When he saw Jiang Feng saying "very important things to do", he turned around and performed a live broadcast while sleeping.

The hearts of the audience are exploding!

Everyone's thoughts have already drifted to Class 4.

I simply can't bear to watch Jiang Feng, the old one, sleeping live.

I wish I could carry Jiang Feng and take him to the Class 4 classroom to watch the students celebrate their classmates' birthdays.

No matter what.

Let Teacher Jiang put the camera in Class 4 so that they, the audience, can see the scene in Class 4!

In this situation, all the other teachers in the office have gone to class.

In the huge office, there is only one Teacher Jiang sleeping here.

This scene is simply boring!

You really don’t have to watch Teacher Jiang sleep here for a class, do you? !

Therefore, many viewers were speechless.

Faced with such a teacher Laoliu who has his own way of doing things, there is really nothing we can do against him!


While the audience is waiting anxiously.


After several minutes passed.

The office door was pushed open from the outside.

In an instant, many viewers became excited!

No matter who comes, just make the atmosphere in the live broadcast room lively!

In the live broadcast screen.

The person who came in was none other than Zhao Qingqing, the squad leader of Class 4.

at this time.

She also held several pieces of cake on cardboard in her hands.

Zhao Qingqing was confused when she saw Jiang Feng sleeping on his chair.

Didn’t you agree that there is something very important?

Why sleep in the office? !

"Teacher Jiang?"

There was a hint of surprise in Zhao Qingqing's tone.

Jiang Feng, who was sleeping, heard someone calling him.

When he raised his head, he happened to look into the eyes of Zhao Qingqing who came in with a cake.

Zhao Qingqing asked: "Teacher Jiang? Is this the important thing you said?"

Jiang Feng was embarrassed on the spot!


I was caught looking for excuses to fish!


As an adult, I still have the confidence I should have.

Jiang Feng's face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat. He quickly thought of a countermeasure for himself.

He asked Zhao Qingqing, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, you bought a lot of cakes, and the students in the class couldn't share them all, so I thought about sharing some with the teachers in the office." After Zhao Qingqing explained, she continued to ask: "Teacher Jiang, didn't you say there are Something important?"

Obviously, I can't hide it anymore.

After my own eight-core and sixteen-thread processor (brain) quickly calculated for 0.1 seconds.

Jiang Feng opened his mouth and said, "Don't think I'm just lying in the office sleeping, but this still plays an important role."

"As a teacher, if you don't get enough rest and feel groggy during lectures, can you give good lessons to your students? Obviously, you can't!"

"A teacher is the one who preaches, imparts knowledge and resolves doubts. If he cannot teach students well, can such a teacher still be called a teacher? Obviously, no! Because he is not worthy!"

"What are students? The future of the motherland, the pillars of society, and the pride of the nation! Isn't it the most important thing for a teacher to teach students well?"

"Maybe you may not believe it yet, but that was my purpose just now. I definitely didn't mean to be lazy and sleep."

Jiang Feng finished speaking in a righteous tone and put on a very serious expression.

It's like it's real!

Zhao Qingqing: "..."

She was numb.

Anyway, no matter what you say, you can't say anything about this Lao Liu who is a Chinese teacher.

If she could outshine Teacher Jiang, then he wouldn't have to be a teacher anymore. It should be her turn to be the teacher!


In the live broadcast room at this time.

The audience was also left speechless by Jiang Feng, the sixth child, who suddenly made a lot of sexy remarks.

Everyone always feels that what he said is right, but it is definitely not what he said!

Anyway, no matter what, you have a reason!

Already... used to it.

No matter what, it's better than falling asleep watching this live broadcast of Lao Liu's performance!

[He really made me cry to death! Still so concerned about education! With such a teacher, what can students say? Sorry, I went to the wrong place. Teacher Jiang, you are such an idiot! If I hadn’t watched the live broadcast, I would have almost believed it! 】

【I can’t stand it any longer! Teacher Jiang's words immediately made the monitor speechless, and he didn't even have the thought to refute! Is this all on his mind? 】

[I’m used to it, but I can’t defeat Teacher Jiang anyway. He can always find all kinds of weird and righteous reasons to excuse himself, and they sound extremely reasonable! 】

[Hey, demon spirit? There is a handsome teacher here who looks like a scammer. Yes, what he said about thieves and thieves is right. I feel like I am about to be deceived! (doge)]

[If I just take what Teacher Jiang said and put aside the facts, it is very high-level. I will believe the manuscript of the speech by any leader! 】

【Good guy! When I saw this sentence of putting aside the facts, my scalp was numb and I started to suffer from PTSD! Facts speak louder than words, and arguments speak louder than facts, right? 】



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