"

? ? ?

Good guy.

I didn't expect this to be guessed.

Jiang Feng turned his head to the side: "Don't talk nonsense, I was one of the best students back then. Ahem... let's continue. Where did we just talk..."


In the live broadcast room.

Although many viewers have also had various experiences of eating in class in high school.

But after hearing what Jiang Feng said, they all sighed that this was so magical!

I thought that secretly eating snacks, fried chicken, instant noodles, and watermelon in class would be the limit!

But I didn’t expect there to be masters!

Even hot pot can be brought here.

【Grass! It’s still Teacher Jiang’s fun! Why didn’t I think of that! 】

[Laughing, brothers, please don’t imitate me. I can only say that the school punishes you very quickly, and my father’s seven wolves are also very strong. 】

【Awesome! I was shocked when I stepped on the horse! When I secretly ate grapes in class, I was so scared that I didn’t even dare to spit out the grape skins! 】

[How do I feel that the hot pot they eat in class was planned by Teacher Jiang! 】

[Be confident, Teacher Jiang’s expression has already given you away! At least he is a dog-headed strategist! 】

[When school first started: When you come here, the school is your home. After half a year: You really treat the school as your home! 】



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