In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded!

【It’s so cool hahahaha! Watching these students play for so long almost made me anxious! Now the network is finally closed! Teacher Jiang is really able to keep his composure! 】

【The results are quite fruitful! What a bumper harvest! I have to say that Teacher Jiang’s move was really cruel. He had been pretending to be stupid for so long, and he had to endure it for more than thirty minutes before taking action! 】

【Awesome! No wonder Teacher Gao wants Brother Jiang’s help. There are more than 20 people playing with mobile phones in this class, which is outrageous! If I taught this class, I would get a big headache! 】

[Jiang...Brother Jiang? With this title, you must be Xiaohao from the third class! Hey, Teacher Jiang, I want to report Ma Xiaohao for watching your live broadcast in class! 】

[I have been tricked by this trick before and I can’t prevent it at all! The power of suddenly turning off the lights is terrifying! The phone automatically lowers the brightness too late! 】

[Brother, all I can say is that you still have to practice! There is a kind of screen called an ink screen! Use it to read novels in class without turning on the backlight. It protects your eyes and is not afraid of this trick! Our head teacher did this seven times, and I was spared all of them! 】



Even the audience did not expect that Jiang Feng would choose to use such a simple and unpretentious move!

Directly killed 21 students who were playing with mobile phones in class!

This trick is quite old, and almost every teacher and student has heard of it.

But I’ve heard it before.

But there is almost no way to deal with it!

As long as it's at night, it's almost guaranteed to work!

You are playing with your mobile phone in class and suddenly turn off the lights and you are nowhere to be found!

No need to hide!


However, there are actually many people who use this trick.

But there are very few teachers who really grasp the essence of this technique!

Turning off the lights is just the final act of closing the net.

What really matters is how to get more students to take the bait!

If you turn off the lights from the beginning, you won't catch many people at all.

On the contrary, it will make other students alert.

It becomes more difficult to catch in the future.

The most critical point in Jiang Feng's class is that it took more than half an hour to prepare!

Pretend that the teaching method is crude and clichéd without interaction, pretend that you are forced to do business, pretend that you cannot see the various little actions of the students below...

It took such a long time to package myself as a new teacher who has just entered the industry, has no experience, and is terrible at it.

Through all kinds of trivial details, these students can completely relax their vigilance!

Don't take him seriously.

It lasted more than thirty minutes.

Attracted most of the students in the class to take the bait.

It wasn't until there were a few minutes left before get out of class was over that the net was suddenly closed unexpectedly!

A total of 21 people were captured in one fell swoop!

He directly killed most of the students with mobile phones in the class!


After Jiang Feng said, "Stand up consciously when playing on your mobile phone."

A few students in the class began to stand up from their seats.

There were only a dozen or so at first.

Everyone else is still pretending that they don't have it.

Pray that this old guy doesn't remember them all in just two seconds.

It is speculated that the 21 mentioned by Jiang Feng were actually deceiving them casually.

Half a minute passed.

Only 13 people stood up.

Jiang Feng glanced around: "Is there anyone else? Don't let me find out. If I find out, I will be punished!"

Finished saying this.

Occasionally, two students couldn't stand the pressure and stood up from their seats.

"No more? Why do I remember that there are still 6? Do you want me to tell your class teacher about this and ask him to call your parents to come and ask?"

Jiang Feng's voice was full of assurance and certainty, showing the true nature of a strict teacher.

Immediately, four more people stood up obediently.

"It's gone, right? Then I sent the photo of the scene when the lights were turned off to Teacher Gao, so he can compare it and see who else is there."

? ? ?

In an instant, two students in the classroom were sweating profusely!

I immediately got scared, fearing that my parents would be called over, so I stood up from my seat in a hurry!

At this point, all 21 students took the initiative to hand over their mobile phones and placed them in a row on the podium.

And at this time.

in several corners of the classroom.

A few students finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this!

Almost discovered!

Fortunately, I restrained myself from playing with my phone!

I was almost tricked by this old man!

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