Everything is under Jiang Feng's control.

Even the students' reactions were within his expectations.

From the initial depression when I heard about the exam, to the sudden strength when I heard that they were invited to eat German chicken.

It was all in Jiang Feng's prediction, and it could be said that he could control it with both hands.

It seems that none of these students have experienced the sinister nature of the human heart!

Wouldn't this teach them a lesson?

Jiang Feng remained calm, without any fluctuations as he did in the morning math test.

"It's the same as the rules in the morning. Don't discuss in whispers, don't plagiarize or cheat, do the exam quietly and don't affect others, just be conscious."

In classrooms.

Under Jiang Feng's instruction, the class representative distributed the test papers to the students.

The clattering sound of test papers being passed around filled the classroom, and there was almost no other sound.

The students under the podium also picked up the test papers and wrote their class names step by step.

It doesn't look much different from usual.

There was only one thing that surprised them.

Teacher Jiang didn't seem to be doing anything weird today, just being normal.

For a while, they were all a little uncomfortable.

I always felt that this sixth teacher must have some way to suddenly hurt them.

And now this inexplicable silence always feels like the last calm before the storm.

It makes people feel a little bit uneasy.

On the podium.

Jiang Feng looked at the test paper in his hand without any special action.

No panic at all.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room had begun to sit still.


[Come on, come on, brothers, we are already laughing! 】

[Hold it, hold it back, don’t laugh yet! Don't worry, brothers! Wait until the students are scratching their heads and scratching their heads before you start laughing! 】

[I can’t help it, I can’t help it at all! I could bear it when I watched Mikami-sensei’s videos, but I can’t bear it now! 】

【? ? ? There's something wrong with you kid! Let’s talk about Mr. Mikami’s video in detail! Add a friend and send me a copy! I have a friend who wants to check it out! 】

[Needless to say, I am his friend! Don’t send it to him, send it directly to me! 】

[In this case, let me tell the truth, I also have hundreds of millions of friends...]



for these students.

The first two minutes of the exam were pretty normal.

Since the tests are all about basic knowledge from junior high school, it is not too difficult to do.

After all, these are basic questions that are easy to pick up.

For students who can get into Yunhai City No. 1 Middle School, it shouldn't be too difficult.

You have to finish the exam quickly and easily, and then go eat German chicken!


Things did not develop in the direction they imagined.

Only a few minutes had passed.

Soon some students who were doing the questions quickly discovered something was wrong.


Why is the answer to this question still A?

It feels like I have already chosen a lot of options A.

No, no, there must be something wrong.

Let’s look back.


You don’t know this by looking at it, you’ll be shocked when you see it!

The boy almost fell down without being able to sit still.

Oh shit!

Why did I choose 6 A options in a row!

Is this reasonable?

It seems that 6 consecutive questions all have the same option.

The boy immediately felt like his scalp was numb, and he lost his confidence on the spot!

There must be a wrong question!

So... Let's look at the first question again.

after awhile.

No, it seems to be fine, but the third question is a little ambiguous.

Mark it carefully and change it later.


the other side.

After going through the ordeal of the math test in the morning.

When Ma Xiaohao saw the Chinese language test paper, he suddenly had a feeling of darkness.

Although he is not good at mathematics, Chinese is his scoring subject!

And it’s all junior high school knowledge, so your self-confidence is skyrocketing, okay!

Why don't you show off in front of Teacher Jiang for a while, and then show off with big mouthfuls of German chicken?

With excitement, Ma Xiaohao stared at the topic very seriously in his seat.


After just a few questions, he began to feel confused.

Question 1 option A.

Question 2...Option A...

Question 3...Option A...

The next question... is option A again!

Ma Xiaohao's scalp suddenly went numb.

Damn it, why did you choose A for so many questions in a row?

Looking at the test papers where I chose several A's one after another, I started to doubt myself a little bit on the spot!

No, it must be that I chose the wrong question in the previous question.

After staring for a while, it seemed that it was the third question.

Option A and option C have similar meanings...choose C, which looks much more normal.

AACAA, it’s not as outrageous as all A’s.

Ten seconds later.

ah? Why is the sixth question still an A? ? ?


And in the entire third class classroom.

It wasn't just the two of them who were a little anxious.

It can be said that this situation is a true portrayal of most students today.

There are so many identical options coming out one after another. This is the first time I have seen this!

They started to feel less confident on the spot!

I suspect that I made the wrong choice, I wonder if I misread the options, I wonder if one of the questions is too confusing...

Some people even wondered whether Diaomao, who was sitting next to him, was shaking his legs all the time, which affected his performance!

But they were the only ones who didn't suspect that Jiang Feng, the culprit, was sitting very calmly on the podium!


Only about ten minutes have passed since the exam started.

As some students started to look back and forth at the test paper, they looked back at the previous questions with self-doubt.

The movement of turning over test papers in the classroom slowly began to get louder.

The movement at this time was completely different from the silence during the math test in the morning!

Many students are starting to get anxious!

And the audience watching in the live broadcast room is looking forward to this scene!

When I saw that many people were already looking back and forth at the test papers, I started laughing wildly!

【Hahahahaha! Laughing to death! This move is too damaging! Look at Ma Xiaohao, his scalp is numb and he is doubting life! 】

[Look at the girl on the left in the third row. She has read it for the sixth time in a row and is still reading the previous questions! 】

【What a loss! I laughed so hard that I did the splits! I thought it was just an ordinary act of ripping off an umbrella, but I didn't expect this move to be so powerful! 】

【More than that! I feel like the highlight is yet to come! Teacher Jiang, the sixth child, put the most emphasis on option B of the last question! Those students who have written a lot of A's in the front, but suddenly see a B at the end, I am afraid they will directly doubt their life! 】

【Grass! So devilish! I’m going to call my high school teacher tonight and ask her to learn this operation too! Give her dear students a complete childhood! 】

【puff! Be born! 】



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