Jiang Feng couldn't help but complain.

This was the first time in his life that he had seen such an excessive request!

How can any student take the initiative to ask the teacher to stop the class?

Each of these students has become a sixth grader!

There is really no way.

Jiang Feng dragged the class for five minutes before finishing the lesson he gave to Class 3 last time.

Only then did the students open the door and let him out.

Before leaving, I couldn't help but glare at the sixth-grade students in this class.

I thought that next time I would stand directly at the front door of the classroom and give lectures.

The moment the bell rings, you will no longer be able to see me.

After leaving the classroom of Class 4, the next class is Chinese language for Class 3 next door.

In addition, he was blocked by the sixth-grade students from Class 4 for five minutes, leaving less than five minutes for class.

Jiang Feng simply took the textbook and walked directly into the door of Class 3 next door.

Standing on the podium and looking around, many students were still sleepy from not sleeping well at night.

Many people took advantage of the ten-minute break between classes and fell asleep on the table.

Jiang Feng began to sigh with emotion.


It's so real!

The first two classes in the morning are almost the sleepiest time of the day for students.

When he was in school, during the first and second periods of every class, there would be a large group of students lying face down in the classroom.


It's not okay to be so listless.

As the saying goes, the day's plan begins in the morning.

The Chinese language class in the morning cannot be wasted just like that by letting the students feel sleepy.

The few sleeping students have to be refreshed.

Sorry, he is a professional when he is the sixth child.

Jiang Feng thought for a moment.

Take it into consideration immediately.

Smiling evilly, he walked over to a few sleeping boys in the back row.


The audience in the live broadcast room immediately became happy when they saw the evil smile on Jiang Feng's face.

Everyone was speculating on what Jiang Feng was up to and how he was going to mess with the students.

【puff! broken! I saw Lao Jiang grinning evilly! He's going to start acting like a human again! 】

[Lao Jiang smiled, life or death is unpredictable! I already started laughing in advance hahahaha! 】

[It’s so damn real! The first two classes in the morning were all spent sleeping. Back then, I took this opportunity to secretly kiss my deskmate and she didn't even react! Now we have two children! 】

【? ? ? Grass! Someone is coming! Drag him out upstairs! Five minutes to shoot! 】

[I was watching the fucking live broadcast, and suddenly I got kicked. That guy above, do you have any clues? 】



Jiang Feng calmly walked to the two sleeping boys, He Yu and Xu Fei.

I have to say, these two guys slept really soundly.

My mouth is drooling all over the table!

These two guys were still clamoring to take them to play games last night. They probably stayed up late to secretly score points after they were offline.

It would be a pity not to make fun of it.

Jiang Feng gently approached them.

Take out your phone and turn the volume down to half.

Clicked on a certain software.

The next second.


The familiar sound of the game interface sounded.


The two boys immediately ejected and got up from the table!

His eyes were drowsy and he didn't even open them.

He quickly reached into his schoolbag to find his phone, and then opened the game skillfully.

"Take me one! Take me one!"

"Who are you? You don't even need to call anyone to score points secretly, right?"


"Quack, quack, quack!"

"Hahaha goose goose goose!"

When the other students in the class saw this scene, they burst into laughter with gloating!

The two boys didn't realize what the others were laughing at.

He turned his head with a dull look on his face.

He happened to look at Jiang Feng who was standing behind him.



The two of them looked at each other in silence, and the game interface animation on the mobile phone was still going on.

The next second, the two people who reacted almost suffered cardiopulmonary arrest, and their heartbeats slowed down by half a beat!

When he saw Jiang Feng standing behind him, he immediately knew that he had been tricked!

His expression changed instantly! The BGM of "Goodbye Mom, I will sail away tonight" has already begun to echo in my mind.

He Yu: "Teacher Jiang! Please listen to my quibbles..."

Xu Fei: "Teacher Jiang, I really didn't play in class. If you don't believe me, check the results!"

One of them even actually entered the game and clicked on his own record.

Indeed, the most recent game was played last night.

Jiang Feng smiled and clicked his game matching button and joked: "Okay, now you play, your phone will be confiscated!"

Xu Fei: "????"

The class immediately erupted into a miserable roar of laughter.


【Hahahahaha! So damn sexy! I thought using timi's trick was enough damage, but I didn't expect that this guy can manually click the matching button of other people's games! 】

[Nima, I almost died laughing! This teacher is really good at the 36 tricks! 】

【It’s too bad! Teacher Jiang, you will lose your lovely students like this! 】

[I’ve been watching Normal Teacher for nine years, and I’m overwhelmed by it. Now we finally have an interesting teacher. If you insist on saying that he is a loser, how can I not know whether Teacher Jiang is a loser or not? Who doesn’t want to see a fun classroom atmosphere? 】

【puff! Good guy, is this the new film "I'm Not a Master"? Where can I buy tickets? 】



In the end, they didn't collect their cell phones.

After all, the purpose is to wake up the students.

Now it seems that the effect is quite amazing.

When Jiang Feng returned to the podium to prepare for class.

After the laughter just now, all the sleepiness of the students in the class suddenly disappeared.

Especially He Yu and Xu Fei were frightened just now.

Let them sleep now?

I might not be able to sleep even if I lie on Simmons!

There's one minute left before class starts.

Almost all the students in the class had returned to their seats at this time.

Jiang Feng glanced at the people under the podium and said jokingly: "Students, please remember a little longer. How come your cell phones are still deceived so easily?"

"Especially He Yu and Xu Fei, this is your second time."

"Representative of the Chinese class, come to my office after class and get a notebook. Make a note of who has been tricked by me into using their cell phone the most this semester."

"The five people who have been deceived the most will treat the classmates to dinner at the end of the semester!"

Jiang Feng finished speaking.

The students below the podium suddenly burst into laughter again.

They all started to boo.

Amidst the laughter, the school bell rang.

Jiang Feng picked up the Chinese textbook: "How did you memorize the first lesson "Qinyuanchun·Changsha"?"

Jiang Feng spoke.

Immediately under the podium, many people began to react.

Some sit upright with their heads held high and their chests high, their faces full of confidence.

Some lowered their heads.

Some even raised their hands.

"Teacher, I can recite it!"

"Ask any question, this is not a dare!"

Jiang Feng smiled: "Okay, since you are so confident, I will start asking questions casually. If you can't memorize it, copy it and give it to me before class tomorrow."

Swish swish swish~

There were many people in the class who hadn't learned how to memorize it yet. At this moment, they all looked at those who raised their hands and said, "You are cheating on me!"

Can you please stop bringing me with you when you are showing off?

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