Seemingly knowing that he had committed many crimes, Ma Xiaohao winked at Jiang Feng.

His eyes were full of help.

Whether you can survive this parent-teacher conference depends entirely on Teacher Jiang!

Jiang Feng looked down at Ma Xiaohao's "criminal record" and pondered for a few seconds.

He spoke seriously.

"Ma Xiaohao is doing well in school. He is outgoing, lively and active. He has a strong sense of initiative. He is also very willing to communicate and discuss with his classmates and can get along well with other students."

"And he is also very willing to study. He worked very hard on the math subject and made excellent progress. He is the student who has made the most progress in math in the class in this exam. He is very worthy of praise!"

Ma Xiaohao, who was standing next to Ma Mingjun, was stunned for a moment after hearing this!

If Teacher Jiang can speak, speak more!


Just now, Jiang Feng lowered his head and looked at the materials in his hand.

The live camera also happened to capture the entire material.

The audience couldn't hold back the moment they saw it!

It's understandable if you change seats privately, and it's acceptable if you blow bubble gum and spray it on your classmates' hair.

But what kind of operation is it to take off a classmate's pants in the toilet?

There was also this one who poured iced black tea on a classmate’s pants, which was even more embarrassing!

It turns out that in the scenes that Jiang Feng didn’t capture during the live broadcast, this is what the students really looked like!

[Have a very strong subjective initiative and are willing to communicate and discuss with classmates. It means actively taking off a classmate's pants in the toilet, right? Teacher Jiang, you can speak! 】

【puff! I thought all the students were well-behaved, but I didn’t expect that they were like this behind their backs. Their character was completely shattered! 】

[No, no, no, it’s not surprising that this kid Ma Xiaohao can do such a thing! It seemed that he took off his mask with Teacher Jiang, but in fact he put on the mask! He only took off his mask and let himself go when Teacher Jiang was away! 】

[Good point upstairs! Where can I buy your books? 】

[This wave of extreme fishing is just like when my university teacher fished for me at the end of the semester! It can be seen that Teacher Jiang is really trying his best! 】

[Laughing, when I saw that I scored 60 and 61 in three consecutive subjects, I knew how hard the teacher worked to get me! 】



Jiang Feng finished speaking.

Ma Mingjun is still a little confused. Is his child really so good?

Seeing that the situation seemed a little bad, Ma Xiaohao quickly took the lead in applauding.

No matter what, give yourself some applause first.

But you are so awesome! Cross your arms for a moment!

As Ma Xiaohao's applause rang out.

Other students and parents in the classroom also applauded.

This is done.

Ma Xiaohao's father Ma Mingjun's originally frowning expression instantly softened a lot!

No matter what.

This is the first time that my child was praised at a parent-teacher meeting!

Don’t tell me, I’m really happy!

The corners of his mouth started to slightly upward!

And after these words.

It also aroused the activity of other parents.

Everyone asked Jiang Feng to talk about how his children were doing.

"Teacher Jiang, where is my Chen Yufan? This child hasn't caused you any trouble, has he?"

"Teacher, does this kid Liang Yu still sleep in class? During the three years of junior high school, I was called to school every once in a while because of this."

"Teacher Jiang, if Xiaoqing is naughty, just tell her directly. There is no need to save face for her."


Jiang Feng waved his hand again to signal for silence: "Parents, don't worry. As a teacher, you must be equally impartial in your treatment of students."

Then he took out the next piece of material.

Chen Yufan.

Playing with hamsters in class... eating instant noodles in self-study classes... kicking a football and breaking the glass of the school health room and taping it back together... hitting the dean on the head while playing with classmates with a water-filled balloon. ..I was punished for writing English in history class...

No matter how big or small, Lao Huang took note of everything!

Jiang Feng was so shaken that he shook his head.

No, no, you can't look back. The more you look at it, the higher your blood pressure will be!

Lao Huang is planning to punish the students to death!

If this "criminal record" is known to the parents, I am afraid that a new batch of students will be taught.

I looked at Chen Yufan's overall score, which ranked in the middle, and then looked at the words on "criminal record."

Jiang Feng thought for several seconds before speaking slowly.

"I would also like to commend classmate Chen Yufan here."

"Chen Yufan's grades during his performance in school were very stable, he had the courage to take on responsibilities, and his practical ability was among the best in the class."

"It can be said that he is a student with great room for improvement in the class."

"And he also performed well in the sports meeting some time ago, winning fourth place in the men's sprint for the class!"

Jiang Feng said that I really tried my best!

Because sprinting at that time was done in groups of four!

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