Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 2 You Are Not Allowed To Cheat In The Promotion Match Tonight!

The mind returns to reality.

Jiang Feng smiled and looked at the twenty or so classmates who stood up. They all obediently took out their mobile phones and prepared to put them in the sack.

With a false shot, he said: "Be more careful in the future. Don't be fooled so easily next time. I'll give it to you after class."

Hear the words.

The twenty or so classmates whose cellphones were confiscated all had big snot bubbles on their noses.

Jiang Feng put the sack of mobile phones back on the desk and sat down himself: "You guys are not very good at this. I was a much smarter teacher than you back then. Even the seniors couldn't find the mobile phone on me."

The students in the audience were all sighing.

Because Jiang Feng did not intend to take away the students' mobile phones.

Therefore, in the eyes of students, his image is much gentler and he is not that unreasonable person.

"Teacher Jiang, can you teach us how you hid your cell phone back then?"

"Yes, yes, Teacher Jiang can teach us his experience."

"Teacher Jiang, aren't you bragging? Just teach us two moves and I'll believe you."

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Well, the main reason was that my family was poor at that time and I couldn't afford a mobile phone at all. It's strange that they could find it out!"

After saying this, the classroom was filled with cheerful laughter again.


"I'm speechless!"


A quick operation.

Live broadcast room No. 6 now has more than 4,000 people watching online.

Ranked in the 50s.

【puff! This teacher is so good at playing hahahaha! 】

[I was laughing so hard, the jokes just came out of my mouth! 】

[I can’t stand it anymore, this guy is not suitable to be a teacher, he is suitable to talk about cross talk! 】

[I really know how to play. I remember my Chinese teacher was like this back then. He kept telling us jokes in class. 】

[Back then, I always hid my cell phone in my underwear, and it was never discovered once. Amazing, right? 】

[Then you are probably a girl. Not only is it easy for a boy to hide his phone like this, it will also hurt his balls! Don't ask me how I know. 】


Because it is the first class of the new semester.

As usual, teachers almost always chat with students, talking about things to get to know each other.

Jiang Feng is no exception.

There is no idea of ​​lecturing at all.

He simply sat at the desk and started talking to the students, briefly introducing himself.


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a little boy leaning against the wall, sleeping with his eyes squinted.

Jiang Feng read out the names on the seating chart: "Ma Xiaohao, is it okay to feel sleepy in the second period of class? I can't even open my eyes."

Unexpectedly, Ma Xiaohao looked at Jiang Feng in confusion: "Teacher Jiang, I didn't sleep."

Jiang Feng: "Then open your eyes and speak."

Ma Xiaohao stood up from his seat with grievance written all over his face: "But teacher, I have opened my eyes as wide as possible."

Jiang Feng:? ? ?

"Sit down, sit down, I have the potential to be a singer in the future."

"Pfft hahaha!"

"Li Ronghao is furious!"

There was a burst of laughter under the podium, and the atmosphere became lively again.

Jiang Feng smiled: "I've finished introducing myself, now it's time for everyone to talk about yourselves. Do you have any hobbies?"

When this issue was mentioned, students in a class started shouting.


"Sing, dance, rap and play basketball!"

"I love learning!"

"cooked rice!"

"Fight the King!"

Jiang Feng immediately grasped the key point of this sentence: "Is there anyone in our class who likes to play the king?"

"Yes! I, Miyamoto, am a strong thief!"

"Me me me!"

"My strongest king!"


When it comes to games, many people become excited.


There were also a few people who became more defensive after being caught by Jiang Feng with their mobile phones in front of them.

Afraid that the sixth man would trick them again, they simply chose to remain silent.

Seeing how enthusiastic these people were, Jiang Feng suddenly laughed.

"Okay, okay, everyone seems to be in high spirits, so who of you has the highest rank?"

As soon as these words came out, many boys immediately became competitive.

Since they are all freshmen in high school and are still young and energetic around the age of fourteen or fifteen, many people want to take advantage of this time to show off.

They all raised their hands.

"Teacher! I am the strongest king with 19 stars!"

"My peak score is 982!"

"Teacher, I am the King of Glory with 55 stars!"



The people in the live broadcast room burst out laughing when they saw this scene.

【puff! These kids really don’t have long memories! I feel like they are being scammed again! 】

[This teacher is obviously a handsome guy, but he didn’t expect to be so naive! 】

[Already started laughing hahaha! This post-00s teacher is good at ripping off umbrellas! 】

[It’s bad, he tricked them twice in one class. This teacher is really not a good person! 】

[If nothing else, he and the acupuncture student have so many common topics. Is this the advantage of teachers born in the 2000s? 】

【Acupoint...acupoint? ? ? Something's wrong with you! 】


Seeing more and more people raising their hands.

Jiang Feng suddenly smiled as if his trick had succeeded, and put his hand into his trouser pocket.

The students who raised their hands suddenly realized something was wrong and began to shudder.

The hand that was originally raised was weakly lowered.

Some people even covered their eyes subconsciously.


Fell into the trap again!

I'm really impressed by this guy!


Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

With a serious look on his face, he said: "I'll make a note of the one who raised his hand just now. If you have time tonight, you can help me score points. You are not allowed to cheat in the platinum one liter diamond promotion competition!"



As soon as these words came out, those who had raised their hands tremblingly were suddenly stunned.

You're not trying to trick them?

"Is it true? Teacher, you are not lying to us again, are you?"

"That's right, teacher, we've been tricked by you."

Jiang Feng said seriously: "Real or fake? It's more real than Ding Zhen in the auditorium! I was stuck in the promotion competition for five days, and I really convinced those cheating teammates! I can't get up, I can't get up at all!"

What he said was so sincere that all the students under the podium burst into laughter.

"Teacher, you can't do it either! Isn't it enough to have a hand in platinum qualifying?"

"Don't worry, keep it with me, and I'll take you to high points tonight!"

The little fat boy Ma Xiaohao shouted especially loudly: "Don't try to steal from me, I'm invincible in the jungle!"

See this.

Jiang Feng said jokingly: "Okay, you are so confident, right? Who tricked you into doubling your Chinese homework tomorrow?"

"What the hell? Trick? Teacher, you are looking down on me!"

"If I lose, I'll copy the entire Chinese textbook!"

"Once? Who are you looking down on? I'll just copy it three times!"


In the midst of laughter and laughter, more than thirty minutes passed quickly.

It's almost time for get out of class to end.

Jiang Feng gave the mobile phone on the podium to those students.

Facing everyone, he said sternly: "Listen, my rule is that you are not allowed to use mobile phones in class. Next time you are caught, it will be confiscated. I will go to your class teacher."

After getting acquainted with him in one class, Jiang Feng’s humorous personality was deeply loved by the students.

Everyone was in high spirits.

"Don't worry, teacher!"

“Totally ojbk!”

Jiang Feng waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "There is no substantive homework today. Let's preview the first lesson "Qinyuanchun·Changsha" after class. I will teach you tomorrow and memorize as much as you can. This is the recitation list."

Suddenly, many people started making jokes.

"Teacher, didn't you say you have no homework?"

"Yes, yes, teacher, you said it yourself that there is no homework."

The next second.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

In an instant, Jiang Feng rushed out of the classroom.

A word drifted from a distance: "That's just for your fun, hee hee!"


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