Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 4 The Students Put You In Your Pocket, And You Kicked The Students Into The Ditch!

Grade 1, Class 3.

After being tortured by Lao Huang, the former math teacher and head teacher, he lectured on classroom rules during the recess period.

He took up 7 minutes of the 10-minute break.

Nowadays, all the students in the class are exhausted.

Attentive girls have already copied the class schedule.

After flipping through it, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the next period is physical education!

Suddenly they shouted: "The next period is sports!"

As soon as the sound went down, the whole class suddenly became excited.

What did you like most when you were a student?

The first is sports, and then self-study.

"Okay! I finally waited for you, but luckily I didn't give up~ My dear PE class, mua~!"

"Come on, come on, today I will show you the Prince of Basketball!"

"Come on, you play basketball like CXK!"

"Damn it! You die!"

Seeing the head teacher walking away.

Some students couldn't help but complained loudly: "It's so painful. Lao Huang talked for a long time and almost died from listening to me. Teacher Jiang is better."

Just at this time.

Jingle bell bell~

The school bell rings.

Jiang Feng walked into the door of Grade 1 and Grade 3 with his textbook: "Huh? I heard that you missed me?"


When Jiang Feng opened the door and came in, 47 of the 48 students had confused faces.

The remaining one who was not confused was sleeping in the back row.


Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter on the spot!

【puff! It's so real, these confused faces look like they haven't woken up! 】

[Laughing, I just heard them shouting for the next physical education class, hahahaha! 】

【Cool! The rain I was exposed to that year finally made these flowers of the motherland feel it too! 】

[The smile won’t disappear, now it’s moved to my face quack quack! 】

[If you say Teacher Jiang, Teacher Jiang will be here. If you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will also be here. I understand! Teacher Jiang is Cao Cao! 】

【You know how to substitute! I recommend teaching math! 】


Seeing Jiang Feng's arrival.

Everyone in the class gasped.

Even the sleeping classmate was shaken by the suddenly cold classroom atmosphere.

When he looked up, he saw Jiang Feng's face.

All the students couldn't help but start to wonder.

This is the first physical education class! Are schools going to be crazy about squeezing them?

This made the students who were already preparing to go downstairs to hang out feel numb.

The basketball in his hand fell to the ground without knowing it.


Many people still have some hope in their hearts.

For example, the Chinese teacher forgot to pick up something, or simply went to the wrong classroom or something.

I never dare to think about the worst, but I don’t dare to ask.


With several people winking.

The unbelieving sports committee member stood up from his seat.

He mustered up the courage to ask: "Teacher Jiang, are you in the wrong classroom? The next period is not your class."

Jiang Feng couldn't help but laugh: "I will teach you the next class."


Swish~ sound.

There was an uproar in the class.

The students' faces were completely stiff.

"Teacher, the next period is physical education class."

"Yes, Teacher Jiang, you are a Chinese teacher, but our next period is physical education."

"Teacher Jiang, are you in the wrong class? Our next period is physical education."

Jiang Feng couldn't help laughing: "What physical education class? Where is the physical education teacher in our school?"


In an instant, everyone in the class seemed to be petrified, their eyes dull.

What a rubbish school!

No more pretending? !

One by one, they started to cry heartbreakingly.

"Pfft! Someone come and kill me!"

"Dad! I want to drop out of school!"

"Mom! Please beg Uncle Wang next door again, I want to transfer to another school!"


at this time.

The more than 20,000 viewers in the live broadcast room burst into laughter when they saw this scene.

【puff! I'm new here and don't understand the rules. Should I just follow the procedure or just laugh? 】

[Hahaha goose goose goose! It makes me laugh so hard, isn’t this who we were back then! 】

[Fortunately, these students still call me Teacher Jiang so kindly! The students put you in their pockets, and you kicked them into the ditch! 】

[I can’t stand it any longer, it’s so damn real! When we were physical education teachers, we were sick for nine months a year! 】

[It’s crazy fun. I’m just a freshman and I love watching this kind of fun! More]


at this time.

There was an atmosphere of sadness and despair throughout the class.

Many people began to frown and sigh, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

But he can only face it helplessly.

Jiang Feng came to the podium with a smile.

I took out the required textbook and opened it.

"Students, let's study the modern poem "Qin Yuan Chun Chang Sha"."

"Now, the Chinese class representative will lead everyone to read through this short text."

Middle of second row.

A quiet, delicate-looking girl stood up.

"In the cold autumn of independence, go north to the Xiangjiang River, to the head of Orange Island..."

This text is only 114 words long and catchy.

It took less than two minutes to go through it very simply.

Jiang Feng also started a formal lecture.

"The author of this poem must be familiar to everyone. He is our greatest founding leader in modern times, a teacher."

"Before I start studying, let me ask you a question first. What is your first impression when you read this word?"

As Jiang Feng's words fell.

Many people in the classroom began to think deeply.


"Loud and full of enthusiasm!"


Off stage.

Many students began to speak and express their opinions.

See this.

Jiang Feng continued his lecture.

"That's right, I was just like you back then. When I read this poem for the first time, I felt extremely heroic and high-spirited, expressing my pride and ambition."

"So I thought to myself, when I wrote this poem, I must have just won a battle or experienced something exciting, right?"

"But what I am telling you now is that when the teacher wrote this poem, we were actually in the most chaotic and confusing era in China, and this year was 1925."

"Internal and external troubles, forces from all sides are ready to take action, and the road ahead is full of confusion. This is the background of the creation of this poem. After understanding these things, do you still think that this poem is just to express pride?"


As Jiang Feng finished speaking.

All the students under the podium were sighing and filled with emotion.


After listening to Jiang Feng's words, the live broadcast room burst into applause.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is also skyrocketing.

【Fuck! ! ! Why didn’t our Chinese teacher talk about this when I was in school? 】

【666! It feels like my freshman year of high school was in vain! 】

[This is the true role model for others! Not much better than the one who only shakes her breasts in class! 】

【penetrating! Why didn't I think of this entry point? I will spend a physical education class in the afternoon teaching it to my students again! 】

[What about the people who questioned Teacher Jiang’s level just now? 】


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