Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 321 \"I'll Go, The Portion Is Pretty Big!\" 》

at this time.

Only Xu Yan, the Chinese class representative in the classroom, felt warm in her heart.

Because today is her birthday.

I didn't expect anyone to know.


Who sent this cake?

Could it be his parents?

It feels unlikely.

My parents are usually busy with work, so they forgot her birthday last year. This year's economic downturn has made me even busier.

Or maybe it's Teacher Jiang?

Not right either.

Teacher Jiang is usually very carefree, running away as soon as get out of class is over and not even remembering his own birthday.

Of course, it's also possible that I'm overthinking it.

Maybe other students in the class also have birthdays today, and that is someone else's cake...

While she was still guessing.

The boys Song Hang, Liu Xiaotian, and Cheng Xiaojie couldn't sit still!

He left his seat immediately and came up to help Jiang Feng hold the cake.

“I’ll go, the portion is pretty big!!”

"Teacher Jiang, whose birthday is it?"

"I'm envious. My birthday is during the summer vacation. It seems that I won't be able to eat the cake that Teacher Jiang bought."

Just when all the students are looking forward to it.

Jiang Feng looked at Xu Yan, the Chinese class representative who was sitting there.

This time.

Xu Yan finally confirmed that it was the cake ordered by Teacher Jiang for herself!

When several of her best friends saw this scene, they all stood up and pushed her to the podium.

"Kai Yanyan, Teacher Jiang bought you a cake, I'm so envious!"

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Come up quickly."

"Oh my god, when will I get this kind of treatment..."

Along with several people coaxing together.

All the students in the class were no longer sleepy in an instant, and those who hadn't even eaten breakfast were waiting to take a bite of the cake!

Soon, many students got off their seats and gathered on the podium.

Those good girlfriends were already coaxing Xu Yan to push her to the podium to open the cake.

Some people even secretly picked up their mobile phones and recorded videos, committing the crime on behalf of "Feng"!

Xu Yan looked at Jiang Feng, as if asking for permission.

The latter nodded.

Under the expectant eyes of dozens of students in the class, Xu Yan began to unwrap the ribbons on the outside of the cake.

My heart felt warm and the tip of my nose felt sore.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Jiang actually remembered her birthday, which even her parents didn't remember.

At this moment, I can only feel moved.

Hiss~ a sound.

Just after she unwrapped the outer layer of the cake.

Dozens of pairs of expectant eyes in the class were all dumbfounded in an instant.

Apart from the clear stupidity in his eyes, the rest is confusion and confusion!

Each one of them just felt dizzy.

The brain shuts down and the blood pressure skyrockets!

The overwhelming sense of anticipation was instantly shattered, and I almost broke my guard!


Fooled again! ! !

Xu Yan's eyes almost went blank before she could react, and the original emotion disappeared immediately!

Word...copybook? ? !

I saw only the cake box.

Where the cake should have been placed, there were dozens of copybooks neatly placed!

You don’t have to think twice to know who it’s for!

Liu Xiaotian secretly shouted: It’s broken!

Damn, no wonder it felt so heavy when I was carrying it just now!


In the live broadcast room.

When I saw Jiang Feng ordering cakes for the students in the class and the students were so moved that they were about to cry, they all started to cheer up!

Such a heartwarming scene can be used as material just by recording it!

I didn’t expect Teacher Jiang to be so attentive and remember the birthdays of the students in the class!


After seeing that Jiang Feng, the sixth child, had prepared 50 neat copybooks for the students, he burst out laughing!

Is this a human matter?

Teacher Jiang, you are no longer a human being!

【Hahahahaha! What a surprise! Teacher Jiang’s trick has always been tried and tested. It has been successful three times since the beginning of the school year! 】

[Although the class representative was cheated so miserably, I still couldn’t help but want to laugh hahahahaha! Sure enough, happiness must still be based on the pain of others. Teacher Jiang’s sexy tricks make me black out every time! 】

[Liu Xiaotian's sentence "I'll go, the portion is pretty big" immediately made me laugh out loud! Damn it, there are a whole 50 copybooks stuffed inside, how can it be insufficient! 】

[From the first "May 3" exercises, to the later "The Analects of Confucius", and now to the current copybooks, Teacher Jiang does a very good job. Every time he buys something for his students, the students' eyesight goes dark! 】

[I’ve been fooled three times, and the students still don’t seem to have a long memory at all! It can only be said that Teacher Jiang’s sexy moves are hard to guard against every time! Although it is the same move, but changing the entry point can make the students scream! 】

[Student: Damn, I’m really impressed by Teacher Jiang! Bet on one scam every day, it’s different! 】




When Jiang Feng read the test papers of Classes 3 and 4 over the weekend, he decided to arrange copybooks for them.


Originally, he was still laughing at the office that some of the handwriting looked like oracle bones, but retribution soon came to him.

When I looked at the answer sheets, I saw a lot of handwriting comparable to oracle bone inscriptions written by students from Classes 3 and 4!

And among them was Xu Yan, the class representative from Class 4!

When school first started, Jiang Feng remembered that her handwriting was still legible and not dizzy.

But now it has reached the point where "the pen moves the dragon and the snake".

Of course, this "pen moves the dragon and the snake" is derogatory.

The girl is obviously pretty and smart, but her writing makes people's eyes dim.

Does it fit?

In addition, the fonts of those boys are even more terrible.

Therefore, for the sake of the "future" of the students in the class, it is still necessary to buy them copybooks to practice calligraphy.

Yes, it is necessary to secretly ask the courier to disguise the copybook as a cake.

As a teacher, providing material conditions for students requires an economic foundation, right?

Where does this economic base come from? What salary does the school pay?

Obviously not possible.

So it’s normal to earn a little bit of popularity as an amateur, right?


In classrooms.

Xu Yan was very moved a second ago, and her nose felt sore.

Unexpectedly, even his parents didn't remember his birthday, but Teacher Jiang actually remembered it.

But I didn't expect it.

After seeing Teacher Jiang, the sixth child, putting copybooks in the cake box, I couldn't hold back on the spot!

Sure enough, Teacher Jiang is still the sixth child who keeps doing tricks!

Wrong payment...

Jiang Feng picked up the copybook and asked several boys to distribute it.

Standing on the podium, he said: "I took a look at the test papers for this monthly exam. The handwriting of the students in our two classes is uglier than the other!"

"They are all handsome boys and pretty girls, but the writing is so ugly. Is it appropriate?"

When talking about this, Jiang Feng glanced at Xu Yan specifically.

"In order not to add burden to everyone, we will adjust the structure of the homework while keeping the overall Chinese homework unchanged, and replace part of the homework with writing notebooks and practicing calligraphy."

After saying this, the students in the class breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Feng smiled calmly.

If the burden is imposed on students, they will definitely not be willing to do so.

But if you compromise and adjust the work structure, it will be much easier!

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