Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 55 Going Further And Further Down The Road Of Not Being A Human Being

After lunch with the students in the classroom.

Jiang Feng went home directly.

He had no classes all afternoon, and his home was not far away.

It won't be too late to go to school when Class 3 has evening self-study today.

Instead of sitting agonizingly in the office, wouldn't it be nice to go home and take a good nap?

Lying in bed.

Jiang Feng opened the system panel and felt very happy when he looked at the popularity value of more than 1,800 people.


That's just my money-making tool.

Jiang Feng immediately consumed 1,500 popularity points and exchanged them for 15,000 yuan first.

I don’t have any pursuits, I just like small money!

As the money arrives.

I immediately felt more confident, and even taking a nap felt much better!

He slept until he woke up naturally at nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, and then Jiang Feng got up from the bed comfortably.

Wake up and make some coffee to refresh yourself.

I feel so good, so happy...

The next second.


The phone receives an incoming call.

Caller reminder: Xu Kun, director of teaching.

Jiang Feng: "..."


Happy Kumba!

Jiang Feng reluctantly answered the phone.

Xu Kun's anxious voice immediately came from the other end: "Teacher Jiang, at 3:30 this afternoon, there is a meeting in the school's large conference room that you need to attend. The principal will personally host it."

Jiang Feng was a little confused on the spot: "Huh? What's going on? Is it important?"

"I don't know the specifics. Most of the teachers are going. It seems to be about some new semester and new plans, so be sure to come."

Good guy, it turns out you didn’t come here specifically to torment him.

Seeing this Diaomao calling specifically, Jiang Feng thought he was trying to mess with him again.

Unexpectedly, it was a normal routine meeting, and other teachers were also going.

That's understandable.

Jiang Feng agreed: "Okay, I understand."


3:29 pm.

Jiang Feng hurriedly pushed open the door of the school's large conference room.

At this time, many teachers were already sitting in the conference room.

Principal Chen had already sat on the podium in advance.

As Jiang Feng opened the door and came in, almost all the eyes of the teachers in the conference room stayed on him.

Because at this time, all the other teachers who were due to arrive had already arrived early, and Jiang Feng was the only one left to step in.

Seeing Jiang Feng rushing over, the principal's eyelids twitched fiercely.

But still didn't say anything.

After all, Jiang Feng is the only teacher selected by the school to participate, and winning the championship is related to the school's reputation.

And judging from the situation in the past few days, he has indeed taken the lead in the entire "Searching for the Most Beautiful Gardener in the Country" program.

There is definitely real material.

For talented people, it is understandable that they come a little late.

After all, although he came in late, he was really not late.

In the left corner of the front row, Chen Mei pointed to the empty seat next to her and waved to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng looked over.

Except for Gao Yang, several other teachers from the Chinese language group of the first year of high school are sitting here.

There is a special place reserved for him on the outermost side.

Jiang Feng also sat down.


Then it's a baptism of sin...

The principal is truly worthy of being a principal!

What about implementing tasks, teachers’ sense of responsibility, school cohesion, advancing work, clarifying the division of responsibilities...

In short, all kinds of awesome words came out of his mouth, and he said them for more than ten minutes without repeating them.

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Feng thought it had to be you!

No wonder he can't be the principal, he can't even say anything in this kind of situation!

It was obvious that he had been standing there talking for so long, and seemed to have talked a lot.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that he didn't say anything.

The planning is very good, don’t plan it next time!


It's not just Jiang Feng.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room was numb.

[Are all principals the same in the world? Our principal is like this too. Every time he preaches something, all kinds of awesome words come out of his mouth, and by the end I don’t even know what he wants to say! 】

[I think the principal said it very well. Of course, it would sound even better if you cover your ears and don’t listen! 】

【puff! You guy upstairs knows the art of talking! 】

[Now I finally know why our teachers were so downcast every time we had a meeting. I’m afraid there was a principal like this at that time! 】

[I’m a little curious. Can I copy what he just said and put it into my composition? Will he get big points? 】

[Don’t go, the teacher will say it’s false and empty! Also don’t ask me how I know! 】



It wasn't until about four o'clock in the afternoon that I finished talking about a lot of things in front of me.

And just then.

The principal suddenly changed the subject.

They mentioned the completion of the renovation of the school's new gymnasium.

After hearing this, Jiang Feng even called him a good guy!

Listening to the principal means:

The school's newly renovated gymnasium is still a bit messy, so some teachers need to be selected to clean it up.

It even has the euphemistic name of improving teachers’ practical and hands-on abilities and setting an example for students.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but want to give him a thumbs up.

This really illustrates the phrase "you should save money and go to the bar on a bicycle"!

Such a big gymnasium can be renovated casually without blinking an eye.

When it's time to clean, I start using teachers as labor for free!


Jiang Feng, as the only male teacher in the high school Chinese language group, skipped the voting and was elected!

It seems like they are here to torment him again!

Pretty fucked up.

On the way back.

Jiang Feng was worrying about cleaning.

Seeing a group of students after class, I suddenly thought of something.

He immediately smiled knowingly.

I went back and looked at the class schedule of Class 3, and I felt even happier.

They study in the fourth period in the afternoon!

Isn’t there a way to do this?


Jingle bell bell~

A few minutes later.

As the class bell rang, the students in Class 3 rushed back to the classroom one by one to start self-study.

At this time, Jiang Feng walked in empty-handed.

All 48 pairs of eyes in the class suddenly became puzzled!

"Teacher Jiang, is something wrong?"

"Teacher Jiang doesn't want to occupy this self-study class, right?"

"Pfft! No! I haven't written my English copy yet!"

Do not know why.

Seeing Jiang Feng, they immediately thought that Jiang Feng was taking up classes, so many people began to wail.

"Don't worry, I won't take up your class."

Jiang Feng's face was full of sincerity, his eyes were more innocent than Ding Zhen's, and he said: "I just want to ask, is there anyone who doesn't want to go to self-study? The school has opened a new gymnasium, I will take you to play."

? ? ?

Is there such a good thing?

The words just fell.

Many people in the whole class were excited!

Especially those boys.

Without thinking, he stood up from his seat excitedly, as if he was afraid of leaving them behind!

"Me me me!"

"And I!"

"Teacher Jiang, take me with you!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng smiled happily.


Live broadcast room audience:? ? ?

When Jiang Feng arrived at the door of Class 3, many people in the live broadcast room had already begun to realize that something was wrong.

It wasn't until Jiang Feng said that he would take you to the gymnasium to play that everyone immediately understood what was happening!

This sixth child is going to trick the poor students!

[Already started to laugh! 】

【puff! Teacher Jiang, you will lose the trust of the students like this, hahahaha! 】

【6! Our class was really deceived like this back then! Under the deception of the class teacher, a large group of people happily took basketballs and went to sweep the floor on the playground! 】

【Grass! Exactly the same! So does our class! 】

【sorry! Forgive me for laughing unkindly! Teacher Jiang has gone further and further down the road of not being a human being! 】

[Teacher Jiang, I beg you to do some personnel work! 】



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