Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 127 Do Any Students Dare To Play With Their Mobile Phones In Jiang Feng’S Class?

In the office.

It was approaching nine o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Feng put down his mobile phone after playing the game, picked up the textbook and was about to go to the classroom of Class 4.

Just opened the office door.

He met Gao Yang who had just returned from Class 9.

When Gao Yang saw Jiang Feng, his eyes were full of admiration and admiration!

He said with an excited expression: "Teacher Jiang! That's amazing! I followed the ideas you told me and I became one with the students in just one class."

Just after he finished speaking, Gao Yang started to worry again.

He whispered: "It's just... the students' grudges may fall on you, is that really okay?"

Jiang Feng said that he had no troubles in his heart!

Maybe the student has a grudge against me and has something to do with me?

Eat when you should, drink when you should, don't take anything to heart.

It can be said that the relationship with Class 9 is completely out of reach, so it doesn't matter.

Regarding this kind of thing, even if the group of stupid teammates in the game cheated him once, it would make him remember it for a long time.

As long as it doesn't delay me from playing games, I'll do whatever I want.

You can just knock down the school!

"It's okay, we are people's teachers. As long as it is for the benefit of the students, it doesn't matter."

No matter what, the superficial work must be done enough.

Jiang Feng boasted about himself and said something like this in a very lofty manner.

One exit.

It shocked Gao Yang!

I was giving a lecture to Class 3 last night.

When chatting during class, he discovered that the students in Class 3 always mentioned Teacher Jiang, almost intentionally or unintentionally, and almost never left their lips.

No wonder Teacher Jiang is deeply loved by students.

It turns out that the ideological consciousness is so high!

It would be unreasonable not to rate him as a special teacher!

Office door.

Gao Yang was dumbfounded as he watched Jiang Feng go to the classroom of Class 4, feeling that his back was much taller!

This teacher born in the 2000s is too enlightened!

We must learn from him in the future!

And the other side.

Jiang Feng shouted that he was too careless as he walked.

He muttered in a low voice and said: "The last wave of people who shouldn't have underestimated the enemy were blocked in the spring and killed, but they were stolen by the sixth man. No, no, no, you must be careful next time and not get involved..."

There was so much regret in his words, it didn't look like he was lying at all!

Live broadcast room audience:? ? ?


That is to say, you as a teacher.

What he said on the front foot was so upright and upright, inspiring other teachers to be impassioned;

I began to regret my mistake in playing the game. I immediately went to class, still thinking about my game.

Is this really appropriate?

If I hadn't known about this sixth teacher's usual style and habits, I would have almost believed it!

[Sometimes I wonder if Teacher Jiang has two personalities, one is born sixth, and the other is a serious one! 】

[Maybe this is the legendary talent. This guy could really piss off the students when he was a sixth grader, but his teaching level is ridiculously high. 】

[Indeed, although Teacher Jiang seems to be incapable of showing off, he is usually lazy. But when it comes to fulfilling their responsibilities, they are not inferior to those very diligent teachers. I just need to step in a little bit... Sorry, I'm cheating. 】

【has a problem! Very problematic! I think the fault was caused by the jungler just now. The middle laner was about to return to the city at the end, but the jungler brought the person on the opposite side, which made the mid laner unable to return. 】

[Nonsense, at first glance, it’s just a problem with the top laner. He doesn’t even have a line, so it’s definitely his fault for being stolen. The jungler is just an inducement to lose. 】

【6! It has to be you bunch of silly netizens! Really serious about discussing games! It can be seen that the game is really important to you! 】



Jiang Feng just pushed open the door of Class 4 classroom.

Just in time the school bell rang.

It's so accurate that you almost don't want to waste a second.

Otherwise, it feels like losing money.

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello, Teacher Jiang!"

"Good morning, Teacher Jiang!"

Seeing the students greeting each other enthusiastically, Jiang Feng waved his hand to signal them to be quiet.

Then he went straight to the podium with the teaching materials: "Everyone, turn the book to page 20. Let's continue talking about the classical Chinese text before."

Let's just make do with boring classical Chinese.

There will be an even more terrifying "Hongmen Banquet" later, so where is this?

Under the podium.

Today's group of students are, for some reason, much more interested than before.

He started to frown even after hearing a few words in classical Chinese.

Jiang Feng didn't think too much.

It is a good thing for him that students are interested!

So, I picked up the textbook and started teaching it to them.


Seven or eight minutes passed.


"Come and see this [nine guests]. It means that there are nine officials who welcome guests and praise them. It is the highest diplomatic etiquette. It is not about inviting nine guests..."

On the podium.

Jiang Feng was speaking in classical Chinese.

Suddenly I noticed that under the podium, monitor Zhao Qingqing’s movements and eyes were very wrong!

The girl's eyes were wandering, and she glanced at what was hidden in her stationery bag every few seconds.

And the height of this stationery bag is not high enough.

Standing on the podium, it was obvious that I saw the mobile phone placed behind me!

If you look carefully, you can see that the screen is still on when the phone is turned on.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

Isn’t this girl Zhao Qingqing usually very good?

And when I took over Class 4, I also learned about it from Teacher Li.

As the monitor of Class 4, this girl is serious and responsible on weekdays, and her grades are also good.

He is one of the most worry-free students.

However, such students are actually playing with their mobile phones during class!

Even in Chinese class, which he emphasized several times, this really shouldn’t be the case!

after all.

The students in these two classes did not do anything extraordinary under his guidance.

Jiang Feng didn't think she would be the kind of person who specifically wanted to confront him.

Instead, she subconsciously thought that there might be something hidden, or that she had something important to do temporarily.


Classroom discipline is classroom discipline and must not be broken.

He has set the rules, so there is no reason to break them.

If you collect your cell phone and hand it to the class teacher, you won’t be able to run away.

What I once said must not be spoken.

As for what hidden secrets she may have, I will find a way to help her solve it later.

Jiang Feng just stood up from the chair on the podium and was about to go over and collect Zhao Qingqing's mobile phone.


Zhao Qingqing immediately astutely sensed the danger and quickly stuffed her phone into her pocket!


At this moment.

Since Zhao Qingqing's movements are not small, it can be easily seen.

In the live broadcast room, almost all the viewers noticed the scene of Zhao Qingqing hiding her mobile phone.

Many old viewers were even more puzzled!

For the audience, these students from Classes 3 and 4 can be seen almost every day.

For them, the most impressive ones were almost the unlucky guy Ma Xiaohao from Class 3 and Zhao Qingqing, the monitor from Class 4.

As for the little girl Zhao Qingqing, in their opinion, she is definitely not the kind of student who would violate classroom disciplines like this!

But now, the evidence is almost conclusive.

She was almost certain to die while playing with her mobile phone in class, and she had no chance of running away.

This immediately made many viewers sweat, wanting to see what Jiang Feng would do to her.

Will there be some openness or something like that?

After all, although Jiang Feng is a very old man, he is definitely not strict with these students on weekdays.

Even more gentle than most teachers.

【Fuck! Big melon! The monitor actually took the lead in playing with his mobile phone in Teacher Jiang’s class! If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it! 】

[Indeed, even if you tell me that there are 49 students in Class 4 playing with mobile phones in class, I will feel that she is the one who is not playing. 】

[There is no urgent matter or hidden secret, so you are looking at your phone in class, right? I don't think she's the kind of student who breaks discipline in class. 】

[Anyway, it’s too outrageous. I'm a bit looking forward to how Teacher Jiang will operate it later. I feel that I should just take it away. After all, Teacher Jiang does abide by the rules well on weekdays, and he shouldn't open the Internet just for one person. 】

[Indeed, I agree with what the guy downstairs said. This is the first person in the two classes who plays with his mobile phone openly in class. Teacher Jiang will probably use it to scare the monkeys. 】

【Diaozhao? Picking up hair? ? Call me handsome! Call me handsome! ! ! 】



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