Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 157 Are Students Trying To Trick Teacher Jiang In Reverse Again?

"What's wrong? Didn't you all beg me to review Chinese with you in the morning?"

On the podium.

Jiang Feng showed a gentle smile.

But this smile looks like a devil in the eyes of the students!

It makes people shudder and send chills down their spines!

In the morning, they planned to trick Teacher Jiang once and use Teacher Jiang as a shield.

Didn't expect it now.

Teacher Jiang even held a grudge and made a cool move for them by occupying the class for tutoring!

This teacher has so many bad intentions!

"Teacher Jiang, you heard wrong! It's nothing!"

"Teacher Jiang, that's what Ma Xiaohao said this morning! Why don't you drag him to the office for tutoring!"

"???Xu Fei, hurry up and kill me! You still owe me a bottle of Nutritional Express! You're going to trick me now, right?"

Hear the bad news.

The students in Class 3 who were still sleepy at first are now much more energetic!

Even more effective than stimulants!

No sleepiness at all, and even trembling with joy!


The audience had already started laughing when they heard Jiang Feng say: How could he not agree to a request that he loves learning so much?

It has to be Teacher Jiang!

There are so many bad intentions!

The students were in trouble in the morning and you didn't come when they asked you.

But now when they are fine, you come back again!

It’s really exciting to catch this class!

What did the students in Class Three do wrong?

[It has to be Teacher Jiang! Once this sexy operation is performed, the effect is comparable to a walking stimulant! As soon as he comes, the students immediately become more energetic! 】

【Laughing to death! According to what you said, when I take the college entrance examination in the future, I will have to strictly check the urine tests of Classes 3 and 4, right? Hahahahaha! 】

[Look at how happy the students are! They were all shaking with excitement! Teacher Jiang is simply spreading great love to the world! I will give you a reward of 0.00 yuan first to show my support for Teacher Jiang! 】

[You’re a good rewarder! Teacher Jiang will probably cry with joy when he hears the amount of your reward, and will also thank you dozens of times with fierce words! 】

[Brothers who reward useless people. No matter how much you give, you won't be able to reach Teacher Jiang, it will all be taken away by the program team. The official rules of the program team are clearly written. 】

[Zhou Cao, then the fifty cents I gave you a few days ago were not in vain? 】



Feeling the soaring popularity reminder in his mind, Jiang Feng was extremely happy.

As expected, the students must be tricked severely.

And the less human you are, the more you earn!

A few minutes later.

As the school bell rings.

Jiang Feng took the lead and picked up the textbook: "Come on, let's continue the review. I will teach you this lesson, and I will leave you with the first Chinese lesson tomorrow morning for self-study."


So it wasn’t forced to occupy the class?

But adjust the class?

Generally, classes need to be adjusted because the teacher is temporarily busy, right?

And Teacher Jiang, a person who arrives on time every day and is so leisurely that he is never absent from work, would he actually change his class at short notice?

Could it be that Teacher Jiang's family was really urging him to find a girlfriend quickly, so they arranged a blind date?

Maybe it's because Teacher Jiang has something to do at home?

Or maybe it was Teacher Jiang who was secretly...

Jiang Feng stood on the podium and explained: "Oh, because tomorrow morning I will only have one class for your three classes. If you change the class, you won't have to come in the morning and you can sleep in at home."

student:? ? ? ? ?

This abacus is really snappy!

After thinking about it, they even began to wonder if Teacher Jiang was going to fight in Iraq!

In the end, the truth is that it is so plain and simple, just for fishing?

It’s really yours!

Although it is outrageous, it does fit Teacher Jiang’s character!

Every once in a while, you can pull it off and make their eyes darken!


It also made them feel better.

Just a class adjustment.

Not much has actually changed for them, when is class not class?

Anyway, it’s much better than being occupied in a class!

Ever since.

The mood of this group of students suddenly became better as if the weather had turned cloudy and sunny.

Therefore, the course progress is much faster.


As this was their first serious exam when they entered high school, Jiang Feng didn't want them to do too poorly.

After all, these are the students I brought out.

It would be a sin if he took the students to the ditch because of his arrogance.

And, at the end of the day.

No matter how good a teacher you are at teaching, no matter how beloved you are by your students, or how good you are to your students.

Most parents cannot see this.

In the end, there were only four words: test scores.

Other than that, they almost don't care.

Although this approach is very problematic, it is the reality.


Jiang Feng only takes their first exam seriously.

I don’t expect their grades to be so good or soar to the sky.

At least it should be above the average level and not be held back by Chinese language scores.

If the students' performance is skewed because of his current teaching model, it will still be him who is affected.

By then, all the overwhelming negative comments would be enough to drown him.

The popularity is expected to plummet as well.

That would be a real loss.


As the boring afternoon comes to an end.

Time came to night in a blink of an eye.

18:59 minutes.

After dinner, Jiang Feng, who came back from the school, took the teaching materials to the Class 4 classroom on time.

Just stepped into the classroom door.

The 50 students in Class 4 all looked at Jiang Feng with great anticipation.

Jiang Feng was puzzled.


Are you also looking forward to tutoring?

Why do they all look like they've been injected with chicken blood?

That's good.

There is no need to think of ways to cheer them up.

Jiang Feng sat down on the chair in front of the podium and opened the textbook in his hand.

"The monthly exam is the day after tomorrow. We won't teach any new lessons tonight. Instead, we will review what we have learned before."

"Concentrate and listen to the lectures carefully. If you get slapped on the butt by seven wolves because you didn't do well in the exam, don't blame me for not warning you in advance."

"Let's turn to the first lesson of the second unit..."

As Jiang Feng's words fell.

Under the podium, almost all the students who were in high spirits were visibly disappointed.

The bright eyes are almost dimmed!

Jiang Feng glanced under the podium.

Immediately confused!

What the hell is going on today?

Could it be that I really became Gatanjie and sucked away your light?

After seeing Jiang Feng's scanning eyes.

All the students under the podium were blinking crazily!

Exactly the same as in the third shift in the morning!


In the live broadcast room.

The audience originally thought it would be another mediocre lecture.

Seeing the students doing such weird things, I was a little confused.

What's going on?

Is it possible that these students have some clever ideas and plan to trick Teacher Jiang in the opposite direction?

After all, Teacher Jiang fell into trouble at the hands of monitor Zhao Qingqing last time.

I was tricked by that weird little girl.

Now that the whole class is doing such weird things, what's the point?

[So what exactly is this? These students have developed piercing eyes, so they are blinking crazily at Teacher Jiang and intending to stare him to death? 】

[Pfft hahahahahaha! When you said this, I suddenly remembered the scenes from watching Journey to the West! The monkey seems to be blinking like this when it first develops its piercing eyes! 】

[Teacher Jiang is not going to be tricked by the students, is he? Now almost the whole class is taking action. Teacher Jiang may not be able to defeat four with two fists...it is difficult to defeat a hundred hands with two fists! 】

[Sure enough, it has to be Class 4! While the students in Class 3 were being tricked by Teacher Jiang, the students in Class 4 had already begun to trick Teacher Jiang in reverse! I don’t need to say which class is the best, right? 】

【I am not convinced by this! No matter how awesome Class 4 is, can Ma Xiaohao from Class 3 be as impressive? 】

[Understood, let Teacher Jiang transfer this guy Ma Xiaohao to Class 4! Now we are all alive! No need to fight anymore! 】

【Hey! I found out that your boy is really a fucking genius! 】



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