In no time.

Jiang Feng finished the last bite.

And the little girl named Coco who he brought had also finished eating.

Jiang Feng picked up the dinner plate and walked to the recycling area.

It happened that Ye Xiaoyi also came over with the finished dinner plate.


Jiang Feng reached out to interrupt her and just smiled.

it is more than words.


This scene was completely seen by netizens in the live broadcast room.

The audience, who were still curious about what Jiang Feng did when the screen went black, suddenly discovered the secret.

Then it exploded!

【Fuck! I know what Teacher Jiang was doing just now! He saw that the girl in the class was not eating well, so he bought her food! 】

【! ! ! I understand the truth, but why do we have to avoid it, the audience? 】

[Of course it’s for the students’ self-esteem. Think about it, if that scene was seen by so many viewers, it would still be a little uncomfortable, so Teacher Jiang turned off the live broadcast. 】

【Fuck! Teacher Jiang is too meticulous! Awesome! I stepped on the horse and directly transformed into Teacher Jiang to push people! 】

[This Tama is a good teacher! I gave you a reward, 20 yuan is not much, just to show my appreciation! 】

[Teacher Jiang, you are my god! 】



When walking back on the road.

Jiang Feng sneezed several times in a row.

I always feel like someone is talking bad about me behind my back, but I can't find the source at all.

Just ignore it.

After sending Teacher Li Xiuhua's daughter back to the office.

The other party had also returned from the meeting at this time.

In order to express her gratitude, she also specially gave Jiang Feng a package of specialties from her former students.

Jiang Feng accepted it happily.

Just when I was thinking about playing games to improve my score, I glanced at the class schedule and started to have a headache.

There is also a Chinese class for Class 3 in the afternoon.

As the saying goes, if you are sleepy in spring and tired in autumn, you will take a nap in summer.

And now it is the end of summer, and classes happen to be in the afternoon.

There is no energy at all.

He even wondered if he would doze off and fall asleep on the podium.

Jiang Feng had an idea.

Suddenly something occurred to me!

Didn’t I occupy a physical education class in Class 3 yesterday?

This section is just for the students in Class 3.

Leave it to Teacher Zhao, who teaches physical education.

After finalizing the decision, Jiang Feng called the dean on the spot.

He talked about giving physical education to Class 3 in the next Chinese class.

I thought I would have to go through some nagging and prodding to persuade him and talk about the importance of students taking physical education classes.


After listening to Jiang Feng's words.

The other party actually agreed immediately without any hesitation!

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

He said happily: "Okay, thank you, Director Xu. You continue to work. If nothing happens, I will hang up first."

"Hey wait."

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, he was interrupted by the dean.

Jiang Feng directly wondered: "What's wrong?"

The dean said quietly.

"Mr. Zhao, who teaches the physical education class of Class 3, has no class today, so he went to the city early in the morning to do errands and won't be back for a short time. Please teach Class 3 students this physical education class."

Jiang Feng: "???"

Is this okay?

Grass! What a huge loss!

Going to give physical education classes to students in the afternoon would be fatal!


[Hahahahaha, I can see it. Teacher Jiang wants to fish, but he didn’t expect to be forced to open his business again! 】

[I can’t stand it any longer, Teacher Jiang’s expression changes so quickly! His face changed in just one second! 】

[As expected of the post-00 generation who likes to fish, it’s so right! 】

[And I remember it was an afternoon class. Going out on a hot day was even worse than taking a Chinese class in the classroom! 】

[Hahahahaha, I’m so happy! When you said it upstairs, I wanted to laugh for no reason! 】



Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the afternoon Chinese class.

Class is approaching.

Jiang Feng came to the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3.

At a glance, every student in the class was shivering.

Even those students who are usually more serious are taking a nap on the table.

Jiang Feng sighed.

Let me just say, this time in the afternoon is not suitable for Chinese classes.

When the students in the class saw Jiang Feng come in, they all sat up listlessly.

Very reluctantly, I took out the Chinese textbook and put it on the table.

Until the little fat man Ma Xiaohao in the corner reluctantly took out his Chinese textbook.

When the whole class is ready for Chinese class.

Jiang Feng spoke: "Last time, I took up one of your physical education classes, so this Chinese class will teach you physical education."

Many people didn't react at first and subconsciously opened the Chinese textbook.

After a few seconds.

After the brain reacts to physical education in the next class.

The whole class was instantly excited!


"Teacher Jiang is awesome!!!"

"Teacher Jiang, I love you!!!"

"PE! PE! PE! PE!"

The class cheered endlessly, and everyone wanted to jump up on the spot.

Jiang Feng was reminded of an ancient saying for a moment.

The high ape often screams, which makes the sound strange and bleak, spreading throughout the empty valley, and the sorrow lasts for a long time!

Too vivid!

Seeing these people happy, Jiang Feng added: "Oh, by the way, the PE teacher is not here, so I will teach everyone this PE class."

Swish swish swish~

As soon as these words came out.

The class was stunned for a long time.

Although taking physical education class was quite a surprise.

But if they were taught by a Chinese teacher, they would be a little bit reluctant to let go.

The psychological gap is still quite large.

You should know that if you act too showy in front of the main teacher, you will most likely receive special attention.

When answering questions in class, I have to call on my name several times.

So even if I take physical education class, I am not that interested anymore.

at this time.

The school bell rings.

Jiang Feng urged: "Okay, okay, get down quickly. After the bell has fallen, you are still studying Chinese in the classroom during this period!"


Hearing Jiang Feng's words.

48 students ran out like crazy.

One by one, for fear of falling behind, they did not go out before the bell went down and were forced to take Chinese classes.

There were two naughty boys, and it was hard to squeeze in because there were so many people at the front and back doors.

I was so anxious that I was almost ready to climb out of the window!

Jiang Feng was so frightened that he quickly stopped them.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! Come down!"


[I miss it so much. We used to have this same attitude in physical education class. I wanted to jump over the wall! 】

[It’s so true. My favorite thing during the three years of high school was physical education, but unfortunately it was often taken over by other teachers. 】

[I really miss being able to be so lively and lively. When I got to college, I didn’t like sports at all. If it weren’t for the few credits, I wouldn’t want to go there! 】

【very nice. Most of our previous teachers in other subjects would not pay them back as long as they “borrowed” physical education classes. 】

[It’s okay for you. At least a small part will be repaid. Our physical education class here is directly usurped. The physical education teachers all came in and were "forced to get sick" to go back. 】

[Hahahahaha, it’s so miserable upstairs! Sorry, I couldn't help laughing...Pfft, hahahahaha! ! ! 】



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