Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 19 Lao Jiang Has A Lot Of Tricks, I Want To Go Back To The Countryside!

Jiang Feng struggled to squeeze his way out of the crowd of enthusiastic students.

at this time.

Teacher Guan Zhi, who had been watching on the side, trotted over, leaned forward and handed Jiang Feng a bottle of water: "Teacher Jiang, I didn't expect you to be so good at playing!"

Jiang Feng smiled and took a step back to distance himself: "No, no, just hit me casually. By the way, Teacher Guan, don't you have any classes in the afternoon?"

Guan Zhi got closer: "There are no classes in the afternoon. What, Teacher Jiang, do you want to invite me to watch a movie together?"

Jiang Feng couldn't help but tremble after hearing this.

Why haven't you given up yet?

The students next to him seemed to have discovered something.

Everyone was booing next to them with evil smiles.

"Teacher Jiang, come on!"

"Teacher Jiang, we are optimistic about you!"

"Together! Together! Together!"


Jiang Feng suddenly wanted to pick up the tape and wrap it around the mouths of these students.

So he glared hard at the ones who made the loudest noises.

He said half-jokingly: "You, you, you, you guys, your Chinese homework will be doubled tonight!"

"Teacher Jiang, I was wrong!"

"I was wrong! Teacher, please spare me this time!"

"It's wrong, wrong! Spare your life!"

Several students immediately cried for father and mother and ran away in fright.

Jiang Feng turned to Guan Zhi and smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I have to supervise the students' self-study tonight, so I can't get away."

Guan Zhi took the initiative and asked: "What about this weekend?"

"This weekend..."

Jiang Feng began to think deeply and began to think of an excuse: "A friend of mine is going to eat Wallace at the weekend, and I have to accompany him to the hospital to have his stomach checked!"

Jiang Feng suddenly remembered that there was a Wallace's store downstairs in his house, and there was a sign on it that our store had no bathrooms.

So he said this.

Guan Zhi: "???"

The girl was immediately confused. What kind of new operation is this?

In Guan Zhi's confusion.

Jiang Feng left with a haha: "See you next time, Teacher Guan. I will go back to prepare lessons for the students first!"



Many viewers in the live broadcast room saw the two beauties in the office taking the initiative to strike up a conversation with Jiang Feng.

Everyone has started to speculate in stocks and CP.

Some people even quietly launched a vote online.

Yesterday, after Jiang Feng's manipulation by the Sigma man.

The Jiang-Chen Party was deeply hit.

The Jiangguan party was happy and felt that it was now stable.

After what happened just now, it dealt a severe blow to the Jiangguan Party.

The noisy audience in the live broadcast room went crazy on the spot!

【puff! Teacher Jiang is simply a straight man! Isn't it because you are not interested in women? 】

【Fuck! Blessed are the male compatriots! Teacher Jiang, wait for me, I’ll be here right away! 】

[Thanks to me, I fired Jiang Guan Party for a whole day. Teacher Jiang, you are so sad! If you don't follow me to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate, you won't be allowed to leave today! 】

[If you have yellow urine, come here and wake up the people upstairs! Everyone started talking in their sleep during the day. 】

[Brother, why don’t you go? 】

[Oh, I am diabetic. I am afraid that she will taste the sweetness and bite me. 】

[With Teacher Jiang’s looks, no matter where he goes, he doesn’t have to worry about beautiful girls. I guess he has too high standards. 】



Someone’s analysis in the barrage is indeed correct.

Just because of Jiang Feng's good looks and the fact that he has his own system as a time traveler.

How could he fall into a woman's trap so easily?

Isn’t it nice to play games, enjoy life and food, and tease students?


Jiang Feng was eating out.

I rewarded myself with a nice meal.

It was not until 7 o'clock in the evening that the bell rang.

Jiang Feng jogged and arrived at the classroom of Grade 1 and Grade 3 on time, almost being late.

Tonight's evening self-study will be watched by him.

To be honest, Jiang Feng was also very helpless.

Such a good time, playing games at home or going out for fun is more interesting than studying by boring supervising students.

When I came to the class, I sat down on the chair on the podium.

"Please be more conscious during your evening self-study. I won't patrol you anymore. Do your homework well. Don't play with your mobile phones, don't do petty tricks, and don't whisper to each other."

After explaining, Jiang Feng started playing with his phone out of boredom.

Fortunately, the students were quite obedient, except for Shashasha doing her homework on the desk.

There wasn't even any other sound.


Jiang Feng felt that something was missing.

The teachers of the two classes next door were giving lectures, but all three classes were studying in the evening.

The class was quiet, unusually quiet, which seemed a little strange.

Feeling very uncomfortable.

Jiang Feng glanced at everyone in the class: "This self-study class is lifeless. How about I play some soothing pure music for everyone to listen to."

These students are already at a lively and active age.

There was no sound in the class, which really made people feel a little depressed.

Hearing Jiang Feng's suggestion, he instantly became happy.


"Teacher Jiang, hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait!"

"That's right, the class next door is giving lectures, but our class is so quiet and not even angry at all!"

Jiang Feng waved his hand to ask the students to quiet down.

"Okay, it just so happens that the teacher has a good song list here. I'll play it for everyone. After the song is played, everyone should study hard."

"rest assured!"

"Promise to complete the mission!"


Jiang Feng fiddled with his cell phone.

After a while, he frowned and said, "Hey, why are you still charging? If anyone has a handsome dog music membership, come up and scan it."


Several students under the podium subconsciously raised their hands.

"Teacher, I have it! I have it! I am an annual member!"

"I, I, I! Teacher, I have it!"

"Teacher, I just opened a membership! Use mine!"

Jiang Feng smiled numbly: "Okay, okay, you still have your mobile phone, right? It's confiscated!"

The student who raised his hand said: "???"


The others immediately burst into laughter.

"Pfft hahahaha!!!"

"Lao Liu!"

"It's such a loss hahahaha!"


The audience in the live broadcast room really thought that Jiang Feng was suddenly kind-hearted and showed great compassion to improve the environment for students to study in the evening.

After seeing the smile on Jiang Feng's face, he went crazy with joy!

[You’re so old, hahaha! There are more than a thousand people in this class, and Teacher Jiang alone accounts for more than 900! 】

[Forgive me for laughing unkindly, Teacher Jiang’s trick is really awesome! 】

[It’s such a loss. The giant pandas on the mountain will all be starved to death by Teacher Jiang! 】

[I’m so happy. Now that I’m in college, I love watching these! Teacher Jiang, please increase your efforts! 】

[You can feel the despair of those students through the screen! Lao Jiang has a lot of tricks, I want to go back to the countryside! 】

【Come and cheat! Come for a sneak attack! A 15-year-old gay’s mobile phone! Is this appropriate? 】



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