Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 122 This Guy Actually Pulled Out A Big Black Stick To The Students!

As Jiang Feng left the Class 9 classroom.

Only then did all the students finally let go of their worries!

Finally got through these two difficult classes!

These two classes of Chinese language self-study in the evening were simply more tiring than the previous day’s class!

Fortunately, this sixth child is not their Chinese teacher!

After taking these two classes, there is no overlap.

Otherwise, what a punishment it would be!

I'm afraid the whole class will despise such a sixth teacher!

So cruel!

I even have some sympathy for the students in the class taught by this teacher.

In the classroom, only a few students went out to use the toilet.

Most of the others were still sitting on their seats or lying down to rest.

Relax your recently tense body.

"Huh~ It's finally over. Real Gil is scary. I've been nervous all class."

"Who says it wasn't? Fortunately, I managed to escape and didn't get caught by this old man."

"It's so uncomfortable. My phone has been confiscated. I don't know when I can get it back. I'll ask the head teacher tomorrow..."

"Same, let's wait and see tomorrow. I hope I don't tell my parents, especially my dad, otherwise my butt will have to be kissed by my dad's slippers again..."


at this time.

The back row of the classroom.

Cao Yunliang, a student in Class 9, was watching Douyin short videos while get out of class was over.

Suddenly I saw a message popping up on QQ.

"Li proudly: Brother Liang, the head teacher asked you to go to the office and asked you to come to see me if I have anything."

? ? ?


Cao Yunliang saw through his friend's trick immediately.

You really want to fool me, right?

It’s not April Fool’s Day yet, and everyone has started to lie, right?

Cao Yunliang replied on the spot: Get lost! Your grandson wants to fool me, right? Go away, go and go on your own!

Turn around.

He saw that Li proud, who was four tables away from him, was even sitting on his seat!

Cao Yunliang came to his good brother Li proud on the spot.

He slapped him hard and began to taunt: "Li proud, you are a grandson, you still want to trick me, right? I almost believed it!"

Li proudly raised his head and looked at him with a confused expression!

What the hell?

Am I tricking you?

My mobile phone has been confiscated. Where did I get the mood routine from you?

Li Guoao looked at Cao Yunliang in confusion: "What are you doing? You are annoyed."

Behind him, Cao Yunliang wanted to laugh after hearing what he said!

She picked up the chat history on her phone and showed it to him: "You're still pretending to be in class and you're still sending me messages. You're still talking about going to the class teacher's office. I believe you, you idiot! There's no door!"

Li proudly became even more confused: "What are you talking about? Didn't you know that my mobile phone was taken away just before the last class?"

Cao Yunliang:? ? ?

His mobile phone was taken away by the teacher last class...

Now send yourself a message...

And he replied...

Damn it!

I was fooled!

At this time.

Jiang Feng opened the back door of the classroom and walked in. He looked at Cao Yunliang expressionlessly: "Hand over your cell phone."


Cao Yunliang's mentality immediately exploded!


In the live broadcast room.

The audience had already seen that Jiang Feng did not go home directly after class.

Instead, I looked through a few of the confiscated phones and found Li Aoao's phone without a lock screen password.

Then he directly sent messages to all the students he was eyeing!

When they saw this, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but laugh!

It’s so arrogant!

Is this what a teacher should do?

And the other side.

Jiang Feng used Li proudly's mobile phone to send messages to six people in succession.

Except for the two people who were sitting very close to Li proud, they knew that his cell phone had been confiscated, so they didn't answer.

The other four people, who didn’t know much about it, all responded quickly!

Especially Cao Yunliang, who slept on the table in the last class and was in a daze.

After seeing the message, I replied without hesitation, and even made a rather mocking comment!

The happiest person was Yang Cheng, who was three seats away from Li Aoao.

I don’t know if it’s because my brain is twitching or something, but I clearly know that Li Aoyao’s mobile phone has been confiscated.

He also replied to the other party: Your own mobile phone has been confiscated, and you still want to trick me into getting it confiscated too, right?

He didn't even think there was anything wrong!

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but laugh.

You all know that his mobile phone has been collected, so don't you doubt who sent you the message?

[Sorry, I laughed out loud like a pig! Teacher Jiang knows how to handle things! I can't even think of this trick even if I try to do it! 】

【Too gloomy! I believe you when you say that Teacher Jiang was a reincarnated Yin soldier in his previous life! 】

[“You’re still pretending!” “I believe you, you idiot!” “There’s no way!” I’m sorry, it’s so funny, hahahaha! Cao Yunliang is really confident! 】

[Yang Chengcai went to Oita! This wave of truth really made me laugh! This kid already meets the discharge criteria! Complete the discharge procedures for him immediately! 】

[Discharged? Can I be discharged from the hospital in this case? You quack! You come in too! Put him in the same ward and arrange double the amount of medicine for both of you! 】

【So wicked! He clearly knows that these people's mobile phones have not been confiscated yet, so he can collect them directly! But he chose the method with the most barrages! 】



In classrooms.

The information replied by the four students was so solid that there was no chance of denial.

Jiang Feng took away their mobile phones.

At this time, the mentality was extremely explosive.

It’s so arrogant!

How could he still come up with such a coquettish way!

Was this teacher Satan in his previous life?


He actually secretly opened the students' mobile phones and deceived their trust in this way!

It’s so unethical!

How can any teacher look at a student’s cell phone so frantically to fool others?

It wasn't until their mobile phones were taken away and placed in Jiang Feng's hands that the students couldn't help but mutter a few words in a low voice.

"It's so wicked..."

"It's so wicked..."

"There is no morals at all, and he used a student's mobile phone to fool people without permission..."

Jiang Feng laughed after hearing this: "Well, it's mainly because I don't have any qualities!"


Still carrying something like this?

If you really admit it frankly, you can't act without acting!

One sentence almost choked them to death!

I don’t even know what to say!

The other party frankly admits that he is immoral and has no qualities, and now there is no room for criticism!

This is too heartbreaking!

Jiang Feng couldn't help but want to laugh!

Where is this?


You haven't seen anyone truly crazy!

Jiang Feng smiled and put the mobile phone he had just collected into the canvas bag originally used to hold the mobile phone.


Under the stunned eyes of a dozen people around him, a big black stick was taken out from the canvas bag!

student:? ? ? ? ? ?

Oh shit!

To check your cell phone, suddenly pull out a metal detector? ? ?

Is this something done by humans?

Some students started crying on the spot!


In the live broadcast room.

The moment he saw Jiang Feng escaping from the big black stick, the barrage paused for several seconds!

I was so surprised that I was almost speechless!

After reacting, "Hahahahaha" burst out all over the screen!

Is this something humans do?

Just checking your phone, need this thing?

How virtuous and capable are the students!

No wonder Jiang Feng, the sixth child, inexplicably turned off the live broadcast when he went out to eat at noon today!

It turned out to be to secretly buy a metal detector without being discovered!

Even their audience was kept a secret!

Not aware of it at all!

This is really heartbreaking!

【Awesome! I thought that sending messages to students’ mobile phones to deceive them was the limit of Teacher Jiang’s ability to deceive people, but I didn’t expect that my vision was narrow! 】

【I really learned a lot by riding a horse! This sixth child was really ruthless when it came to treating students from two classes that he did not teach! Compared with this before, it was just a small fight! 】

[Indeed, if those kids from Class 3 and Class 4 saw this scene, they would probably suffer from cardiopulmonary arrest! When he took out the metal detector, I was completely shocked! 】

[Shocked, a teacher born after 100 actually took out a big black stick in front of more than 40 students in the class! Let the students wail in pain! 】

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? This horse is not a car going to the kindergarten. Let me get off! No one can take me away today! 】

【Oh shit! It was the first time I saw such a barrage that made my eyes go dark! But it doesn’t seem to be wrong at all! The metal detector is indeed black and big! The students did wail in pain. 】



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