Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 138 Are These Kids Really Your Biological Students?

Until about nine o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Feng could also see that in the Chinese discussion group, students kept liking him.

Mainly the girls in the two classes.

Everyone yelled at him to tell more stories and send photos of his girlfriend to everyone.

Jiang Feng just dived into the group, pretended to be dead, and opened the game.


It's approaching eleven o'clock.

When Jiang Feng quit the game, he saw an extremely outrageous scene in the group!

He still underestimated the perseverance of these students.

I don’t know who started it in the group, but the QQ account he used to cover it up was revealed!

He also analyzed it seriously in the group and found out that Teacher Jiang’s “girlfriend” was actually just pretending and didn’t exist at all!

The various conditions are clearly laid out.

Everyone was calling Jiang Feng to explain.

Jiang Feng's eyes went dark when he saw it!

Fortunately, I turned off the live broadcast while taking a shower in the afternoon, so I didn't expose this matter through the live broadcast.

Otherwise it will be a big trouble.

There is really no way.

It’s really impossible not to explain it.

Jiang Feng turned on the deception mode on the spot.

Tell the students that because their family has been urging them, they just used this excuse to fool them so as not to worry their families.

After Jiang Feng's superb acting skills, he was fooled for a while.

Among the nearly a hundred students in the two classes, many expressed understanding.

Especially the students who have brothers and sisters who are about the same age as Jiang Feng at home, I feel my deepest sympathy!

They have experienced the situation during the Chinese New Year, when the family was more anxious than the other!

Even though they were not involved in the incident, their ears were on edge after hearing it!

If you are pushed like this by your family every day, your mentality will explode!

So they all expressed their understanding and actively agreed to help Jiang Feng keep the secret and not to mention it again.

In front of the mobile phone screen on the other side, Jiang Feng was laughing so hard!

Students are so easy to fool!

It's too simple.

With just a few words of his own, they were deceived and confused.


the next day.

The weather is sunny and sunny.

Since the morning, many students throughout the school have been in a state of excitement, looking forward to the arrival of the afternoon.

Because the school notified it last night.

There will be a drama performance in the big conference room today.

Except for the third grade students who are about to take the college entrance examination, all the other first and second grade students will not attend the fourth period class in the afternoon.

We organized a group to go to the school conference room to watch the drama performances of Grade 13 and Grade 4!

No matter what it is, it interests them more than being in a classroom!

There was only one class in the second grade of high school, because the computer class happened to be occupied, so my heart was a little fried.

But it's better than being taken over by the head teacher.


Amidst the anticipation of nearly a thousand students, it was already afternoon before they knew it.

It's approaching five o'clock.

Students from both grades were all organized into the school's large conference room.

Nearly a thousand people were seated here.


The school was well prepared in advance and even put up a special banner.

Prizes were purchased for students in advance.

And at the same time, the live broadcast was started using the school’s official account.

after all.

As long as it's an opportunity to promote the school, don't miss it!

This is a great opportunity to increase the school’s reputation.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have gone to such great lengths to have only two classes hold this event.

For the school anyway.

No matter which class wins in the end, it was all taught by Teacher Jiang.

All are conducive to the school’s external publicity.

One side of the conference room.

Students in Classes 3, 4 and 2 are all making final preparations.

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, sat in the first row of the auditorium very leisurely.

There were many teachers and students around, all staring at the stage in the conference room with expectant expressions.

Only Jiang Feng, the sixth child, was minding his own business, looking for fish with his head down and scrolling through his phone!

Do you prepare students mentally in advance?

Sorry I haven’t heard of it!

As students grow older, they should also be able to take charge of their own affairs.

Teachers are just guides on the road to growth, and they cannot protect you from wind and rain all the time.

So it’s right that I didn’t encourage you and prepare you mentally.

Jiang Feng convinced himself thus.

The scene of him lowering his head to fish while playing with his mobile phone was extremely eye-catching among the crowd!


This left many viewers confused.

Are these kids really your biological students?

How come you, the teacher who teaches them, are so interested in the physical education teacher who is not joining in the fun?

[We have to touch Yufeng! If he doesn’t touch fish, that’s really wrong! 】

【I know! This is not called fishing! It’s called cultivating students’ self-discipline and enhancing students’ ability to face difficulties alone! 】

[Tell me, how many times can Teacher Jiang eat in one meal? You kid, you haven’t been watching too much! 】

[To be honest, I went from elementary school to college for 16 years. Among the many teachers I have seen since childhood, Teacher Jiang is the worst one! 】

[Then you don’t understand the joy of being an art teacher! I work as an art teacher in a primary school. Although the salary is low, my daily job is to sit in an office and fish. Can you believe it? That’s right, basically you don’t even need to attend class! I don’t know how long other teachers have been calling me “sick”! 】

【? ? ? Is there such a good thing? Is it too late to study art now? We have nothing to pursue, just enough to support ourselves! 】



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