Facing the complaints from the students, Jiang Feng didn't care at all.

He even smiled without conscience: "It's okay, I've tricked you to death. Then I'll change to another class and continue to trick you. I think the second class next door is pretty good."

This time, the students in the classroom became even more nervous.

One by one, the souls of complaints were burning.

"Pfft! Teacher Jiang, how can your 37-degree mouth say such cold words?"

"In case Teacher Jiang falls in love with someone else, let's go and kill all the people in Class 2 now!"

"We also need to kill all the students in Class 3! Especially the one named Ma Xiaohao!"

"Yes! Kill the Chinese class representative named Su Qing too!"


Jiang Feng didn't want to waste class time talking to these students.

After all, I had previously boasted that Haikou would make the Chinese language scores of the class I teach the best subject for them.

It would be embarrassing if we didn't do it in the end.

So he took the lead and opened the textbook: "Okay, okay, let's put aside the matter of killing Class 2 and Class 3 later. You can discuss it slowly after class. Now take out the books first. Let's talk about the text in the first period, and then we will discuss it in the second period. Lecture Workbook.”

at this time.

Liu Xiaotian, who had been tricked the most this morning, raised his hand: "Teacher Jiang, before class, I still have a question."

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand and said, "Say."

Liu Xiaotian asked: "Teacher Jiang, we heard the principal calling you to go to the meeting in the morning. You didn't go. Is it really okay?"

Jiang Feng couldn't help laughing after hearing this!

"Oh, I made that phone call specifically to fool you. I made it myself. It has nothing to do with the principal."


At this time, the students in the classroom were stunned.

Everyone looked at Jiang Feng standing on the podium dumbfounded.

I feel more and more unable to understand.

I obviously understand the meaning of each word, but I don’t understand them when they are put together.

Jiang Feng looked at them as if they were fools: "Didn't you realize at the time that my left hand was always in my pocket when the phone rang?"

"I took another mobile phone and called myself. You all believed it on the spot."

"As for the impromptu emergency meeting that will last for an hour, I deliberately said it to you in a voice that was just right for you to hear."

"And that sentence: I'll be back soon, just to trick you on purpose. But you still haven't made any progress at all. Do you think you've seen through my thoughts?"

Jiang Feng spread his hands helplessly for ten minutes.

After listening to Jiang Feng's words.

The students in the classroom just felt like their heads were buzzing!

Dao’s heart was almost shattered!

Grab the bamboo shoots!

In order to deceive them, he even used another mobile phone to call himself to trick them!

The key is, he even used a small and detailed operation to trap them first!

That's the sentence: "I'll be back soon!"

According to common sense.

They clearly overheard Teacher Jiang calling and saying that they would have a meeting for an hour.

Then he told them in the classroom that he would be back soon.

The purpose is obvious, isn't it just to scare them?

Although they were obviously not coming back, they thought that Teacher Jiang might come back at any time, so they obediently studied in the classroom.

And this trick was seen through by them on the spot.

So it gave them the illusion that they had seen through Teacher Jiang's methods!

But what they didn't expect was.

Even this step is in Teacher Jiang’s calculation!

This was the trap Teacher Jiang set for them in advance: making them think that they had predicted Teacher Jiang's operation.

In fact, even their predictions were completely within Teacher Jiang's predictions!

To use a tongue twister: Teacher Jiang predicted that they predicted Teacher Jiang’s prediction!

It’s simply devilish!

I originally thought that their current ideas could compete with Teacher Jiang.

But I didn’t expect that it was still a plaything in Teacher Jiang’s hands!

Even Teacher Jiang not only calculated their operations, but also the thoughts in their minds, and dug a hole in advance for them to jump!

Where is the game here?

This is obviously Teacher Jiang playing tricks on them unilaterally!

This wave of fishing law enforcement is so inappropriate!

Even their psychology is screwed up!


And at this time.

What was even more shocked were the viewers in the live broadcast room.

Because they also saw a detail that the students did not see.

The caller ID on that morning showed that the contact person on it was indeed: the principal!

Jiang Feng not only deceived the students, but also deceived the audience who were watching from the first-person perspective!

This acting is too complete!

Did you even lie to the audience? Are you treating your brothers like outsiders?

【6! Even us viewers are deceived, right? Teacher Jiang? When the relationship fades away, I will no longer be your little sweetheart...]

【So sweet! You old man, are you ashamed? Don't make me scold... eh, what the hell? Really a girl? Miss, would you like to add a friend to play with? My little puppy. 】

[Hey, the puzzle that has been puzzling for a long time is finally solved. Teacher Jiang’s operation is so cool! This wave is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, which has gone up several levels. 】

[My special CPU is burned out, and I still don’t understand it. Can anyone explain to me what’s going on? 】

[Let’s put it this way, in short, Teacher Jiang does this first, then that, and finally this and this. Then the students were treated to this and this, and finally to this and that. Understand? Is it easy to understand? 】

[Yes, it’s too easy to understand. I took a look at the video on your homepage. It’s from Haitang Road, Jinjiang District, right? Just wait, my house is nearby, don't let me catch you kid these two days! 】



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