Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 45 Students Are The Flowers Of The Motherland. Teacher Jiang Pinches Every One He Sees

Six fifty-five in the evening.

Language Section Office.

Jiang Feng saw that the time was almost up, and stood up and said to the other teachers in the office: "I have booked private room No. 7 at the newly opened Sichuan restaurant on Jian'an Street. You guys go first, and I will make arrangements for the students. Arrive soon."

All three teachers agreed.

"It's rare for Teacher Jiang to treat you to dinner, so you must give him a good meal."

"Let's go, let's go. I haven't had Sichuan food in a long time. The last time I had it was the last time."

"Let Teacher Jiang spend money."

Jiang Feng waved his hand and smiled: "If so, just treat me to a meal."

After that, he left the office and walked straight in the direction of Class 4.

There are still four classes of Chinese evening self-study to attend today.

So Jiang Feng downloaded the movie "Wall-E" in advance, which lasted exactly two classes in 100 minutes.

The door to Class 4 opened with a creak.

50 pairs of eyes looked at Jiang Feng at the same time.

"Yanzu is here!"

"What did Teacher Jiang talk about today?"

"Lao Jiang is handsome again today!"

Jiang Feng looked around and said with pity, "Tonight's evening self-study teacher is temporarily busy and may not be able to attend to everyone."

As soon as these words came out.

The students under the podium suddenly became noisy.

"Teacher Jiang, why are you going?"

"Brother Jiang, we can't live without you!!!"

"Teacher Jiang, what's the matter? Tell us about it too?"

"Then what will we do if you leave? Teacher Jiang, can you bear to see us studying alone here at night?"

When Jiang Feng heard these words, he couldn't help but hold his forehead and sigh: "What the hell! I just have something to do and I'm going out all night, I'm not hanging up!"

"So what's going on with Teacher Jiang? Can you tell us about it?"

"That's right, Teacher Jiang's business is our business!"

Facing students’ questions.

Jiang Feng thought for a moment, took a deep breath, and said seriously: "It's a showdown. The situation in Iraq has been a bit turbulent recently. The situation is not optimistic. For the sake of world stability and peace, I have to personally solve this problem!"



After hearing this sentence, hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room fell into confusion on the spot!

【Nima! I'm so happy to forget it! The situation in Mayilaq is tense! 】

[It can be seen that Teacher Jiang has a high status and has to personally solve the problem. 】

[I can’t stand it anymore, these words are a lie! My sister, who has not yet graduated from kindergarten, doesn’t believe it! 】

[Is there a possibility that Teacher Jiang is actually the return of the God of War from Irak, the King of War or something like that? 】

【Grass! Didn't he invite other teachers to dinner? Why did you go to Iraq again? ? ? 】

[Student: 6! Guess whether I believe it or not! 】



In the confusion of the students.

Jiang Feng took out the USB flash drive he had prepared in advance: "Anyway, I can't attend these two classes. You can watch the movie in class. I'll download it for you."

"What movie!"

"I won't watch it if it's not a limited film!"

Jiang Feng glared at the funny boy: ""Wall-E" was very popular a while ago. It tells the love story of two robots. If you haven't seen it, watch it. If you have, watch it again. Remember to be quiet. Don’t disturb other classes.”

As soon as these words came out.

The students in the class immediately went crazy!

I used to watch movies when I was in middle school, middle school or primary school, but almost not once a year.

I didn’t expect that this was only the second week and I would have such an opportunity!

"Teacher Jiang is awesome!!!"

"Teacher Jiang, I'm so impressed!"

"Watch a movie! Watch a movie! Watch a movie!"

Jiang Feng waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "Okay, I have something else to do. You can watch it in class. Remember not to make too much noise. Other classes are still in class. Representatives from the Chinese class are here to show the movie to the students."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he left eagerly.

And at this time.

The 50 students under the podium went crazy with joy!

One of the best memories of my school days is watching movies in class!

If there is anything better than this, it would be to let the students watch the movie while the teacher is not around!

You can freely change seats and sit with the people you want to sit with, and eat snacks in large and small bags...

It’s almost like a movie theater!

On the podium.

The Chinese class representative is adjusting the computer equipment.

The students under the podium were already ready to make a move.

"Lao Song, come here quickly. Let's change places. I want to sit with Li Ke!"

"Here comes Brother Zhao!"

"Brother Cheng, hurry up. Change places with Liu Min. Your Huihui is impatient~"

"Fuck, you're going to die! Stop pushing, come here!"

At this time, several couples could no longer hold back their excitement and began to change seats and sit together.

And they are almost always chosen in the back corner of the classroom.

For no other reason than to be safe!

The whole scene was full of the youthful vitality of students.

The movie had only been playing for three minutes and almost all the seats had been changed.

The lights in the classroom were turned off and the curtains on both sides were drawn.

The atmosphere instantly filled up!

Some girls even boldly sat on boys' laps. It was hard to imagine that this was only the second week of school.

At this time.

Jiang Feng, who had already left, now poked his head out of the back door of the classroom and looked happily at the couples of men and women sitting together: "One pair, two pairs, three pairs, okay, there are a total of four classes. There are three couples!”


Heard the whole thing coming from the back door.

A large group of students were all confused!

And the three couples sitting together were almost scared out of their wits!


[Pfft hahahaha! I knew that Teacher Jiang had no good intentions when he came back specially. It turned out that he was secretly checking up on lovers! 】

【Grass! It’s impossible to guard against it! Who would have thought of riding a horse like this! 】

【Awesome! This is only the second week, and the girl is even sitting directly on the boy's lap! Am I really old? I can no longer understand today’s young people! 】

【What a loss hahahaha! Teacher Jiang’s operation shocked my mother for a whole year! 】

[Although it’s damaged, it looks so good, hahaha! Come more, love watching! I was caught in the rain that year, so I had to tear off the students’ umbrellas and pour aqua regia on them! 】

[Laughing, students are the flowers of the motherland, Teacher Jiang pinches every one he sees! 】



The girl sitting on the boy's lap suddenly moved to the side.

Blushing, he whispered: "Jiang...Teacher Jiang...we...didn't do anything, do you believe it..."

The boy also lowered his head and said, "Yes... we are just ordinary classmates..."

Jiang Feng couldn't hold back after hearing what the man and woman closest to him said.

I'm just curious to see how many couples there are in the class, and I don't mean to break you up.

Why do you make me look like a great villain?

It reminded him of a piece of chicken soup he had heard before: If he is the kind of boy who throws your hand away when you meet a teacher on the street, do you think he really loves you?

Isn't this just nonsense and a sneaky idea of ​​PUA students?

If it wasn't for the teacher's strict supervision, how could the students hide?


If the teacher lets go, break up because it is not true love.

Those who don't let go when the teacher encounters them are even more critical, because they will be punished.

Did you see it, a proper PUA master!

The key is that some young girls are really easy to be fooled and follow the wind.

Jiang Feng looked at the couple and said with a smile, "I agree to this marriage."

Student: “Eh???”

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