Monthly exams are almost familiar to students.

That's just like black and white and impermanence.

Every time it comes unknowingly.

On ordinary days, I will stab you in the back unexpectedly.

Doesn't make anyone feel good.

Especially for this group of students who had just come from the third grade of junior high school, some bad memories were brought back on the spot.

Why are you still taking the monthly exam?

I feel like I’m not feeling so comfortable even during the holidays.


It was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

Class four classroom.

The fourth Chinese class.

While Jiang Feng was giving lectures on the podium, he would look at the time on his phone every once in a while.

I always feel that this last class, which is approaching the holiday, is more difficult than today.

And the students under the podium.

At this time, Jiang Feng was even more uneasy than Jiang Feng.

Some have already packed their schoolbags and are waiting to run home immediately after school!


After Jiang Feng checked the time on his phone for the ninth time.

The sweet and sweet school bell rang.

"get out of class is over!"

Jiang Feng picked up the textbook and got ready to run away.

The students under the podium burst into cheers.

“Go home for the holidays!!!”

"Jesus can't stop me today! I said so!"

"Go, go, go! It's a holiday!"

However, the good times did not last long.

Just when they started cheering, another voice from the classroom broadcast sounded.

"Notice, notice. Let's talk about the safety regulations for students during the holidays. Teachers in each class please don't let students out of school yet."

Hearing this sound, the students went numb!

Even though school is over, why is the school still adding drama here?

As soon as you start talking about radio, it's like taking Xuanmai and you can't stop at all.

It can take as little as ten minutes or as long as half an hour.

The most important thing is that it’s all a lot of nonsense!

It seems like I have been talking for so long, but in fact I can sum it up in just four words: Pay attention to safety.

It's more torture than going to class.

"Notice, notice. Below..."

Just when the broadcast sounded for the second time, the students were suddenly stunned!

Jiang Feng stepped forward and pulled the classroom switch!

Then, "get out of class is over. Nothing happened just now. Everyone quickly goes back to their homes and looks for their mothers."

After saying that, Jiang Feng took the lead and rushed out of the classroom.

The whole class of students was left stunned!

Hold the grass! ! !

It has to be you, Teacher Jiang!

The students cheered suddenly, picked up their schoolbags and fled.


In the live broadcast room.

The audience was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Feng had once said that he was going to pull the school's power switch, but they thought Jiang Feng was just talking.


In order to go home from get off work early, this sixth child actually turned off the radio in the classroom!

Although it is not as outrageous as turning on the school switch, many viewers really felt that this old man could do such an outrageous thing!

Jiang Feng was shocked when he saw Jiang Feng's tricks.

The next second.

Jiang Feng performed an even more showy operation for them.

Directly closed the live broadcast!

The good picture is just gone!



Just be a human being when you ride a horse!

[I was different. I was watching the live broadcast when the screen suddenly disappeared. Then I saw a man even more handsome than Yanzu appear on the black screen! 】

[Open your mouth, open your mouth, I've been very angry these days and my urine is yellow, I'll give you a bottle of snowflakes to bravely go to heaven! 】

【Fuck! After looking at the schedule, the National Day holiday lasts for seven days and lasts until next Saturday! Teacher Jiang won’t let the broadcast go on for seven consecutive days, right? 】

【puff! It's possible! Teacher Jiang almost never airs on Saturdays and Sundays! Looking at it this way, he might really have to stop broadcasting for seven days in a row! Brothers, my happiness is gone! 】

[Teacher Jiang, have a good journey. I will give you incense today next year. Teacher want to be happy...Teacher Jiang! Teacher Jiang! How can I live without you! 】

【I believe you as a ghost! You kid upstairs, you better not let me see you going crazy in the live broadcast room of the fierce girl on the 18th! Ah, my sister is so big, I like it so much~ It’s your kid who said that! 】



Program office.

The chief director and a group of staff saw Jiang Feng turn off the live broadcast again.

I almost had an emotional explosion!

Everyone is crazy about selling batches in their hearts!

There are more than one million people in the live broadcast room No. 6, which is several miles ahead of the other contestants!

Almost as many as the second to tenth places combined.

At this time, it happened to be the prime time in the evening.

At the time of day that attracts the most traffic, the live broadcast is turned off immediately?

You plan to piss us off to death!

Fortunately, this old man had cut off the live broadcast every once in a while.

The program team has thought of ways to deal with it.

Chief director Liu Tian immediately called the assistant next to him.

"Xiao Liu, hurry up. Have you found the photographer you arranged last time? Hurry up and ask him to go to the scene to follow the shooting! We can't miss such a huge traffic!"


"Remember to keep him far away so that No. 6 doesn't find him."



A few minutes later.

A photographer jogged and appeared near Yunhai City No. 1 Middle School.

And smoothly started the real-time live broadcast in the backup live broadcast room.

Seeing the title of Teacher Jiang, the audience who had originally run away were attracted back by this move!

【Fuck! real or fake? Teacher Jiang is back on air? If you say this, I won’t be sleepy anymore! 】

[Is it possible that the live broadcast room just now was broken, so a new one was opened? In fact, we mistakenly blamed Teacher Jiang? 】

[That’s not right, damn! Looking at this picture, although it is indeed the school where Teacher Jiang teaches, the picture is different! Program crew, what are you doing? 】

【Yes, yes! Look ahead! Teacher Jiang came out of school! A different perspective! What is he waiting for at the school gate? 】

【Fuck! Is it possible that the program team couldn't stand Mr. Jiang's live broadcast at various intervals, so they hired a new photographer? 】



After leaving the fourth class classroom.

Jiang Feng conveniently turned off the live broadcast.

But he did not choose to go home directly.

Instead, he packed up his things in the office and waited at the school gate.

In the huge campus, only Class 4 was out of school at this time.

All other classes were still in the classroom listening to the announcement of student holiday safety regulations.


What made Jiang Feng a little puzzled.

You've even turned off the live broadcast, so how come you still have such a huge increase in popularity?

Is it possible that there is a bug in my hair lifting system?


I waited for about twenty minutes.

Then one after another other classes rushed out of the classroom after school.

Three minutes later.

Lao Huang, the head teacher of Class 3, Grade 1, finally finished explaining the matter, and then he started to see students from Class 3 coming out.

Ma Xiaohao took the lead and rushed out of the school gate.

He was still holding a half-drunk bottle of happy water in his hand, shaking it crazily!

From behind, Li Yiliang followed closely with his mouth full of fragrance.

"Fuck! Stop shaking, you're so out of breath, why are you drinking? Ma Xiaohao, fuck off!"

The two came out one after the other.

Seeing Jiang Feng standing at the school gate, he said hello in surprise.

"Eh? Teacher Jiang?"

"Brother Jiang? Didn't you go home?"

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Ah, no, there is something else to do. You should go back first."

"Goodbye, Brother Jiang! Let's go back first. I'll help you improve your scores during the holidays!"

"Goodbye, Teacher Jiang! I will also help you improve your scores during the holidays!"

Jiang Feng smiled and agreed casually: "Okay, no cheating!"

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